“Look upon my affliction and rescue me,
for I have not forgotten Your law.” vs153
I have not forgotten Your precepts and Your commands. The law is the believer’s rule of life, but it is the law of faith (pleasing God by faith,) and the law of love (loving others because Christ loves us.) This is the law that it is fulfilled in us [Rom 8:4].
As we look to Christ in “no condemnation,” grace comes to do what we can’t, which is serve in love! The Spirit sets us free from the flesh.
Keith Plummer said,
I must meditate more on Christ, not to avoid the magnitude and gravity of life's problems but to face and endure them.
We must go to the Gospel Source, so we can love and peace.
I spoke with a sister this morning, troubled by the cares of life, and reminded her of my most important lesson: Get the gospel in the power of the Spirit, so that you can walk in peace. To another, I said, “Get peace, so you can preach peace.” We can’t merely do religion!
First, God’s word promises revival! It is a tonic to sinners. Vs154
“Defend my cause and redeem me;
revive me according to Your word.”
We go into Babylon and face chastisement, but He brings us back. We sin, but He recovers us, cleanses the conscience, and increases our love. We are humbled and thereby made gracious. We learn to love by His goodness to us, which we experience in the dust of failure and the rottenness of transgression. God is gracious to lift us up!
Do not walk in bondage, but CRY OUT to the Most High. Call on Him to hear you. Go believingly to the throne of grace and get what you need.
Secondly, the flesh is within, the devil without, and the world is all around us, but we overcome them all. vs157
“Though my persecutors and foes are many,
I have not turned from Your testimonies.”
We conquer through the blood and the power of our testimony, which is, “For me. Christ died for me, intercedes for me, and promises me. It is MY GOSPEL, and it is personal.” [2 Tim 2:8]
We continue preaching the gospel, unashamed of what God says. The answer the world needs is Christ and Him crucified; it is love, justice, and truth. The gospel and its commands are our unwavering resolve.
Do not feel obligated to move off course: Direct your thoughts to the Son.
Thirdly, “Give me life, according to Your love!” vs159
“Consider how I love Your precepts, O LORD;
give me life according to Your loving devotion.”
What a prayer! What a cause for rejoicing. The reason we want our prayer answered is because of God’s love [1 John 4:10]! What could be more encouraging? God’s love is infinite, and it is for sinners; it is cleansing, redeeming, and fetching; it is love that helps the undeserving, the incapable, and the needy! It is love that PULLS US from the pit [Isa 38:17]: Let this be the reason God helps you, and you will be helped, indeed.
Do not fear. Don’t turn prayer into merit. Come to Him with empty hands.
Finally, everything is forever with God. vs160
“The entirety of Your word is truth,
and all Your righteous judgments endure forever.”
We labor for eternal consequences - eternal heaven and hell. We labor upon principles that will never change. There will never be anyone but Christ at God’s right hand. No creature will ever surpass Him [Eph 1:21]. We will be forever blessed because of Him, and many will suffer forever in hell.
Let’s think upon things soberly. If we do, we see that we have more to rejoice in than to complain about.