Please join us in worship this Sunday as we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior! Meeting times are 9:30 and 5:30, each with a different message. Songbooks and Bibles provided; masks optional, distanced seating available (ask an usher).
“Oh yes, Jesus was buried. To be buried is indescribably horrible. The earth swallows us up, and we return to the dust. He was buried, but his burial was different. His blessed body would not know corruption such as ours. And that is the everlasting gospel: He arose. Death is so final, so awful, so conclusive! But Jesus is Jehovah Salvation! He rose the third day according to the scriptures. He broke the bonds; the grave opened, the angel rolls away the stone, and Jesus appears: the Conqueror of death, and hell, and the grave, and the curse, and damnation. Jesus arose with a glorious life. An entirely new life. And He received that wondrous new life as the Head of the church and the new world. His resurrection is proof of our justification. His resurrection is also the power of that new life for us and even in us. It is a pledge of our own glorious resurrection. Where the Head is, there must also be the body. If the Head is in the throne of God, we shall join Him there! Hallelujah!”
~excerpts from 'Unspeakable Gift' by the late Rev. Vos.