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David L. Gilpatric | Effingham, New Hampshire
Podcast + Codes Enjoy sermons from this broadcaster on a variety of mobile devices.MyChurch: evgmgospel | Set MyChurch Code#: 65179 |
Call to Revival Proclaim the message of the Lord, that Jesus knows and remembers you. Your kindness, youth and love espoused when you were wholly freeded from sin. You were made holy unto me, you are the first fruits of my heart. Hear me all you the church of Christ, all members of the Lord our God. I brought you out of sin and death, from the wilderness of this world. From pits of woe and drought of day, through a dry land of sin and shame. Return to me who first love you, my word was planted in your heart. Why do you sin against the Lord, repent and return to honor me. Long Meter, Jeremiah 2:1-8, May be sung to the tune of "The Solid Rock" with a little adaptation. by Pastor D. L. Gilpatric |
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