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Pastor Bartel | Treherne, Manitoba
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Calvary Baptist Church Of Treherne
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God’s Love Is Unique
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II Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

As we continue these devotionals it is important to remind our readers of the importance of praying for the peace of Jerusalem. God does not condone the rebellion that is prevalent within the nation of Israel. God does not overlook the wickedness that many Jews are involved in. Praying for the peace of Jerusalem does not mean that Israel is exempt from God’s righteousness and holiness.
The invasion of southern Israel by Hamas a few weeks ago has exposed the deep hatred for Jews that is spreading across the globe. There are many people in our own country who hate the Jews. This is not a good thing. This hatred goes deeper than just a hatred for the Jews. It is a hatred for God. This hatred is fuelled by the devil, who is filled with hatred for God. He would love to see God fall, but it will never happen. He is a fool for continuing his attack against God. Many people have foolishly chosen to follow his lead, rather than turning to God.
One of the main avenues of hatred of God and Israel is the Islamic system. It is more than just a religion. The goal of Islam has always been to overthrow all other systems. It is intent on ruling the world. When they begin to move into a country, they work hard to get into places of influence. They purchase businesses, and they run for council and for other government positions. They are very subtle and they are very good at deceiving the media and others into thinking they are being picked on.
Not that many years ago the term Islamophobia was coined. No one has ever truly defined the word, but it is stated to be a big problem. Speaking up against a false system is not hatred. Attacking and trying to kill people is wrong. We have mentioned before that this conflict in the Middle East will not be solved by bombs and rockets. It will not be solved by the protests that have arisen in many parts of the world. It will only be solved when individuals, whether Jew or Gentile repent toward God and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation.
Our government does not want that message proclaimed. Many groups in this country do not want that message proclaimed either. Not long ago I spoke with a man who claimed little interest in religion. We talked for awhile and I quoted some Scripture to him. He took offence to the fact that I believe there is absolute truth and thus there is also that which is wrong. He did not mind if I wanted to believe the Bible, but he did not like it that I rejected all other belief systems.
He is free to reject the truth. No one can force someone to believe what they do not want to believe. It would be unloving for me, as a person who knows the truth, to refuse to speak the truth to others. The love of God is expressed in these words:

I John 4:10 Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.

Jesus Christ came into this world to give His life as the satisfactory sacrifice that His Father demanded. He did that because of the love of God. It was not that man was pleading with God for a Redeemer. Man was not interested in a Redeemer. Man wants his own way. He wants to be told he is good and is going to live well and end well. He wants to know that at the end of it all there will be a good end. There are those who believe that we live and die and that is it. Most people have a hope for some type of restful place after death.
The Bible makes it clear that the only way to find rest is through faith in the true God. That is not a message that everyone wants to hear or believe. However, that is the message that God has given to man. There is a Creator God. That fact states that creation is accountable to the Creator God. That is what many find offensive. The devil found that offensive and sought to remove that reality. He has failed and he will be cast into the lake of fire one day. His lies and his craftiness will not erase that fact. Those who choose to follow his path will join him in that dreadful place one day. That is also a fact.
God does not want anyone to end up in the lake of fire. That is why God sent His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ to this earth to give His life a ransom for all. God created a beautiful world. He created a sinless man to dwell on this earth and enjoy His creation. Adam chose not to remain sinless. He chose to listen to the lie of the devil and he became a sinner. He was never a god. Satan suggested that man would be as god if he would eat from the forbidden fruit. Adam believed that lie and the result was that all people are born as lost sinners.
The conflicts we are facing are the result of being born as sinners. Children soon demonstrate their defiance against truth. They do not want rules unless they make them. Some children are more defiant than others, but all children are defiant against the truth. Many continue on that path and remain defiant as adults. They end up in hell and will eventually be cast into the lake of fire.
It is important to accept the true God as your own personal God and Saviour. It is important to submit to Him as Lord of your life. That is the way of blessing. The peace of God is available for those who will turn to God in repentance and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour. That is what those who are saved need to pray for Jerusalem and for the entire world. That is the message that needs to be central to all that every child of God does. Those who are truly born again, have an understanding that God is the Author of peace and He is the only provider of peace. His way is not an inconvenience for man. His way is the right way for man. There is no need to apologize for speaking the truth. Jesus Christ never apologized for anything because He is Truth. He was hated by the religious false teachers. They were able to convince enough people to join them in their hatred for Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ went to the cross due to the love of God for mankind, not because of the hatred of mankind for God. Many hated Him while He was on earth. Many still hate Him today. However, He is still loves mankind and He still desires that man be saved.
Every person has a set time on this earth. God knows that time, man does not. During that time, God wants man to listen to His work in their heart and then turn to Him in repentance and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. We can look at our time on this earth and at times we might even suggest that it was a tragedy that some person had to die so young. What is a tragedy is when a person dies without knowing the love of God in their heart. Opposing God will not change Who God is or what He is doing. It is a futile effort to insist on having your own way. God’s way is right and it is the way to go.
If you are reading this but do not have God’s peace in your heart, why not stop right now and ask God to open your understanding that you might repent toward Him and be saved through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Follow what God says in His Word, not what you feel is good enough. Know the truth and be blessed.
Pastor Bartel

Category:  Daily Devotion

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