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Pastor Bartel | Treherne, Manitoba
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The Importance of God’s Peace
FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 2024
Posted by: Calvary Baptist Church Of Treherne | more..
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Romans 15:25 But now I go unto Jerusalem to minister unto the saints.
26 For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem.
27 It hath pleased them verily; and their debtors they are. For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal things.
28 When therefore I have performed this, and have sealed to them this fruit, I will come by you into Spain.
29 And I am sure that, when I come unto you, I shall come in the fulness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ.
30 Now I beseech you, brethren, for the Lord Jesus Christ's sake, and for the love of the Spirit, that ye strive together with me in your prayers to God for me;
31 That I may be delivered from them that do not believe in Judaea; and that my service which I have for Jerusalem may be accepted of the saints;
32 That I may come unto you with joy by the will of God, and may with you be refreshed.
33 Now the God of peace be with you all. Amen.

As we see here that Paul did not know what all awaited him on this trip to Jerusalem, yet God did not stop him from going. God had a plan and Paul would learn more of the details in due time. None of it was a surprise to God but it would be a change of plans for Paul. As far as Paul was concerned, he was going to Jerusalem to minister unto the saints. The saints at Jerusalem had fallen on hard times. They were in need of some material help and the apostle Paul was on his way to help them.
Contrary to the lies of the Charismatics, true saints can face severe challenges in this life. The Lord does not just drop a blessing into their laps. God directs other saints to help provide for the needs of others. That help will not be through the heretical teachings of the Charismatics. Material gains are not the most important. Spiritual blessings are of much greater importance. It is not how much of this world’s goods a man has that satisfies. It is whether the man knows the true God and serves Him faithfully.
Paul wrote of how true saints demonstrate the love of God. In verse 26 we see that the saints in Macedonia and Achaia had held a collection and they were willing to help the poor saints at Jerusalem. That is a proof of their true faith. True believers care for one another. The world needs to see the love of God in action, not just in words. True saints do not seek to take advantage of others. The world is always looking for a way to take advantage of others. They will use deception if they think it will be to their benefit.
True saints trust God and they do not look to the world for help. They look to God and to His people when there is a genuine need. We see here that the saints in Macedonia and Achaia were ready to assist the saints at Jerusalem.
In verse 27 we see that the saints from Macedonia and Achaia realized that they had been helped by the saints at Jerusalem earlier. It was not financial help they had received, but a spiritual help. The Gospel of Christ had been preached to them by the apostle Paul and others who accompanied him and they were so grateful for the gift of eternal life that had been preached to them. At that time, the saints in different areas had helped fund Paul’s travels and that is how he was able to go to their area and preach the gospel there. They had heard and they had responded obediently. They were not paying for their salvation now. They were simply expressing their gratitude by willingly helping with the physical needs the saints in Jerusalem had.
In verse 28 we see that the apostle Paul expected to be able to leave Jerusalem as a free man after he delivered them this gift. He had been warned that trouble was awaiting him, but he declared that would not stop him from going there. Paul would be arrested and charged by the Judaizers of a non-crime. Paul would still be a free man because he was a prisoner of Jesus Christ first of all. He was saved and submitted to obeying God’s call on his life.
In verse 29 the apostle Paul planned on coming to the saints in Rome to provide a blessing to them. He was not anticipating any troubles, but was coming in the fulness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ. That gospel is a blessing to all who will receive it. It is designed to be a blessing to those who reject it as well, but they show their lack of interest in the truth.
In verse 30 the apostle asked that the saints in Rome work together with him in prayer. True prayer is work. It is a very important work for God’s people. He was seeking God’s blessing in his travels. He understood the importance of the prayers of the saints. We need one another. It is a great blessing to know that there are others praying with us and for us. We do the same for others.
In verse 31 the apostle Paul acknowledged that there was a danger in going to Jerusalem. He knew that the Judaizers did not want him coming there again. They had no use for him. They would prove just how much they hated him and how much they hated the gospel of Christ. Their hatred for the Lord Jesus Christ would be shown toward Paul.
Paul was not going to avoid the danger that he knew was there. He assumed that he would be kept from being arrested or restricted from his work.
In verse 32 Paul stated again that his intent was to come to Rome with joy by the will of God. He would be able to do that. The only difference was that he would be travelling as a “guest/prisoner” of the Roman government. The Romans had nothing against him at that point. It was the Judaizers that were trying to kill him. He used his Roman citizenship as a form of human protection from these attacks. Later on the Roman government would also become his enemy and would even put him to death.
In verse 33 he expressed his desire that the saints in Rome would continue to be blessed by the God of peace. That is the greatest need we have. God does not want His children to be troubled by their circumstances. He wants them to be confident of His watch-care over them. God is always good to His own. He always blesses His children abundantly. As we demonstrate the joy of the Lord in our hearts and lives, we can show the lost the blessing they could know if they would turn to the true God. The world needs to see this. We see so much unrest in our own country at this time. A new protest in Newfoundland even delayed the presentation of the latest budget. The government used the heavy hand of the law against this protest, while those who protest against Israel are given protection by the law. We have a very unjust system of government and of the rule of law. That will continue to get worse. Hitler slowly but persistently proved who he was. Our government is also slowly but persistently showing who they truly are. The Lord Jesus has declared that the day is coming when He will come back in the clouds to remove all New Testament saints from this earth. We, who are saved, can look forward to that day. God has also warned us that when the saints are removed, He will reveal the “man of sin” who will deceive the world with lying signs and wonders. The world does not care about this today. They will care then. The proposed restrictions being planned for us now will explode then and God will bring severe judgment upon humanity as the antichrist tries to take over the world.
True peace is not found in hiding your head in the sand, or finding another drink, or some other drug. True peace is found in knowing the true God and serving Him faithfully.
Pastor Bartel

Category:  Daily Devotion

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