In July 2007 "Pope" Benedict confirmed what all true, Bible-believing Protestants already believed: Rome still claims to be the ONLY true Church. This is still his position, not surprisingly, to this very day. Contrary to popular belief, Vatican II changed nothing substantially in Roman Dogma. Confirming this point, the Roman Pontiff was very clear: those other "churches" in Christendom are not really churches at all, because they are not in full communion with the "Holy See". This rhetoric gave many Ecumenists a bout of apoplexy, and yet despite this "slap-down" for their churches the fawning admirers of Popery are as keen as ever to pursue full unity with the "Mother of harlots and abominations of the earth". The "State visit" to Great Britain is hailed by ecumenical church leaders as a marvellous thing. In such a day as this it is important to consider what great men of God in past generations said about Rome and her dynasty of "popes". Rome is indeed the "mother of harlots and abominations of the earth". This message is needed today as much as it ever was in Church History.