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Shepherds Beware!
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  1. Ezekiel 28:1-10. Who is being addressed in the first part of chapter 28? Who was this, historically?

The leader or “prince” of Tyre may well have been Itto-Ba’al (Eth-Ba’al) II, father of the notorious Jezebel. He was a priest of the pagan goddess Astarte, and violently overthrew the setting king of the Phoenician Empire to rule there himself. A wicked man, steeped in the demonic.

Notice his claim to deity, and the awful pride of his heart. He was a type of the antichrist who will come. Proud, anti-God, filled with Satan.

God has to remind him here that he is but a man and will die a shameful death.

  1. Ezekiel 28:11-19. Who is being addressed in the latter part of Ezekiel 28?

Now God is talking to the “King” of Tyre, as opposed to the “Prince” or leader. Is it the same person, or is the Lord taking us behind the scenes to see who is really in charge of Phoenicia? Consider these clues. Whoever this is, he…

  • …was perfect.
  • …was full of wisdom.
  • …was perfect in beauty.
  • …resided in Eden. (Think, Genesis 3)
  • …was covered with precious jewels at his “creation.”
  • …was a “cherub”, anointed of God.
  • …was on the holy mountain of God.
  • …was blameless, until unrighteousness was found in him.
  • …was cast out of the “mountain of God” because of his profanity.
  • …was destroyed by God, as far as his beauty and power.
  • …was cast to the ground (earth)
  • …was placed before kings for his final demise.
  • …will cease to be forever. (His earthly kingdom will disappear, as will he. But torment day and night in the Lake of Fire is still his ultimate goal (Revelation 20:7-10).

Now who have you read about that fits this description? Certainly Eth-Ba’al, in all his wickedness, does not match the qualities of this evil spirit, whom we believe to be none other than Lucifer, Satan, the Devil.

Again, Eth-Ba’al, in whom Satan lives, becomes here a true picture of the coming antichrist.

  1. Ezekiel 30:2-5. Is this an end-time prophecy?

Possibly. Or the “day of the Lord” promised is merely Egypt’s “day.” The emphasis is on that land throughout the chapter. Other nations are mentioned in connection with her downfall, but those nations were also victims of Nebuchadnezzar, as Egypt is to be. Ezekiel expands on the Egypt theme in the next 2 chapters after this one, making his point.

  1. Ezekiel 34. What is the significance of this shepherd/sheep discussion.

Here is another case where the prophet begins to deal with a local problem, then shifts into another gear altogether and is speaking about things that have not yet occurred on the earth.

Notice verses 1-10, a clear accusation of guilt directed at the “shepherds” of Israel. Men who were responsible for caring for the spiritual needs of the Jewish people used their position to bring comfort and riches to themselves. Sounds familiar. God is against false shepherds and will replace them.

In fact, the Lord Himself (verses 11-31) will be the Shepherd of the sheep. Here Ezekiel blends with the Gospel narratives in identifying Himself as the Good Shepherd. So at first we see Him at His first coming and in our lives now. Then Ezekiel goes into the Millennial joys still ahead of us:

  • I will search for My sheep. (The Son of man has come to seek and save that which was lost)
  • I will care for My sheep and deliver them from the places where they were scattered.
  • I will feed them in a good pasture. (As David’s 23rd Psalm)
  • I will bind up the broken, strengthen the sick. As in Isaiah’s predictions.
  • I will set over them one Shepherd, David. (Ezekiel speaks often of David in reference to the coming Kingdom. Is this the Son of David, Jesus, or will King David be resurrected in that day for the specific purpose of managing Jesus’ Kingdom?)
  • I will be their God.
  • I will make them and the places around My hill a blessing.
  • They will no longer be a prey to the nations.
  • I will search for My sheep. (The Son of man has come to seek and save that which was lost)
  • I will care for My sheep and deliver them from the places where they were scattered.
  • I will feed them in a good pasture. (As David’s 23rd Psalm)
  • I will bind up the broken, strengthen the sick. As in Isaiah’s predictions.
  • I will set over them one Shepherd, David. (Ezekiel speaks often of David in reference to the coming Kingdom. Is this the Son of David, Jesus, or will King David be resurrected in that day for the specific purpose of managing Jesus’ Kingdom?)
  • I will be their God.
  • I will make them and the places around My hill a blessing.
  • They will no longer be a prey to the nations.

30. Ezekiel 36. Another local prophecy with a Millennial fulfillment?

I just don’t know how else to see it, if I am to continue reading Ezekiel, and all the Bible, literally.

There is no question that Ezekiel is dealing with the devastation that has come to them because of their idolatry. God has acted in wrath against them, but now makes promises about their future. Their fortunes will change radically. Indeed, there was a return. There were days of blessing then, and since, even in the modern times. But there is too much in the passage that must be ignored if we leave all the fulfillment for those days.

God’s promises do take time. Consider all the prophecies of Messiah, given anywhere from 6 to 10 centuries in advance, and more. So as I suggest over and over that these things simply have not happened yet, we must be patient as God works out in fine detail everything He said He would do.

Now, which details must still be future, even today?

  • “I will not let you hear insults from the nations anymore.” That word is proved unfulfilled almost daily for Israel. Constant insults, threats, hatred, bias. Never been anything like it. But one day, when the Jew Jesus reigns, all that will stop.
  • “I will vindicate the holiness of My great Name which has been profaned among the nations.” This is, ultimately, not about Israel at all, but the glory of God. Israel fell short of that glory in a spectacular way, causing spectacular judgment. But eventually, those days will be passed. God Himself will bear no further insults because of this people.
  • “I will sprinkle clean water on you…cleanse you from all your filthiness…give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you and I will remove the heart of stone…and cause you to walk in my statutes…and you will loathe yourselves. Sounds like Jesus’ new birth to me.
  • “Then the nations that are left round about you will know that I, the Lord… have spoken and will do it.” Again, this is for God’s sake, not Israel’s. But it will happen!

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