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Psalm 89
Psalm 89
WINCHESTER OLD  |  Same-Tune Hymns  |  Bible Passage
Author: 1650 Scottish Psalter
Musician: Based on Christopher Tye, 1553
In Este's Psalter, 1592

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   1  God's mercies I will ever sing;
         and with my mouth I shall
      Thy faithfulness make to be known
         to generations all.
   2  For mercy shall be built, said I,
         for ever to endure;
      Thy faithfulness, ev'n in the heav'ns,
         thou wilt establish sure.

   3  I with my chosen One have made
         a cov'nant graciously;
      And to my servant, whom I loved,
         to David sworn have I;
   4  That I thy seed establish shall
         for ever to remain,
      And will to generations all
         thy throne build and maintain.

   5  The praises of thy wonders, Lord,
         the heavens shall express;
      And in the congregätion
         of saints thy faithfulness.
   6  For who in heaven with the Lord
         may once himself compare?
      Who is like God among the sons
         of those that mighty are?

   7  Great fear in meeting of the saints
         is due unto the Lord;
      And he of all about him should
         with rev'rence be adored.
   8  O thou that art the Lord of hosts,
         what Lord in mightiness
      Is like to thee? who compassed round
         art with thy faithfulness.

   9  Ev'n in the raging of the sea
         thou over it dost reign;
      And when the waves thereof do swell,
         thou stillest them again.
  10  Rahab in pieces thou didst break,
         like one that slaughtered is;
      And with thy mighty arm thou hast
         dispersed thine enemies.

  11  The heav'ns are thine, thou for thine own
         the earth dost also take;
      The world, and fullness of the same,
         thy pow'r did found and make.
  12  The north and south from thee alone
         their first beginning had;
      Both Tabor mount and Hermon hill
         shall in thy name be glad.

  13  Thou hast an arm that's full of pow'r,
         thy hand is great in might;
      And thy right hand exceedingly
         exalted is in height.
  14  Justice and judgment of thy throne
         are made the dwelling-place;
      Mercy, accompanied with truth,
         shall go before thy face.

  15  O greatly blessed the people are
         the joyful sound that know;
      In brightness of thy face, O Lord,
         they ever on shall go.
  16  They in thy name shall all the day
         rejoice exceedingly;
      And in thy righteousness shall they
         exalted be on high.

  17  Because the glory of their strength
         doth only stand in thee;
      And in thy favor shall our horn
         and pow'r exalted be.
  18  For God is our defense; and he
         to us doth safety bring:
      The Holy One of Israel
         is our almighty King.

  19  In vision to thy Holy One
         thou saidst, I help upon
      A strong one laid; out of the folk
         I raised a chosen one;
  20  Ev'n David, I have found him out
         a servant unto me;
      And with my holy oil my King
         anointed him to be.

  21  With whom my hand shall stablished be;
         mine arm shall make him strong.
  22  On him the foe shall not exact,
         nor son of mischief wrong.
  23  I will beat down before his face
         all his malicious foes;
      I will them greatly plague who do
         with hatred him oppose.

  24  My mercy and my faithfulness
         with him yet still shall be;
      And in my name his horn and pow'r
         men shall exalted see.
  25  His hand and pow'r shall reach afar;
         I'll set it in the sea;
      And his right hand establishèd
         shall in the rivers be.

  26  Thou art my Father, he shall cry,
         thou art my God alone;
      And he shall say, Thou art the Rock
         of my salvätion.
  27  I'll make him my first-born, more high
         than kings of any land.
  28  My love I'll ever keep for him,
         my cov'nant fast shall stand.

  29  His seed I by my pow'r will make
         for ever to endure;
      And, as the days of heav'n, his throne
         shall stable be, and sure.
  30  But if his children shall forsake
         my laws, and go astray,
      And in my judgments shall not walk,
         but wander from my way:

  31  If they my laws break, and do not
         keep my commandements;
  32  I'll visit then their faults with rods,
         their sins with chastisements.
  33  Yet I'll not take my love from him,
         nor false my promise make.
  34  My cov'nant I'll not break, nor change
         what with my mouth I spake.

  35  Once by my holiness I sware,
         to David I'll not lie;
  36  His seed and throne shall, as the sun,
         before me last for aye.
  37  It, like the moon, shall ever be
         established steadfastly;
      And like to that which in the heav'n
         doth witness faithfully.

  38  But thou, displeasèd, hast cast off,
         thou didst abhor and loathe;
      With him that thine anointed is
         thou hast been very wroth.
  39  Thou hast thy servant's covenant
         made void, and quite cast by;
      Thou hast profaned his crown, while it
         cast on the ground doth lie.

  40  Thou all his hedges hast broke down,
         his strong holds down hast torn.
  41  He to all passers-by a spoil,
         to neighbors is a scorn.
  42  Thou hast set up his foes' right hand;
         mad'st all his en'mies glad:
  43  Turned his sword's edge, and him to stand
         in battle hast not made.

  44  His glory thou hast made to cease,
         his throne to ground down cast;
  45  Shortened his days of youth, and him
         with shame thou covered hast.
  46  How long, Lord, wilt thou hide thyself?
         for ever, in thine ire?
      And shall thine indignätion
         burn like unto a fire?

  47  Remember, Lord, how short a time
         I shall on earth remain:
      O wherefore is it so that thou
         hast made all men in vain?
  48  What man is he that liveth here,
         and death shall never see?
      Or from the power of the grave
         what man his soul shall free?

  49  Thy former loving-kindnesses,
         O Lord, where be they now?
      Those which in truth and faithfulness
         to David sworn hast thou?
  50  Mind, Lord, thy servant's sad reproach;
         how I in bosom bear
      The scornings of the people all,
         who strong and mighty are.

  51  Wherewith thy raging enemies
         reproached, O Lord, think on;
      Wherewith they have reproached the steps
       of thine anointed one.
  52  All blessing to the Lord our God
         let be ascribèd then:
      For evermore so let it be.
         Amen, yea, and amen.


•   Psalm 8   · 1 How excellent in all the earth, Lord, our...


1 ¶ I will sing of the mercies of the LORD for ever: with my mouth will I make known thy faithfulness to all generations.
2 For I have said, Mercy shall be built up for ever: thy faithfulness shalt thou establish in the very heavens.
3 I have made a covenant with my chosen, I have sworn unto David my servant,
4 Thy seed will I establish for ever, and build up thy throne to all generations. Selah.
5 ¶ And the heavens shall praise thy wonders, O LORD: thy faithfulness also in the congregation of the saints.
6 For who in the heaven can be compared unto the LORD? who among the sons of the mighty can be likened unto the LORD?
7 God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints, and to be had in reverence of all them that are about him.
8 O LORD God of hosts, who is a strong LORD like unto thee? or to thy faithfulness round about thee?
9 Thou rulest the raging of the sea: when the waves thereof arise, thou stillest them.
10 Thou hast broken Rahab in pieces, as one that is slain; thou hast scattered thine enemies with thy strong arm.
11 The heavens are thine, the earth also is thine: as for the world and the fulness thereof, thou hast founded them.
12 The north and the south thou hast created them: Tabor and Hermon shall rejoice in thy name.
13 Thou hast a mighty arm: strong is thy hand, and high is thy right hand.
14 Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne: mercy and truth shall go before thy face.
15 ¶ Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound: they shall walk, O LORD, in the light of thy countenance.
16 In thy name shall they rejoice all the day: and in thy righteousness shall they be exalted.
17 For thou art the glory of their strength: and in thy favour our horn shall be exalted.
18 For the LORD is our defence; and the Holy One of Israel is our king.
19 ¶ Then thou spakest in vision to thy holy one, and saidst, I have laid help upon one that is mighty; I have exalted one chosen out of the people.
20 I have found David my servant; with my holy oil have I anointed him:
21 With whom my hand shall be established: mine arm also shall strengthen him.
22 The enemy shall not exact upon him; nor the son of wickedness afflict him.
23 And I will beat down his foes before his face, and plague them that hate him.
24 But my faithfulness and my mercy shall be with him: and in my name shall his horn be exalted.
25 I will set his hand also in the sea, and his right hand in the rivers.
26 He shall cry unto me, Thou art my father, my God, and the rock of my salvation.
27 Also I will make him my firstborn, higher than the kings of the earth.
28 My mercy will I keep for him for evermore, and my covenant shall stand fast with him.
29 His seed also will I make to endure for ever, and his throne as the days of heaven.
30 If his children forsake my law, and walk not in my judgments;
31 If they break my statutes, and keep not my commandments;
32 Then will I visit their transgression with the rod, and their iniquity with stripes.
33 Nevertheless my lovingkindness will I not utterly take from him, nor suffer my faithfulness to fail.
34 My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips.
35 Once have I sworn by my holiness that I will not lie unto David.
36 His seed shall endure for ever, and his throne as the sun before me.
37 It shall be established for ever as the moon, and as a faithful witness in heaven. Selah.
38 ¶ But thou hast cast off and abhorred, thou hast been wroth with thine anointed.
39 Thou hast made void the covenant of thy servant: thou hast profaned his crown by casting it to the ground.
40 Thou hast broken down all his hedges; thou hast brought his strong holds to ruin.
41 All that pass by the way spoil him: he is a reproach to his neighbours.
42 Thou hast set up the right hand of his adversaries; thou hast made all his enemies to rejoice.
43 Thou hast also turned the edge of his sword, and hast not made him to stand in the battle.
44 Thou hast made his glory to cease, and cast his throne down to the ground.
45 The days of his youth hast thou shortened: thou hast covered him with shame. Selah.
46 How long, LORD? wilt thou hide thyself for ever? shall thy wrath burn like fire?
47 Remember how short my time is: wherefore hast thou made all men in vain?
48 What man is he that liveth, and shall not see death? shall he deliver his soul from the hand of the grave? Selah.
49 Lord, where are thy former lovingkindnesses, which thou swarest unto David in thy truth?
50 Remember, Lord, the reproach of thy servants; how I do bear in my bosom the reproach of all the mighty people;
51 Wherewith thine enemies have reproached, O LORD; wherewith they have reproached the footsteps of thine anointed.
52 Blessed be the LORD for evermore. Amen, and Amen.

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