“Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; The whole earth is full of His glory!” vs3
The whole earth is filled with the glory of Christ. He has the glory of condemnation and the super glory of His mercy [2 Cor 3:7-11]. He has the glory of saving people from every tribe and language. The elect are scattered throughout the earth, and they will be brought back. They are redeemed, predestined, and called.
God's glory is how He saves sinners through the sacrifice of His Son; it is the riches of the inheritance. It's Him GIVING US election and revelation, revealing Christ to us when we could not have found Him, giving us strength when we had none. It's Him making us holy, not because of our works but entirely by His grace [Titus 3:5-7]. It's His gift of heaven, when we deserve hell, and all of it is in Christ. He gave His only begotten Son to give holiness to sinners and everlasting bliss! Oh, the riches of the inheritance are indescribable, and it will take eternity for us to enter into its enjoyment, power, and privilege!
Has this great salvation come to you? Do you believe on Christ by faith alone?
"So I said: 'Woe is me, for I am undone! Because I am a man of unclean lips,'" vs5
This is what happens when you see God’s glory: You cry out, "Woe is me!" No longer is it, "Woe is the other guy." It is, "Woe is me." It's personal!
When Peter saw His power, it was, "Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord!" Daniel's beauty turned to corruption [Dan 10:8]. John fell at His feet as dead.
There's an awesome awareness of our sinfulness, when we stand before God. His presence brings conviction THEN CLEANSING. He comes first as Scrutinizer, and then as Savior. He's first Lord and then Christ. First, He’s the King of Righteousness and then the King of Peace. He never comes in pardon without conviction. No man knows God who’s not utterly aware of his inability and unworthiness. You know you stand in Christ alone. Boasting has ceased, and worship begins!
Have you felt His power? Do you know that you have no claims upon or against Him? Do you know nakedness before the court of heaven, pleading mercy and not merit?
These are the ways of God, and this is the kindness that He shows man - to forgive the guilty and reconcile His enemy with 100% love on God’s side and 0% from man.
"Then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a live coal which he had taken with the tongs from the altar. And he touched my mouth with it, and said: 'Now that this has touched your lips, your iniquity is removed and your sin is atoned for.'” vs7
How can forgiveness touch us? How can the bush burn and not be consumed [Ex 3:2-3]? God is with us for Christ's sake. For His sake, HOLINESS CAN TOUCH the sinner, and we get forgiveness instead of burning… grace instead of wrath! God's work in Christ has shielded us from the pain. We are baptized in His baptism and feel no burning [Mark 10:39; Rom 6:1-9]. We pass through the Flood but we stay dry. We are cut off, but we feel no pain, circumcised in Christ [Col 2:11]. We are forgiven and God is still holy, because Christ is risen, having carried our sins away.
Bless God for blood atonement. Behold the Lamb who has been slain. He is worthy, so we are accepted! This is faith: the worthiness of One makes the many righteous!
"Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying:
'Whom shall I send,
And who will go for Us?'
Then I said, 'Here am I! Send me.' ” vs8
Finally, this is what makes us willing to serve God: forgiveness and power over sin.
A dear woman I met in Kaduna, serving God with her husband and small daughter, asked, "How do you handle the disappointments? You pour so much in and get so little out?"
The answer comes from this passage: "Here I am, send me, because iniquity is NOT MY MASTER! I've been forgiven and set free. I'm liberated, experiencing the gospel’s power daily. He's constantly showing me Christ, so I serve with joy!" This is the only way that we can go forward, serving the Master in willingness and thankfulness to God! This is the power of remembrance, celebrated in the Lord's Supper; it's the resurrection life.
Believe what you have in Christ, and you will serve Him. You will lay down your life in thankfulness and joy. You’ll see the reason for every sacrifice, even to the death. The honor of His name and doing His will shall become your priority. “Send me. I'll go.” How about you? How about you?