If the gift of tongues was still in existence, then we’d see Acts 2:5-11, where they spoke in other people’s birth tongues, though never having learned them. This is the miracle. It is the same miracle in Acts 10, and Acts 19.
Everywhere in the Bible - old testament and new - the word “tongue” means language. God has a people out of every nation, kindred, tribe, and tongue. It never means gibberish.
In 1 Cor 14, when Paul speaks about an “unknown tongue,” he’s saying that if I start speaking Swahili in a Chinese speaking assembly, then no one will understand me, so I must be quiet. I speak mysteries, because I’m in communion with God, but I’m to be quiet in the church.
This gift is not here and hundreds of millions of people are deceived by a fake miracle. They have false assurance, and these miracles promote false teachers with false doctrines. This is why it is dangerous, and not a side issue in the church, but it dishonors God and deceives legions.
If you have three “interpreters” in your church. Let someone babble. Then, let them write down what the person has said. Each will come up with something different, because the gift isn’t real.
This is something that we must challenge head on. Fake miracles are no benefit to the church, except to unite those who oppose them [1 Cor 11:19].