Praise the Lord for being able to get the trees all planted and looking good on Monday. Now we just need to pray that the trees take root and grow.
We have ordered the shrubs and flowers to be planted. Lord willing they will be delivered next Thursday, June 13th. We are scheduling for next Friday and Saturday, June 14 & 15, for planting. If you would have some time during the days or evenings to put some plants in the ground then it would be a great help. We will have tools ready and plants laid out but if you want to bring a shovel or wheelbarrow then I’m sure it would help.
Feel free to let me when you would be able to be there and we will organize help around those times.
Looking forward to a great weekend ahead of us. Remember tomorrow night is home-school graduation. I’m looking forward to celebrating with these young people, and their parents, as they complete this phase of their schooling.
Praying for you and trust you are remaining faithful to the Lord.