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Genealogies and Capital Punishment: Chronicles Q and A
TUESDAY, JULY 26, 2016
Posted by: Hackberry House of Chosun | more..
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  1. I Chronicles 1-9. Why all these chapters filled with names, not only at the beginning, but the end of this book?

From I lift the following helpful information:

“The Bible contains multiple genealogical records. Many of us either skim these sections or skip them altogether, finding them largely irrelevant and perhaps even boring. However, they are part of Scripture, and, since all Scripture is God-breathed (2 Timothy 3:16), they must bear some significance. There must be something we can learn from these lists.

“First, the genealogies help substantiate the Bible’s historical accuracy. These lists confirm the physical existence of the characters in the Bible. By knowing family histories, we understand that the Bible is far from a mere story or a parable for how we should live our lives. It is authentic, historical truth. An actual man named Adam had actual descendants (and, therefore, his actual sin has actual consequences).

“The genealogies also confirm prophecy. The Messiah was prophesied to come from the line of David (Isaiah 11:1). By recording His lineage in Scripture, God confirms that Jesus was descended from David (see Matthew 1:1-17 and Luke 3:23-38). The genealogy is yet another attestation of Jesus Christ’s fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies.

“The lists also demonstrate the detail-oriented nature of God and His interest in individuals. God did not see Israel vaguely, as a nebulous group of people; He saw with specificity, with precision and detail. There is nothing detached about the genealogies. They show a God involved. The inspired Word mentions people by name. Real people, with real histories and real futures. God cares about each person and the details of his or her life (Matthew 10:27-31; Psalm 139).

Finally, we can learn from various people listed in the genealogies. Some of the lists contain narrative portions that give us glimpses into the lives of the people. For instance, the prayer of Jabez is found within a genealogy (1 Chronicles 4:9-10). From this, we learn about God’s character and the nature of prayer. Other genealogies reveal that Ruth and Rahab are in the Messianic line (Ruth 4:21-22; Matthew 1:5). We see that God values the lives of these individuals, even though they were Gentiles and not part of His covenant people.

While genealogies may at first glance appear irrelevant, they hold an important place in Scripture. Genealogies bolster the historicity of Scripture, confirm prophecy, and provide insight into the character of God and the lives of His people.”

  1. I Chronicles 17:12-14. Was not the Throne of Solomon corrupted in later years? It seems here that the Throne will be God’s forever.

The Throne remained though the lineage was corrupted. In fact, all men are sinful and whoever sat on the Throne from David on, would be tinged with that disease. But the Promise of a worldwide reign of a Jewish Messiah is still intact, and it did come via David’s line. Actually, the son Nathan is the offspring of David that leads to Jesus, per Luke’s genealogy.

David was promised a household, too, a family that would bring forth the Christ. Similarly, many in that household were certainly not of God, but the promise remained.

  1. I Chronicles 20:5. The writer wants us to know that the shaft of the spear of one of these ancient fighters against Israel was as a weaver’s beam. What does that mean?

It was strong and solid. The “beam” of a weaver’s loom is a solid rod inserted at the top, that offers support to the whole. It could be several inches thick.

  1. I Chronicles 21:1. II Samuel 24 states that it was the anger of the Lord that incited David to number Israel. Here, we are told it was Satan. Which was it?

We have seen an issue like this before and shall see it again in Job. It is not contradictory at all to suggest that God does things through various agents. We learn that it was through Christ that God created the world. It was through the Spirit that he raised Jesus from the dead. It was through Israel that He punished Canaan, etc.

Satan is always accusing the people of God and attempting to bring God into His fight against them. God on His part is bound to bring about His perfect justice, or correction, or salvation, to man, and uses Satan for His purposes.

I suggest here that Satan desired to hurt Israel, and that God was employed for this purpose. But as with all of God’s dealings, all things work together for the good of those who love Him. The final outcome of this awful scene was the placing of the eventual Headquarters of the Kingdom of God on Earth! Minus Satan.

  1. I Chronicles 21:6. Joab hated the whole idea of a census. Why did he single out Levi and Benjamin in particular for omission from it?

Levi was not to be a part of a military census. They were exempt from this sort of service. Why Benjamin? This is speculative, but some say it was in deference to the family of Saul. Others, that it was the smallest tribe and was already lacking in man-power. Still others, it was connected to Judah and therefore already included. Or, it was the last tribe to be counted, and by the time Joab got to it, taking his time, the Lord had rebuked David, and he was unable to finish the count.

  1. I Chronicles 21:17. Can you answer David’s question? It is not the first time he has been troubled by the severity – from our point of view – of the Lord. (Uzzah, eg)

Easy for us to say, but the ways of the Lord are always right. Israel was forever in need of correction, as are we. How easily we go astray when things go well. Much of Israel was into idolatry in every generation of its existence. Its judgment was called for, but we are not given the particulars as to why.


1. II Chronicles 15:13. Should everyone who does not seek the Lord be put to death?

Such was the case in Asa’s Judah, and we cringe to think of it. Perhaps, we say, this was just one of Asa’s extremes, one of his mistakes. But look again at the Scriptures.

All disobedience to the Lord is eventually rewarded with death. Sin when it is finished brings forth death. The sin of the Garden has placed the planet under death. Jesus’ return will feature a bloodbath of death upon the enemies of God.

Do we imagine that persons in the Millennial Kingdom will be excused from seeking the Lord? Will the inheritors of the Eternal Life with Christ be casual about their faith in Jesus? Absolutely not! Death is the sentence for all those who do not seek the life that is found in God. Asa did the right thing. Not a word is spoken against him for this action. Thus shall it ever be when humans ignore their Creator and Savior.

2. II Chronicles 26:6. Why did men like Uzziah continue to make war on the surrounding nations?

There were usually human reasons, on the one hand. Continuing feuds, as the ones in our day, called for continuing vengeance, paybacks.

From the point of Heaven’s view, we assume that God always is at war with the ungodly, and always wants to lift up Israel His chosen. Thus He put it into the hearts of His men to stir up trouble with pagan nations, as measures of His judgment. Eventually the full measure of the judgment of God will be poured on all the nations, including unbelieving Israel. We have seen nothing yet. Our God is angry with the sinner every day. Every day.

Category:  Bible Study

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