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The Great Escape. From What?
FRIDAY, MAY 5, 2017
Posted by: Hackberry House of Chosun | more..
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  1. Luke 21:35. Since the general time of His coming is clear, why are so many caught unaware?

The last days will be lawless times. The Word of God will be hard to find. Those who have Bibles will begin to believe that those Bibles are not true. The few who try to hang on to these truths will be ridiculed and isolated. Many will give up on these things and opt just to survive. They will buy the lie that, since it has been so long since His promise to return, it probably is not going to happen.

The love of many will grow cold, away from the Word, and away from the vital fellowship of the church.

  1. Luke 21:36. We can escape? The Tribulation? The Judgment?

If Jesus says we can escape, then yes, we can escape! But this is not a proof text for Pre-Tribulation Rapture escapism. This is a promise that when Jesus comes and the judgment begins to fall all over the earth, we, who have not been appointed to wrath, will be caught up with Him, to meet Him in the air.

Wrath is not to be confused with Trouble, or Tribulation. Unutterable suffering has occurred to Christians in every generation, occurs now, will occur during the Tribulation time. That’s in our DNA. Trouble is a promise of God, and we must endure it!

But wrath? No. At quitting time, we’ll be out of here. And not before.

  1. Matthew 25:1-13. Who are the wise, who the foolish, what the oil, and the general meaning?

This parable is variably interpreted, sometimes with the view of establishing an already decided theology. Let’s look at it as honestly as we can.

Maybe it will be helpful to start at the ending. Five young women are kept out of the bridal festivities and told by the bridegroom that He did not even know who they were. Language reminiscent of some of the beginning words of Jesus’ ministry in Matthew 7. There, Jesus says to miracle workers, exorcists, and prophets, the very same message: I don’t know you.

So, could these five be the same crowd? Jesus said (chapter 7) that these outwardly religious people were actually lawless on the inside. In the church but not of the church? Unwise. Seeking to be known of men but not to know God? Does your church have folk like this? Always ready to watch a miracle show but not so eager to feed the poor or care for their own family? Always talking about the gifts but not so vocal about bearing the fruits of holiness and love? Filled in fact with the spirit of this world, which they love immensely, but in short supply, if they have any supply at all, of the oil of the Spirit of God?

I only ask the questions. I will leave you to answer, and to decide whether these five were ever saved people at all. Or were they just five young persons, along with those other five, invited to a marriage, but unwilling, like the unprepared guest in question 96 above, to take the invitation all that seriously? Many called (ten). Few chosen (five). Chosen from the foundation of the world?

  1. Matthew 25:14ff. They were “his own” servants. But one is cast out into outer darkness. How secure is our salvation?

Here is another “group” situation, as with the ten virgins. I think it is safe to say now that the groups do not represent true Christians. Rather, the lesson seems to be that in every group calling itself Christian there are those who are not born again. This third slave does not seem to have the attitude of a child of God. He reasons rather than believes. He fears rather than trusts. The Master calls Him wicked and lazy. Surely this is not the language Jesus uses to address His own people?

Haven’t I chosen you 12, but one of you is a devil? asked Jesus of His disciples. Yes, Judas was invited to join the “group”. The church, as it were. And he joined it. But never with his heart. His idea was to take what he could from the group, eventually even its money, as needed. In the church, not of the church. Called a devil by the one who invited him to join. Just as the 3rd slave here. And the five wicked virgins. And the miracle workers of Matthew 7. There’s a pattern here.

Makes us want to stop and take stock of our Christian experience, yes?

  1. Matthew 25:31-33. Who are the sheep and the goats? Are not the saved returning with Jesus?

Matthew 25 is one of those places that gave me a little trouble as I tried to visualize what was going on. We’re not in Matthew 24 any longer. Tribulation coming. Rapture coming. Jesus coming. No, that’s all done. Jesus is here.

But when Jesus comes, doesn’t He bring His own with Him? Yep. They are here. All caught up to meet Him in the air, and sailing into Jerusalem, awaiting assignments.

But there are still these “sheep” and “goats” needing to be divided up. Who are they? And on what basis will they be considered “sheep” and “goats”. Seems very different than the teachings of grace with which we are familiar.

One thing to remember is that the Millennial Kingdom begins with both super-ordinary and ordinary people. I mean by that, that the church will be immediately equipped with new bodies, like Jesus’. The church will be the ruling class of that day.

But someone needs ruling! We won’t just rule each other. Who are the citizens of this Kingdom?

When Jesus comes, great judgment occurs. Great destruction. A bloodbath, if you will. Oh so awful. But not total annihilation and starting from scratch. Many people from all the nations will survive. It is these people who will be the subjects of the Kingdom of God. People who also have been chosen from the foundation of the world.

How to divide them up? Totally by their works. Recall that the last several years of history before the Millennium are known as the “Tribulation.” Christians in particular will be hunted down and tortured and imprisoned and killed. Think North Korea on steroids.

But in your thinking, remember that even in North Korea there are people wanting to help believers. Some are even in the government, some in the military, some are common citizens. Some are believers from other places, who have sneaked in somehow.

In that day there will be nations lined up against Israel and Christ and all that is godly. But some from every nation will not fall into that trap. They will do all they can to help Jesus, even though they do not know Jesus! They will reach out to Him and bless Him in His suffering, and Jesus will pay them richly.

Now read the rest of the parable with that thought in mind. Makes a lot more sense!

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