First, more C PETER WAGNER quotes: NAR Founder C Peter Wagner is on record as advocating much that the New Age was after: Says he, in a number of different publications:
“If you check back through human history, you will find that three things, more than any others, have produced social transformation: violence, knowledge and wealth — and the greatest of these is wealth!”
“My sense is that we are looking at unbelievable quantities of wealth moving from the control of the kingdom of darkness, to the control of the Kingdom of God.”
“All nine of the components of GAN {Global Apostolic Network} are on my heart, but especially those related to wealth and wealth transfer. I am in touch with 17 potential wealth transfer brokers, some of them expecting release momentarily. It is hard to comprehend, but some of them go to multiple millions, billions, and more. My task is to prepare a high integrity infrastructure for distributing these funds when they begin to flow. Zion Apostolic Network and The Hamilton Group are in place as agencies to carry this out. Our motto is ‘Sophisticated Philanthropy for Apostolic Distribution’.”
“Our theological bedrock is what has been known as Dominion Theology. This means that our divine mandate is to do whatever is necessary, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to retake the dominion of God's creation which Adam forfeited to Satan in the Garden of Eden. It is nothing less than seeing God's kingdom coming and His will being done here on earth as it is in heaven.”
“Because it takes a government to overthrow a government. ... In war the victors plunder the enemies' camp, and God will cause this to happen as never before.”
“The New Apostolic Reformation is an extraordinary work of the Holy Spirit that is changing the shape of Christianity globally. It is truly a new day! The Church is changing. New names! New methods! New worship expressions! The Lord is establishing the foundations of the Church for the new millennium. This foundation is built upon apostles and prophets. Apostles execute and establish God's plan on the earth.”
So my friends, read carefully the Latter Rain ideas. Read the New Age ideas. Then read Wagner’s ideas. Are they not one? And do any of them have anything to do with the commission Jesus gave us? Do they herald the coming of Jesus to judge and then set up His Kingdom on His own? Not at all!
Now you know a little of what “New Age” really means. The term was never meant to describe the here and now, but what, in the thinking of New Agers, is soon coming. And that event, to them, is not the coming again of Jesus. Horrible deception! Robbery of the promises of God to His people! Jesus!
Another clear connection to New Age thinking and practices is the whole concept of Kundalini. I do not want to go deep into this, lest someone be unnecessarily exposed to evil, but the truth is that there are “other spirits” out there. Right? Are we in agreement that “another spirit” is possible within the circles of Christendom?
Deceiving spirits can be placed in the mouths of false prophets, to entice them to their final demise (2 Chronicles 18:21).
2 Corinthians 11:4 speaks of the possibility of another Jesus, another Gospel, and another spirit! The Corinthians were told that such a spirit could come among them, and they would gladly put up with it! Such was their gullibility. Such was their carnality, and their immaturity.
And such is some of ours. Yes? Gullible Christians? Carnal Christians looking for an experience, people with itching ears, tired of the same old Bible stuff? Sound familiar? Sound possible?
Let’s talk about the Kundalini spirit that has deceived many over the ages, and now seems to have invaded the church.
Numerous accounts describe the experience of Kundalini awakening. When awakened, Kundalini is said to rise up from the muladhara chakra, through the central nadi (called sushumna) inside or alongside the spine reaching the top of the head. The progress of Kundalini through the different chakras leads to different levels of awakening and a mystical experience, until Kundalini finally reaches the top of the head, Sahasrara or crown chakra, producing an extremely profound transformation of consciousness. Energy is said to accumulate in the muladhara, and the yogi seeks to send it up to the brain transforming it into 'Ojas', the highest form of energy.
Some physical effects are believed to be a sign of Kundalini awakening by some, and others are believed to be unwanted side effects pointing to a problem rather than progress by others.
The following are either common signs of an awakened Kundalini or symptoms of a problem associated with an awakening Kundalini:
*Involuntary jerks, tremors, shaking, itching, tingling, and crawling sensations, especially in the arms and legs
*Energy rushes or feelings of electricity circulating the body
*Intense heat (sweating) or cold, especially as energy is experienced passing through the chakras
Spontaneous pranayama, asanas, mudras and bandhas
*Visions or sounds at times associated with a particular chakra
Diminished or conversely extreme sexual desire sometimes leading to a state of constant or whole-body orgasm
Emotional upheavals or surfacing of unwanted and repressed feelings or thoughts with certain repressed emotions becoming dominant in the conscious mind for short or long periods of time.
Headache, migraine, or pressure inside the skull
Increased blood pressure and irregular heartbeat
Emotional numbness
Antisocial tendencies
Mood swings with periods of depression or mania
Pains in different areas of the body, especially back and neck
Sensitivity to light, sound, and touch
*Trance-like and altered states of consciousness
Disrupted sleep pattern (periods of insomnia or oversleeping)
Loss of appetite or overeating
*Bliss, feelings of infinite love and universal connectivity, transcendent awareness
Reports about the Sahaja Yoga technique of Kundalini awakening state that the practice can result in a cool breeze felt on the fingertips as well as the fontanel bone area. One study has measured a drop in temperature on the palms of the hands.
In his article on Kundalini in the Yoga Journal, David Eastman narrates two personal experiences. One man said that he felt an activity at the base of his spine starting to flow, so he relaxed and allowed it to happen. A feeling of surging energy began traveling up his back. At each chakra, he felt an orgasmic electric feeling like every nerve trunk on his spine beginning to fire. A second man describes a similar experience but accompanied by a wave of euphoria and happiness softly permeating his being. He described the surging energy as being like electricity but hot, traveling from the base of his spine to the top of his head. He said the more he analyzed the experience, the less it occurred.
I have put an asterisk by items that we all know to have occurred in NAR (and other charismatic) meetings. Perhaps you would add your own asterisks.
Those who pursue an experience, those who listen to every man standing before them as a guru with hidden knowledge, those who are not satisfied with church as usual, could they not receive a false spirit? Is there any protection for a carnal believer, or worse, for the many unbelievers that are among us in the huge events the church is now sponsoring? And if that spirit of Kundalini manifests, who among us is wise enough to cast it out? Do our people not rather rejoice in it, that someone has gotten “blessed”?