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Nick Holden | Porterville, Mississippi
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Do Christians “BECOME” Disciples?
Posted by: Pastor Nick Holden | more..
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BLOG ON: SERMON What ARE the Believers?..
Pastor Nick Holden
Nick Holden
I’m not the best at adequately communicating or conveying a thought, exactly how I conceived and conceptualize it in my mind, but that’s not going to keep me from trying to unveil what I see and know. I’m sure many of you feel the same way.

So, here’s a few things I know. Nobody — ever EARNS — the salvation of God. NOBODY! No one will ever earn their own salvation, by their own good works, based on their own merits to the glory of God. Scripture makes this very clear. “...for by the works of the law no flesh shall be justified.” (Galatians 2:16). Man cannot save himself. Now, on the other hand, every new creature in Christ Jesus, meaning, those who have been eternally redeemed, reconciled and reinforced by God’s redeeming grace, will EMBRACE, ENJOY and EXPRESS His saving work, with the good works of faith, as a steadfast and delighted servant of God and follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. It’s only in our culture that a distinction is made between being a disciple of Jesus and a Christian. But Jesus nor His message claims that He came to make Christians. He came to save sinners and those hostile sinners that He saves are new creatures in Christ Jesus who have been born again and converted to be disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. The few times the word Christian is used scripturally (only 3 times), it is used in describing a recognizable disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ... and marks them by their expression of His saving work, in and through them, and identifies that person as a “Christ follower”. Their CLAIM is not what caused others to call them Christians but the EVIDENCE of their conversion, commitment and conduct. It was their attitude and affections and actions that caused others to recognize Jesus in them and call them Christians. These disciples of Jesus lived to covert and rescue and make disciples of others, who were still hostile to the gospel they gave their lives to serve. They were disciples of Jesus, living to make disciples for Jesus, and the world around them coined a term for them and called them Christians.

The thought of someone being a “Christian” but not a “disciple of Jesus” is biblically unheard of and it holds absolutely no merit scripturally. But somehow, through the ages it has become the norm and acceptable falsehood in our society and churches. If you listen to the lingo of the church, you’ll hear that someone can be a Christian but not a disciple of Jesus. They endorse a lie that someone can become a “legitimate Christian” and later become a legitimate disciple, when they are ready to surrender to Jesus, but it is totally unnecessary, because only a claim of faith will suffice. Some go as far as saying they may never get to that point of being a disciple on their faith journey. And that is as ludicrous as believing someone can earn their own salvation by their own goodness. The new birth takes a non disciple (a hostile to the gospel of grace) and makes him a disciple (a follower), who, as a new creature in Christ, now lives to follow and learn from Jesus and becomes a disciple maker with Him.

Anything short of that is based on a falsehood. To trust Jesus is to trust His gospel message and His promised return. To believe Jesus is to believe His gospel message and He’s return for them. To entrust oneself to Jesus is to entrust oneself to His gospel message and live for Him while waiting for His promised return. To serve Jesus is to serve His gospel message and live in the light of His promised return. To love for Jesus is to live for His gospel message and long for His return. It’s impossible to separate Him from His gospel message and promised return, therefore, it’s impossible to claim Jesus but not be committed to Him and His gospel message and look for Him and His glorious appearing (Titus 2:11-14 ; Hebrews 9:27-28). But it is very possible to FALSELY claim Christ and not be given to Him or His gospel message. God’s saving work in Christ is unquestionable and undeniable... what is questionable is my trust. The principles of discipleship do not save... they serve as evidence of His saving work of grace. Have I entrusted my life and sin to Him and His gospel message to serve and make disciples with Him or am I simply putting trust in my own claim of Him. I’ll let you figure that out for yourself. Just keep in mind, that when Jesus saves someone FROM something He always saves them TO something. Do not settle on anything short than what truth teaches. If Jesus delivers His people from something He has to deliver them to something. The gospel is always eternally fruitful... when the grace God is heard and known in truth (Colossians 1:6). And if He takes them out of one kingdom, He must place them in and under the authority of another King and His kingdom. (Galatians 1:4 ; 2:20 ; Titus 2:11-14 : Malachi 3:16-18 ; Mark 8:34-38).

“Grace to you and peace from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ, who (Jesus) gave Himself for our sins, that (purpose statement) He might deliver (rescue and take for Himself) FROM this present evil age, TO fulfill the will of God and Father, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.” (Galatians 1:3-5)

Jesus came to deliver us FROM something to deliver us TO something. Freedom from sin and darkness equals freedom to follow Jesus and His ways instead of living in and under the influence of a system that functions without Jesus. Salvation is not mere claim but a everlasting conversion. This everlasting conversion validates that we’ve been supernaturally, by God Himself, transferred from one kingdom into another. This is not a progressive thing, but an instant work of grace that ushers all that the new disciple needs to consistently commit, comprehend and communicate the blessings and beauty of following Jesus. When He, in our place, gave Himself on our behalf and for our sins it was to deliver us FROM ourselves, this present evil age, the kingdom of darkness and the wrath to come. When He reconciles His servants, what does He redeem and deliver them from? He delivers them FROM the influence of the present age that fueled their rebellion and fed, nurtured and aided their sin and separation from Him. What does He deliver His disciples to? He delivers them TO a life of unashamed, unapologetic and unadulterated service in the kingdom of the love and reign of God. (Luke 1:74-75 ; Malachi 3:16-18 ; Colossians 1:12-14 ; Galatians 1:4 ; 2:20-21).

Now we can either defend and fight for the lies and falsehood of this present age or we can trust the unwavering message of Jesus and His redeeming work and witness. But before we plant our feet and stand our ground we should verify the foundation we’re standing upon. Man’s message or the message of the Master.

#nestingwithjesus #galatians #galatians1 #galatians2 #galatians1and4 #galations2and20 #Hisworkmanship #Hisjewels #Histreasures #trophiesofgrace #titus2and11thru14 #psalm51 #psalm40 #dirt #mire #mudmuckmold #clean #service #sitting #useful #delivered #washedbyHisblood #cleansedbythewateroftheword #deliveredFROMsomething #deliveredTOsomething #nooneEARNESHissalvation #weonlyEXPRESSHissavinggrace #honeyandthepreacher

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