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Belial, the second Blessing, Paul's Resume, and more...
MONDAY, JUNE 12, 2017
Posted by: Hackberry House of Chosun | more..
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  1. II Corinthians 1:8-11. What event, possibly, is Paul talking about?

Asia, recall, in the days of the apostle, is a relatively small Roman province in what we call Turkey today. Ephesus is in that province, and is probably the trouble he is referencing. This was the scene of the mob chanting “Great is Diana of the Ephesians.” The animosity created against the Gospel in that place was so great that he had to leave, and was forced to bypass it when traveling back in that direction later.

  1. II Corinthians 1:15. Two blessings? What might they be?

I remember in my youth being told by the “holiness” folks that Paul’s “second blessing” here was the baptism of the Spirit. I think the allusion is a little simpler than that. He had been there before, they had been blessed by him then, and he was coming again, to bless them some more. A second blessing. There is also the possibility that the ideas in verse 16 are connected here: He was going to ask them to help him on his journey. In this way, they would be blessed again, for it is more blessed to give than to receive.

  1. II Corinthians 2:5-8, 7:9-12. About whom is Paul talking here?

It seems Paul is speaking of the man of I Corinthians 5 who had had an incestuous relationship with his mother. Commentators point out that he does not mention names here. The man is ashamed enough to know that the church has found him out. No need to broadcast it even more.

  1. II Corinthians 3:2. How best to confirm who is a man of God?

The fruit of his ministry will not be large crowds and forgotten meetings. It will be individuals who truly are the product of the Spirit’s work via the minister. People can read your fruit in the lives of true converts. If there is no one to see such transformations for which you were responsible, then all the “letters of recommendation” you can provide to a prospective church elder board will be for naught.

  1. II Corinthians 3:6-7. What is the “letter”, and how does it “kill”?

He goes on to describe nothing less than the Law of Moses. It is a perfect holy Law. And when I try, without the Spirit of God, to keep that holy Law, I will fail. And in failing, I will sin and die. There are no exceptions. The Law without grace is a killer.

  1. II Corinthians 3:14-15, 4:3-4. What is the “veil”?

The original was a covering for Moses’ face. He had been in touch with the Living God, and manifested such in his body. The Israelites could not bear such radiance and asked him to cover it for their sakes. Thus, they never saw the glory of God.

When “Moses” shows up today in the form of His ordinances, shining the glory of God on all who will obey, a “veil” is still on the hearts of unbelievers, for whom the ways of God are too much.

When a man is filled with God Himself, through turning to Jesus, that veil disappears.

  1. II Corinthians 5:1-4. What is the “tent”?

This chapter is connected to the last. Another example of a not-so-great place to put a chapter division. He has been talking about things that are seen, things that are not seen. Eternal vs temporal things. Then he mentions an earthly tent and calls it our “house.”

It’s where we live. It’s our body. Paul says it will be torn down one day, this ol’ house. And in its place will be a new house from God. A new body.

  1. II Corinthians 5:10. Is this judgment the same as mentioned by John in Revelation?

Most people think not. Revelation 20:11 speaks of a great white throne and Him who sat on it. It shows the resurrected dead (at the second resurrection, 20:5) standing there and being judged by their works. The book of life is opened. We are told elsewhere that this book of life belongs to the Lamb, and He places the names of His own in it. None of those standing at this latter judgment will have been entered into that book, if my interpretation is correct. They will thus all be thrown into the lake of fire. They have been resurrected only to be judged. Jesus called this the resurrection of damnation in John 5.

But the judgment seat of Christ seems to be on a different level altogether. This is the resurrection of life, that occurs before the Millennial period. It is called the judgment seat of Christ which makes us believe that the Christ’s book will be the one opened here. Not all will share in that Millennial life equally. As every leader of every nation in every generation has rewarded faithful subjects with special tasks and titles, so it seems that Christ will hand out those rewards here, shaming some for sure, but allowing all of His own to enter in.

How we ought to be running this race, to please the Judge of the Church!

  1. II Corinthians 5:14-15. How is it that we died when Jesus died?

Everything Jesus did on that cross was for His chosen ones. He poured out His life and His love for us. The moment we hear about it we truly repent of all the foolishness that put Him there. That sorrow, coupled with a lifetime of slaving service to this Great Master, is equal to a death. We are dead to our own career, our own desires, our own plans. We do not seek to save our own lives but to give them away in a passion that models His own.

  1. II Corinthians 6:4-10. How would Paul answer a resume question about his “experience in the ministry”?

Let my imagination answer this one.

Interviewer: So, Paul, I see you are applying to do mission work for our organization, though you are a little older than the normal candidate. Could you share with the committee here some of the talents and gifts you have that would qualify you for this job? Tell us a little of your experience, too.

Paul. My gifts are endurance, troubles, hardships, distresses. My experiences include beatings, imprisonments, riots, sleepless nights, hunger…

Today we would start out listing all our “talents.” I can sing, I can preach, I can teach, I can organize… So? A parrot can be trained to do most of that. Can I endure? can I handle stress? Can I take a beating? Spend some time in jail?

Let none of us glory in our “giftings” but like Paul, glory in the things that make us weak and therefore proper conduits for the grace of God .

  1. II Corinthians 6:14. How should we apply the unequal yoking principle?

Although “mixed” (that is, Christian plus non-Christian) marriage is the clearly obvious one we have used through the years, there are other applications. One could argue that any arrangement that causes a person to advance the cause of this world is unequal yoking. That would involve the military, government, media and a whole lot more. Each man’s conscience must be brought to bear on this subject, but I do not believe it is true that just any job is a good fit for any Christian.

I went into education when ministry doors closed. It was stressful to say the least. I do not believe in the educational goals of the modern school system. To compensate, I had to close my door from time to time and teach God’s Word instead of the science book, God’s Word instead of the Social Studies book. It was obvious I was not lined up with the current American educational philosophy.

Fortunately, I worked primarily in African American schools. Things are changing rapidly, but at my time in those schools, the African American cared not about White rules about divorcing children from the Bible and Christian values. We actually prayed at teacher meetings etc.

I think there are some “safe” places, but every soldier of the Cross will have to determine not to compromise, even if it costs income or advancement. Is that not who we are? Is that not what this passage teaches?

  1. II Corinthians 6:15. Who is “Belial”?

He is no one, in terms of vocabulary. The Hebrew word, usually linked with “sons of…” means “worthlessness.” Throughout the Old Testament that is the meaning. A son of worthlessness, or a worthless son or person.

In the New Testament, it is pretty much the same, and in many newer translations you will almost never see the word, as the meaning of the word has been substituted for it. That is, you will see the term “worthless” and not the word “Belial.”

When you do see the word, it is because the context demands that you think of this name as a description of the most Worthless of all, Satan.

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