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Bob Faulkner | Niles, Illinois
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Serious Problems With Today's Church Music
Posted by: Hackberry House of Chosun | more..
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I think that if music makers and sound systems would be unplugged, much of the modern charismatic and NAR movement would fall.

Even non-charismatic churches of our day that won’t let the musical prophets perform are often doomed to fail.

There’s a new hierarchy among us. If the church refuses the new music, the new musicians say goodbye church. I say, fine. Go on down the road if that is what identifies your faith.

In a church I once attended I sent a note to one of the pastors.

Brother R___________

I feel I am going to burst if I don’t share some of what’s inside me, with someone who can relate. At least I hope you can relate.

My underlying question, I guess, is, is it proper for the church to be turned over to the young at the expense of the old?

I’m speaking about music at present, but the application can surely be made in other areas.

Growing up I sang from a hymnal that was multi-generational and multi-style. There were simple choruses, and great hymns from the Reformation times (and earlier) all the way down to Fanny Crosby and even more modern writers. We didn’t just sing “our” songs, we were well-versed in the church’s history of music, just by singing from the hymnbooks.

Of course, new people means new music. But we have abandoned multi-generational singing and sing almost exclusively the contemporary sounds.

Can’t we make a bargain with the youth who have taken over the music culture of the church? We’ll sing some of your music if you will stop ignoring the many generations of music we grew to appreciate and love. Add your songs to ours, but don’t replace ours with yours.

There is a new “ritual” among us. The youth wanted our ritual thrown out. Hymn books. Pianos. Organs. But they have adopted a new one, which throws us out. Sound systems. Keyboards. Electric guitars.

[In the present season of prayer and fasting at this church] we have forty days to try new things in worship. Like, for example, no instruments. Singing from memory songs that most of the prayer warriors [the only ones attending these prayer meetings] know. I guarantee there will be more noise from the congregation (as opposed to the “stage”) if a simple suggestion like this is followed.

Hasn’t anyone noticed that many seniors just don’t like “contemporary” music and yearn for the songs of Zion that have been passed to every generation except the present one?

While I’m mentioning the forty days, am I the only one who gets distracted from my own prayers when someone is singing, or a CD is playing, other words into my ears? Last night I had to give up trying to pray, and just listened to the guitarist. I figured at least he was having a good time, and I should just join him.

The new let’s-get-rid-of-the-old-routines style has developed into an inferior routine, and how I wish it could be broken, and that seniors, who make up a sizable portion of the prayer army, could rise up and be the church again, instead of being thought of as history.

Like ol’ Yogi Berra said, “It ain’t over till it’s over.” And we ain’t either. Can someone dream with me that the re-introducing of standard Christian music into the church worship will not only bless us, but slowly grab the hearts of the young too? I liked hymnal music when I was young. Why can’t present young people?

I find that it’s not just me feeling these things. Many, many people are hurting over this. I found some relevant comments at This was April 24, 2015, by one C.H. Fisher. I strongly suggest you look this one up, but let me share some pertinent points:

  • Christianity’s music has been almost totally supplanted by a secular-inspired genre. This music often “falls into the basement of carnality.”
  • The words are often shallow, and nearly always repetitive. The church has developed an obsession with music, nearly an addiction.
  • Why the darkness? Why the flashing lights? Why the smoke? Straight from the world’s playbook.
  • The older generation’s input is often met with scorn.
  • Some refer to this style of singing as “adrenalin worship.” Singing to get high. Worship from flesh, not spirit.
  • When a crowd is rocked into frenzy, it is said afterward that “God showed up.” But God was there all along. Music showed up. The same thing happens in secular rock concerts. The flesh is excited before the soul is even stirred.
  • Adopting the world’s music does not bring one to repentance.
  • Churches filling up because of music are drawing nominal Christians. Where is the broken heart? They are lifting hands, jumping. Why? The music is cool. Are people being converted or entertained?
  • The lost feel comfortable in such a setting. The people of God often feel alienated.

Something is very wrong.

And those who keep buying Hillsong, Jesus Culture and all the others, are unknowingly feeding the coffers of the growing NAR.

So we restore the prophets, the apostles, and all the rest. And the way we largely do it, is through brainwashing a new generation of young people via the world’s music.


tips on how to test music in your church and choose good songs for your worship team.

(1) You can make any song better by NOT repeating phrases in the song over and over. That can only lead to people zoning out and not really thinking about what they are singing. Sing more songs instead of singing a few songs over and over until people are numb.

(2) Avoid songs that focus on self, repeating words like "I", "me", "my" and "mine" throughout. Choose songs that focus people on Jesus Christ.

(3) Test all music, both new and old. There are bad old songs and good new ones, and visa versa as you will see as you read these ratings.

(4) If a songwriter or music publisher is affiliated with a heretical or compromised church or movement, those false teachings will eventually come through in their compositions.

(5) Consider mixing up musical styles. A church can get into a rut focusing on only contemporary music just as easily as focusing only on hymns. Choose a mixture of new and old and different methods such as overheads and hymnbooks.

(6) Don't foster the habit of having people clap on every upbeat song. That gets very boring.

(7) Consider, if possible, having more than one worship team in your church, especially if they have different styles. I know one church who had a jazz band, a contemporary band, a rock band, and a classical music group with violins, etc. I could add a lot more styles to that group including choirs, pipe or electric organ, folk, etc.

(8) Choose songs that glorify God, teach sound doctrine, teach about God's character, etc.

(9) Establish a committee of elders, pastors and worship leaders to make sure good worship music is being used in your church.


A plea

When I go to church, let me see men in front of me. Let me hear a congregation singing again! Be sensitive to my 70-year-old eardrums. Turn the lights on, for goodness’ sake. Stop repeating songs and phrases. Sing with me the old songs of Zion that centuries have blessed us with.

When I go to church, let a man of God who has prepared his heart and his message with much prayer, break the Word of Life to me. May my hard heart be continually broken as that Word comes.

Let us break that other bread, too, with accompanying reminders of Jesus’ sacrifice. No rush. Let us contemplate long what He did for us. Five minutes and out won’t do. Do this in remembrance.

When church is over, let me be in fellowship with those who go to the street telling others of Jesus.

Never say to me, “See you next week” after a one-hour service. Walk with me all week. May the church doors be open often.

Oh stop parading worldly dress and life-style before my eyes. Let my church be different. Holy. May an unbeliever know he has come into a holy place. Let us be reminded often that without holiness no one will see the Lord.

Challenge me to fast, to pray, to go low, to take up His cross. Do not entertain me, or lie to me, or build up my self-esteem. Tear me down — in love—and let Jesus build me up with true righteousness.

Then I will know I have been to church.

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