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Pastor Justin Pierce | Blountville, Tennessee
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Grace Reformed Baptist Church
Blountville, TN 37617
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Midnight, But A Great Light Still Burns Bright!
Posted by: Justin Pierce Preaching and Apologetics | more..
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Do not go gentle into that good night.

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Dylan Thomas, 1914 - 1953

As I lay in bed I found myself tossing and turning, unable to sleep. I had to get this out, I had to rage against the dying of the light. No longer could I lay my head down, as I thought about the hours and days and months and years since I felt a since of peace and unity in this nation.

I have seen darkness creep in and consume the moral light of this nation and I like so many other have sat down and said "someone has to do something, someone has to stand for the right and the truth and someone has to show the way to those who are lost in the darkness.

Then I watched as racism, sexism, humanism and Marxism marched in to this nations educational centers and then the media and then the government and I said "someone has to stand up now and they have to speak the truth. Can't all these people see?"

Then I looked around at all the churches in America, and I saw a deaf and mute shell of what this nations churches used to be. I trembled as I saw church after church and pastor after pastor embracing social justice, moral relativism, situational ethics. Then I wept as I saw those who claimed God as their Lord, turn their backs on God and cheer for those things God calls sin. Not only cheer but embrace the idea that greed is good, lust is love, and Sodomy is Sweet.

I have seen the pantheon of Christian Celebrity elitism call for Dialogue and Compromise and Ecumenical group hugs. In the name of religious pluralism and financial stability my own denomination has sold out the Christian Congregations and fed them a buffet of blasphemy and false teaching heretics and wolves that have lead millions into Hells waiting arms.

During all this time I have seen giant men and men of some stature who have submitted themselves to standing in defense of the Glory of God. Men Like Jeff Noblit, and Paul Washer, John MacArthur, and Phil Johnson. There are those that many may not know, but I know them and I respect them for having the courage to stand and contend earnestly for the faith that was once for all given to the saints Jude 3. I have learned so much from men like James White, Brandon Elixson, Len Pettis, David Miller, Jono Sims, Andrew Rappaport, and Jordan Hall.

I am a small town pastor of a church that as Brother Barry King says "we are struggling just to be tiny." I have seen dozens of families come into our church and leave because, well, I just preach about sin, and righteousness and Gods perfect standard too much. And I am just too dogmatic, or at least that is what I thought.

Well, what I found out about myself over the past 9 months is that one thing I have been guilty of was not telling the whole truth. What I mean is when a sister or brother in Christ is in sin, or heading down a bad path, instead of telling them the whole truth, I compromised just a little because I didn't want to hurt them. Brothers who were not leading their families well, I soft pedaled the issue because it is hard to hurt those you love.

I realized that my problem was that I had fallen into the trap of compromise, and I was looking to help by being silent and hoping the problems away. I forgot to fight the good fight of faith. I forgot to rage at the dying of the light. I forgot what Ian Paisley said " If you get on fire for God in the pulpit, the whole world will come to watch you burn." I forgot to believe God for souls for the labor. I forgot that God has His elect and those who hate God will alway be trying to stop God's ministers from reaching the lost.

Our nation has been in the same boat, set at sea during midnight, and our churches have silently lead the charge as many extinguished the light that they had. 1John 3:3 says and everyone who thus hopes in him purifies himself as he is pure. We the church forgot to be pure as Christ is pure. We have embraced the idea that we are supposed to be sweet and gentile. We have been told that Christians don't fight and that we are supposed to live in peace with all men.

We forgot that our God is a Warrior KING Who has called us to Fight the good fight of faith 1 Timothy 6:12! We have been called into the fight against the darkness of sin, we were not called to retreat. We are told in Luke 21 that in the last day’s persecution will come such has never been seen on the earth. We are told that we will be sent before kings and governors for Christ name sake. In Luke 17 Jesus warns us that it will be like it was in the days of Noah before He returns. If you think that just means every day marriage and life you are wrong, look at Genesis 5-7 and you will see the most wicked demonic darkness and debauchery imaginable. It was so bad that God sent judgment and destruction into the world.

Is it settled with you what you will do? How are you going to react when Trump loses and the next President is a raging Socialist, who wants your head on a silver platter? Jesus said persecution was coming, and I think the true church needs to clean out all the heretics, compromisers, and false teaching apostates that are in her midst. Nothing does a better job than men and women who are zealous for the Word and Glory of God, and a time of persecution that will sweep the church and cause the true Brothers and Sister to purify themselves as Christ is pure.

Oh you might say what if Trump wins and he does a good job, and I will tell you that even if he wins, unless God changes the course of events, we are going to see a Socialist God hating Fascist in the White House, and persecution will come.

So what are you going to do? What should we do as Christians? The thing we should have been doing all along. We the Body of Christ are the only light this word has against the pitch black darkness of sin that Satan wants to bring into this world. Jude 3 tells us to stand up and fight, to contend. To equip ourselves for the fight and to be ready to engage in the battle for the souls of men and women. We should have gurded up our loins and fought the good fight long ago. But now it behooves us to start in humble repentance for our compromise, and then get to the business of proclaiming the gospel wherever we are, because we are salt and light, a city on a hill that cannot be hidden.

We must see that God is sovereign and it was not an accident the Ted Cruz dropped out. It is no accident that we have these people wanting to lead us into oblivion. It is not an accident that we have had John Boehner, Paul Ryan, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary, Holder, Sanders or Trump. These people are the judgment from God upon a nation and a church that has largely abandoned God and His Word.

I am not wringing my hands, I trust in a sovereign God who has called us to be salt and light in this dark world. We are supposed to be the bearers of the Light of Truth. We are the only ones who have the truth, and we have been commissioned to proclaim the truth everywhere, to everyone, and in any situation.

Sure you will be hurt slandered and slain, but that is because they hated The Light when He was here and they hate all who are ambassadors of light. We are called to a much higher purpose than sitting around and waiting for someone else to do something. We are called to be the light so let's be that someone else, I know I am tired of waiting for the other guy to shine his little light, so I pledge to let my little light shine and no longer to hide it under a bushel,

Pastor Justin Pierce

Grace Life Church Tri~Cities

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