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Pastor Bartel | Treherne, Manitoba
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God’s Acts Are Righteous
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Romans 9:25 As he saith also in Osee, I will call them my people, which were not my people; and her beloved, which was not beloved.
26 And it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people; there shall they be called the children of the living God.
27 Esaias also crieth concerning Israel, Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, a remnant shall be saved:
28 For he will finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness: because a short work will the Lord make upon the earth.
29 And as Esaias said before, Except the Lord of Sabaoth had left us a seed, we had been as Sodoma, and been made like unto Gomorrha.

In verse 25 we see a word that is unique. The name Osee is the Greek version of the Old Testament name Hosea. God directed the apostle Paul to quote from Hosea 2:23. We see how God leads His people. The Scriptures are unique in that they alone are inspired by God. God could direct the writers that He chose to take a verse from one place and use it in application in another place.
Today, through faithful Bible study, God still directs His servants to take a Scripture from one place and use it to help make application in another place. He does that through the work of the Holy Spirit. No evangelist or pastor, teacher is inspired by God. However, those who are saved and serving God faithfully will be directed to different Scriptures to help make the point that God is directing them in.
All Scripture has One Author. He is able to direct His servants to use His Word accurately for His purposes. It is always important to be careful to keep the context of a verse in mind. Much false doctrine has been developed by carelessly pulling verses from different places and making a “new doctrine”, that may be impressive to the unlearned, but not pleasing to the Lord.
In our text, God continued to make the point that He can take any person or any people and call them His people. It all depends on their hearts. The reference here is to the fact that there are Gentiles that also make up the “Israel of God.” The Israel of God are the people of God. As we have noted many times, God wants all to be saved. He does not block anyone out. God can take those who are despised by the secular Jews and bring them into His fold. He does that through the convicting work of the Holy Spirit. There were Gentiles in the days of Moses who wanted to become part of the nation of Israel when they left Egypt after the ten plagues. Many of those Gentiles became a thorn in the side of Israel during the wilderness wanderings. Some of them actually were true believers in God. When Joshua sent the spies into Canaan to spy out Jericho, Rahab the harlot had heard enough about God’s dealings with Israel that she wanted to become a part of the family of God. No doubt she heard of the troubles that Israel faced, but God is able to help people in need to see beyond the troubles of rebels and to see the blessings of God.
In verse 26 Paul quoted from Hosea 1:10. The Old Testament prophets were under God’s direction and they wrote things that God would draw from years later in the New Testament. Certainly Jericho was not a place where God was known. It was a pagan place. However, Rahab and her family became part of the people of God. There were other places like Nineveh in the days of Jonah that was not a place that served God. However the powerful Word of God, even in a reluctant servant like Jonah, had the power to bring conviction and repentance to an entire people.
God’s Word is powerful. It will impact all those who hear it. A few of those will be saved, but all will be held accountable for the truth they have received.
In verse 27 God drew from the prophet Isaiah in chapter 10:22. Paul was directed to remind the readers that even though He kept His promise to make Israel as numerous as the sand upon the sea, yet only a remnant would be saved. God again reminds us that He does not force Himself upon anyone.
Salvation is a personal matter, in that each person must choose for themselves if they will be saved. It is not personal in that it is to be kept a secret. Those who are saved and faithful in preaching the Gospel will never know how many have been saved through their work. Anyone that takes a good Gospel tract and gives it to someone is sowing the seed. The person giving the tract may never hear if the recipient was saved, however, God knows. If the person does get saved, they will be changed. They will be drawn by God, the Holy Spirit, to seek out a good church where they can grow and in which they can be baptized and become a member.
In verse 28 God promised to finish the Work. God accomplishes His Work. God was again warning that the day of grace is in His hands, not man’s. The nation of Israel flaunted the blessings God wanted to give them for too long. He sent the Assyrians to capture the North and the Babylonians to capture the South. Since that time, Israel has been floundering. Jews have been saved, but the nation has suffered due to their continual rebellion. After God brought them back to their land after the 70 years in exile, the nation did not repent and follow God. They built a new temple and also rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem, but they never honoured God as a nation. Prior to the Lord Jesus Christ coming in the flesh, the Pharisees had developed a powerful false religion and they were very influential in the life of the nation. There were some God-fearing people, but not very many. We see that in the attitude of the people in the time of Christ. Jesus made note of that fact.
To this day, even though Jews are back in part of the land of Israel, the nation is not a God-fearing nation. They are suffering due to the fact that God is righteous and He does not throw His pearls to the swine. Israel, as a nation, does not want God at this time. They want traditions and rituals, but they do not want God. They will one day turn to God, but they have not done that yet.
Those who are saved today need to continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. God’s promises are sure.
In verse 29 God directed Paul to quote from Isaiah 1:9. Paul reminded the Jews of how evil they were. It was not a badge of honour to be compared to Sodoma and Gomorrha. The Lord of Sabaoth is a reference to the Lord of Hosts. It is a military term. The Lord is the Head of His army. He, in His mercy and grace left a seed, a remnant among the Jews. If it were not for the few faithful Jews who had not remained in sin, there would not have been any saved Jews. Peter and John were two Godly Jews who were part of the seed as were Isaiah and Hosea. The apostle Paul was also one of the Godly Jews. Churches were established in the first century. Some of them were largely Jewish in membership. However, Gentiles were and are also being saved. True Christianity has never been the majority. The fact that the first century Christians were accused of turning the world upside down (Acts 17:6), was not due to overwhelming numbers, but by the power of God’s Word. God does not need a massive army to accomplish His purposes. He is the power. The Holy Spirit works in the hearts of people to bring them to see their need of salvation. God requires that His servants be faithful servants who do not interfere with His Work.
Sodom and Gomorrah do not exist today. Some think they know where it once was, but no one is sure. God destroyed them so that no one would be able to visit that place. He wrote about them, but their remains cannot be found. Israel would not exist if it were not for the mercy and grace of God. They certainly had not earned the favour of God. They could not then nor now demand God’s blessings. They are back in the land now because God is still true to His promise to Abraham. There will be a righteous nation there at the end of the Tribulation. Today there are righteous Jews scattered among the nations. However, the nation is not righteous, but God is. He acts in righteousness. He cannot be swayed by tricks and deception. He is a loving God and He deals in righteousness at all times. It is important for each person to understand God’s terms and submit to His terms.
No amount of protests will ever change Him. He does not need to change. We need to change. He demands change from those who are His. He provides the only way for a person to change. His gift of salvation is a powerful gift. It will produce the change He requires. He will provide the seed in the saved person that can grow and develop into a productive plant.
Pastor Bartel

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