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A New Apostolic Reformation? (part 2 of 2)
Posted by: Hackberry House of Chosun | more..
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Chapters 10-14. Prophets. NAR prophets and those of the Bible are worlds apart. First, their prophecies quite often do not come to pass. They try to make excuses for their failure, but in fact there can be none. Something is either from God or it is not.

Second, the prophet had no “office”, only a function. The function was to work with the apostles in the putting together of doctrines that came from the Holy Spirit. With apostles, prophets are called foundational.

Again, the foundation being laid, the office of prophet ceased. What more needs to be said?

Chapters 15-16. Methods of evangelism. Here the NAR takes a turn that is so dangerous. The standard approaches, they say, do not work any longer. We must go behind the natural world, and take authority over the spirit world. Demons. Demons control areas, nations. They must be cast out, and when cast out, evangelism will be a breeze.

Of course, we know that failure to bring people to Christ, when not because of our lazy ways, is because men’s hearts are growing colder. But the Gospel is always going out somewhere. The “old ways” of preaching Christ do work. The invasion of demon territory is not taught anywhere in Scripture.

But that doesn’t stop NAR.


One evangelistic model I began hearing over and over during my days in the movement, is the so-called “Seven Mountain Mandate.”

NAR has world conquest in mind, not the preaching of the cross. We must conquer the seven “mountains” of society, which are listed in different ways by different people… (Telling us up front that this vision is not inspired of God, Who is very precise about His commands!)

Allegedly, the two giants of youth organizations YWAM and Campus Crusade, namely Loren Cunningham and Bill Bright, received similar, but not exact, “revelations” from God that God wanted them through their youth organizations to conquer for Jesus by mounting and dominating the seven “mountains” of world influence.

Cunningham’s original list

1. The church. (but what of other religions?)*

2. Schools

3. Government and Politics

4. The Media

5. The Home

6. Commerce, Science, Technology.

7. Arts, entertainment, sports

Other variant forms of the list

1. The church (other religions?)*

2. Education

3. Government [ and military?]

4. Media [how differ from entertainment?]

5. Family

6. Economy [or Business?] [includes science?]

7. Arts [includes sports?]

*Other religions cannot be included, because Christians cannot climb these mountains. A Christian cannot be the Dali Llama, eg. But can Christians climb other mountains of the world? Is that their calling. Jospeh and Daniel are used as examples but they were thrust into these positions, without compromising their faith at all. No Christian is told to go after the world’s positions for the sake of conquering it for Jesus.

And by the way, is it not telling that “church” is a mountain to be conquered by NAR? They seem to be on the way to doing that as we speak.

I remember reading old Catholic literature that proposed the very same things. Infiltrate. As though we are secret spies.

No. Follow Jesus. And wherever you happen to be, be a light. Not complicated. No generals needed. No “mapping”, no strategy. Let your light shine. Pick up your cross. Follow Jesus. Obey His Great Commission. But not “take over the world” for Jesus. We’ve seen a world where false religion is in charge. We will see it again. Our call is to separate from the world while bringing the Gospel to it, establishing churches that will continue that process. We are called to the narrow way.

This is a perversion of the command that will lead people into the broad way. Consider Elvis. He wanted what this world had to offer, yet everyone knows he had this soft spot in his heart for Jesus and Gospel music. Was he therefore an example of Matthew 11:28? When you say Jesus’ words do you think of the King of Rock and Roll? He dominated his mountain, but how was Jesus glorified by his life?

Think of the hundreds of thousands of youth today who are being fed this conquest message. Youth are dreamers, they want to be world-changers. They are also immature and haven’t come to grips with the flesh yet, for the most part. Tell them they can go ahead with their dream of being a movie star or world famous athlete or billionaire businessman or President… if they will just take Jesus with them…

The vision is blurred. It is not the Jesus invitation. Before people even came to Jesus He told them they should not follow Him if they were not willing to take up a cross and die on it. There are persecuted Christians all over the world who have taken this message seriously. Some have opted out when they counted the cost.

But in the seven-mountain mandate there is no cross of persecution. Go the way the world is going, and bring a Bible along…

Besides the above, Dominionism/Kingdom Now has a different “Kingdom.”

We do have a Kingdom now. Jesus is the King of all His subjects. But those subjects are in exile. They are a Kingdom in waiting. When Jesus comes, He will gather all His people and set up a very visible Kingdom. So yes, Kingdom now, but Kingdom yet to come.

The dominionists want to see that visible Kingdom BEFORE Jesus comes. We will win the world, and turn over our prize to King Jesus who will take it from there.

The Scriptures are totally silent about such a plan, and so we must ignore supposed revelations of men.

The prophecies that concern the end of history are filled with warnings about false teachers, not views of a growing power of God’s people. The end-time religion is viewed close up in Revelation and is seen to be back in Babylon where it started. The entire world will be under one rule and one religion, to be sure. But not the religion of Christ, and not the people called the church. Those people are being persecuted, hated, brought to Heaven by antichrist, not an escape route.

These will be the days of the worst persecution of all time, followed by the wrath of God on the persecutors. From that wrath we will be delivered for sure, when Jesus comes to take vengeance on all His enemies (Revelation 19:15).

Dominionism is just one more of the false teachings that have been handed down through the years along with Pentecostal-charismatic and now NAR deceptions. Beware of it.

Chapter 17. Unity. Also Catholic-like, the call is being made to downplay doctrine and have church members go after the “fathers.” (Their very word.) In Rome’s case, it was “Papa”. Believe what you must, but be sure to follow Papa. In the NAR’s case, it is the local apostle. Perfect obedience to him, and the church will be united.

Well, Rome was united. Is that what we want? Some big worldwide movement to belong to? Identity? Or does truth still matter?

Chapter 18-19. Miracles. They’ll be bigger and better than Jesus’ miracles! And the apostles’ miracles! Didn’t Jesus say they would be greater?

So, all through church history, nothing was done to fulfill Jesus’ words, but now the great end-time apostles will make it all come true? Please!

We have done greater things than Jesus. And I speak respectfully here. We have preached to infinitely more people than Jesus did. We have witnessed the power of God in countless lives, through simple faith and answered prayer. We have explained all the truths of God’s Word to people all over the world.

NAR, the burden of proof is on you! Show us a real miracle that you performed, not one that was a simple answer to prayer.

Show us a video of one apostle-generated miracle that looks like one that Jesus did. Let us see the transformation with our very eyes, not just hear about it from an excited church-goer.

We all can pray. We all can believe. Show us your miracle power! Even the Pharisees had to admit that Jesus was working real miracles. Those who criticize you may not be as spiritual as you would like, but show them some reality. They might change. Why, the video would go viral. They’ll line up even more at your doorstep when you work your first real miracle.

So there is a taste of one of the definitive books on the NAR, with my comments thrown in too. I do hope you will follow up and read it all. And books like it. No need for us to be ignorant of these things.

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