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Heshimu Colar | Abuja, Nigeria
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Elly Achok Olare, Evangelist
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Emmanuel Baptist Church,
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"THE FEAR OF ME" - Jeremiah 32:40
Posted by: Sovereign Grace African Fellowship | more..
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"I will make an everlasting covenant with them, never to draw back from doing good to them; and I will put the fear of me in their hearts, so that they may not turn from me."

The fear of God is good. It causes us to turn from danger, and it keeps us near the Lord. This is for our own benefit: It keeps us from disaster, and grievous pain.

Many, right now, are under God's chastening judgment. They are fully loved, but they live contrary to God's will, lacking enthusiasm and assurance, living selfishly. They love him, but not like they will when the chastisement is over.

They need to be broken off self strength, self righteousness, and self government. They need to live for Christ wholeheartedly. Then, hating the pain of affliction, they'll cleave to him as sinners, trusting the Blood and the Spirit to do God's will. They'll lean on Christ for obedience, and nothing else will matter, except his glory, and his nearness. Ephesians 3:21, "to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever"

Do not despise this chastening love. Hebrews 12:6, "for the Lord disciplines those whom he loves, and chastises every child whom he accepts.” It's God's goodness to the elect. We could have perished, like everyone else. We certainly deserve it, but he's decided to discipline us, rather than destroy us. He brings us back. Jeremiah 32:37, 'See, I am going to gather them from all the lands to which I drove them in my anger and my wrath and in great indignation; I will bring them back to this place, and I will settle them in safety."

First, "I will make an everlasting covenant with them." God made this covenant in Jesus Christ. He chose us freely, not because we did or said anything. Romans 9:11, "(for the children not yet being born, nor having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works but of Him who calls)." It was not because we are better than others, or sought God. We were sinners, like everyone else, and we'd go to hell assuredly. He gave us special distinguishing love that he has for Jacob and not Esau. We deserved that our confession of faith would prove to be fraudulent. We deserved to be found out in the depths of sin, and exposed as hypocrites. We deserved, like all humanity, the worst that could happen to us, but he chose to save us, instead.

Many perished in our shoes. There are many, even now, who are hypocrites. They have a profession of faith, but no substance. They take his name in vain, and excuse their sin. They started hot, but now they're cold. They love the world. What's the difference? God chose to save us, though we did the same things. He taught us the gospel, when we were living for ourselves!

Secondly, "I will put fear of me in their hearts." The fear of God is a gift that all do not have. It is a special love token that makes us hate our sins: We see how much they cost us.

Some arrogant and unfortunate souls are under the delusion that God doesn't cause pain: (it's all the Devil.) They don't realize that GOD CURSED the earth in the beginning. They don't realize that he destroyed the world in the Flood, and he rained down fire upon Sodom. He is coming back to judge this world in righteousness, and it is the wrath of the Lamb, who'll look on as souls are punished in hell. Revelation 14:10, "they will also drink the wine of God’s wrath, poured unmixed into the cup of his anger, and they will be tormented with fire and sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb." They do not know God, and twist the scriptures. They don't care what he says. We, however, have his fear. We know better. We fall into sin, but we don't deny the gospel of grace.

Look here, dear child of God, and see his goodness to you. He chastised you, and didn't allow you to fulfill your pleasure. He kept you poor, or gave you pregnancy to slow down. He frustrated your plans, and showed you that living for self with that unbelieving spouse could not fulfill you. He destroyed your business, or gave you such emptiness that you had to seek him. He made your life miserable, and now you rejoice! You've come back to him as a helpless sinner, and he's received you with kisses. He wiped the vomit from your mouth, and changed your diaper. He gave his blood, so he could receive you in the unspeakableness of grace and in the vileness of who you are. No words can describe you, nor describe his forbearance, patience, and kindness. No tongue can tell of his goodness to you, because he brought you back, when you tried everything else.

Hear his heart pumping with love. Put your head on his bosom. He receives you. Let your own heart burn with remembrance. Distinguishing grace made you a trophy, and now you love him more than life itself. Live for his glory, therefore, and never forget. Oh, how you rejoice now. Now, you know peace!

Thirdly, "they will not depart from me." We're not going anywhere! We check our thoughts and motives at the door. We present our hearts to God, and ask if anything is unclean. Psalms 139:23, "Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my thoughts." We search the word to see if we are right, and we repent of sin. We don't want the desert ever again - the dry and thirsty land, where there is no water. Now, our decisions need approval, and our will is his.

Come back to him today, and say, "I'm all yours. Whatever you want me to do - just put it in my heart, and let me do it. Allow me to repent of sin. Search me, O Lord, and lead me into righteousness. If there is any crooked way, then remove and expose it. Let me have you - your heart, your fellowship, and your approval - above everything on earth."

This is a good heart, made so by grace. This is a soul that's strong in the Lord: he leans on the Spirit, because Christ died in his place. He knows forgiveness, and lives in God's acceptance: not merit. He knows he needs strength, so he seeks God everyday.

Finally, let this be you! Come back to him by Jesus Christ, and never go away!

Category:  Heshimu Colar

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