Jarrett McKenzie – Feb. 16th | Toni Jones – Feb. 16th | Sylvia Casey – Feb. 17th
We thankfully acknowledge, that Christ hath so fully satisfied the law for the sins of all that are his, that the debts of believers are fully discharged. His payment is full, and so therefore is our discharge and acquittal (Rom. 8:1,31). The guilt of believers is so perfectly abolished, that it shall never more bring him under condemnation (John 5:24). And so in Christ they are without fault before God. –John Flavel
Since the fall of man in Adam, sinners have sought in some way to find and claim righteousness within themselves. Some find it and claim because of their works. Some find it and claim it because of their believing. Some find it and claim because of their regeneration. But only God’s people, when they are truly regenerated and converted by the Holy Spirit, find righteousness and claim it only in Christ Jesus, through His obedience unto death as their Surety and Substitute, as it is imputed by God to their account. Those who find it and claim it within themselves argue that this makes God unjust because, they say, “God cannot impute righteousness where He finds none within us.” But God says otherwise. God says He “justifies the ungodly” (Rom. 4:5) based on the righteousness that He finds in His Son. They also argue that “imputed righteousness is not real.” It is, as they say, “a ‘pasted-on’ righteousness.” But imputed righteousness IS real as it settles the redeemed sinner’s account before Holy God. Because of Christ’s righteousness imputed, God does not charge His elect with the debt of their sins but charges them with righteousness in Christ (Rom. 8:1,33-34; 4:6-8; 2 Cor. 5:21). Because of Christ’s righteousness imputed, God gives them spiritual life from Christ by the Holy Spirit in their new birth and brings them to faith and repentance (Rom. 5:18,21; 8:10; 2 Pet. 1:1). Because of Christ’s righteousness imputed, God keeps them in His mercy and forgiveness and preserves them unto glory forever and ever (Rom. 8:35-39; 1 John 2:1-2). Every true believer rejoices, not of righteousness in themselves, but in the reality of the Lord Jesus Christ as “the LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS” (Jer. 23:5-6; 33:15-16).
–Pastor Bill Parker
In judging the truth of any sermon, we ought to ask the following:
(1) Does it come from the Bible and help me understand better the Word of God and God’s truth as it sets forth the glory of God in Christ?
(2) Does it lead me to see more of the glory of Christ in His Person as Godman and as the Redeemer who fulfilled all righteousness to save and secure me unto eternal glory?
(3) Does it promote humility in me by showing me more of my sin and my total dependence upon God’s grace and power to save and preserve me?
(4) Does it promote true godliness in heart and in life by encouraging me in the obedience of God’s grace in Christ?
(5) Does it seek to show the lost that their only hope of salvation is the sovereign grace of God in Christ and no other way but Christ and His righteousness alone?
(6) Is it a clear and simple presentation of Gospel truth so as to promote love and unity among brethren rather than confuse and divide brethren?
How does fallen man’s natural depravity evidence itself? First, it is demonstrated by his desire for autonomy which is his sinful desire to be free from God (God’s rule and authority, God’s standard of righteousness) and to rule himself. He wants to be “as gods” (Gen. 3:4) and set his own standard of right and wrong. Secondly, it comes out in his antagonism (rebellion and resentment) towards the true and living God who requires submission to His sovereignty and His righteousness in and by the Lord Jesus Christ. Man by nature will not submit to God’s righteousness. He insists on establishing one of his own (Rom. 10:1-3). This sinful desire for autonomy and the natural antagonism is seen in all unregenerate people, moral and religious as well as immoral and irreligious.
How does regenerate man’s God-given spirituality evidence itself? First, it demonstrates itself in theonomy as he recognizes the truth and glory of God’s sovereign rule and God’s way of salvation by His grace in and through the Lord Jesus Christ (Rom. 10:4,9-10). He knows his only righteousness before God is the imputed righteousness of Christ, and he wants to be like Christ in his character and conduct. Secondly, it comes out in his God-given willingness to submit to and embrace God’s will and way in all things, especially in salvation by God’s grace through the Lord Jesus Christ. Whereas before, as a natural man, he hated God’s way, but now, as a born-again man, he loves God’s way. “Teach me THY way, O LORD; I will walk in THY truth: unite my heart to fear THY name” (Psalm 86:11). –Pastor Bill Parker