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News Item1/5/09 7:29 AM
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Banned wrote:
I find it hard to believe you are oblivious to the concentration camps.
I heard about the construction of "detention camps" from the corporate media in a broadcast early in the "Decider's" first term. Texe Mars has a good article about it on his site . . .

Also, I read the slams against Texe Mars and checked his site to verify . . . Here is what I found . . .

About Texe Mars . . .
"Texe Marrs was assistant professor of aerospace studies, teaching American Defense Policy, strategic weapons systems, and related subjects at the University of Texas at Austin from 1977 to 1982. He has also taught international affairs, political science, and psychology for two other universities. A graduate Summa Cum Laude from Park University, Kansas City, Missouri, he earned his Master’s degree at North Carolina State University.

As a career USAF officer (now retired), he commanded communications-electronics and engineering units. He holds a number of military decorations, including the Vietnam Service Medal and the Presidential Unit Citation., and served in Germany, Italy, and throughout Asia. He was chosen Airman of the Year while serving in Korat Air Base, Thailand."


News Item1/5/09 7:20 AM
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Scott McMahan wrote:
"...God told him..." You never hear of Godly expository pastors who preach the Bible in the news, do you? But there can only be parodies/jokes/ridicule of something that is real in the first place.
You got that right ! But I guess it is just a coincidence ! Certainly not organized - dare I use the "C" word ?

I just read "Pawns in the Game." I recommend it !

News Item1/5/09 7:13 AM
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John UK wrote:
That's better. My e-mail has gone in, and should be opened tomorrow morning. For those unaware of what it is, read Nigel Tompsett's post of 1/4/09 6.18pm But use the e-mail address as per 7.32pm post
I just sent an email to
It was very short because I must getr ready for work but here is a copy of it. I urge all Christians to at least send some thing.

Mr. Ian McPherson:

The treatment that Graham Cogman has received is unfair and I object to it. The decision to sack him was 'harsh and disproportionate'. It seems that the police service has become so sensitive to the rights of gays that Christians are no longer safe to express their views.

I urge you to over turn the decision to dismiss Mr. Cogman, who has received a commendation two times, and to reinstate him as a Policeman.

News Item1/4/09 9:37 AM
over come evil | with good  Find all comments by over come evil
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John UK wrote:
over come evil with good
Thank you old bean, missed it, sorry.
Thats okay ol turnip !

I must get ready to go to church but will attempt a quick response and may need to add more later.

I've been reading / hearing about the 18 month blockade of Gaza from many credible sources in the corporate media and alternate media. So for me that is proven and no one is even disputing it.

Food and medical supplies have been cut to a trickle. Students, journalists and representatives of respected NGO's are prohibited from leaving and entering. A UN Reporter on the Human Rights of Palestinians has been forced to leave.

The home made rockets were being fired even before Hamas took over after the election which they won.

Will be back later . . .

News Item1/4/09 9:07 AM
over come evil | with good  Find all comments by over come evil
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The one-sided corporate media does not report anything other than that Israel is responding to rocket attacks from Gaza.

Corporate media does not report that these rockets do little more than make noise. Nor the fact that no Israelis were killed since the cease fire and that during the past eight years less than two dozen Iraelis were killed.

Even many Israelis are protesting this excessive force which is directed mainly against civilians.


I have a question for you John UK. What is the Israeli agenda?


News Item1/4/09 8:40 AM
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John UK wrote:
Banned, I would really like a simple answer as to why the Hamas militants are still, even today, firing rockets into Israel.
You see, I am looking objectively at this whole situation, rather than geting emotionally involved. That doesn't mean I'm cold-hearted towards the Palestinians. But I do need to understand what they are trying to achieve by violence.
John my post at 9:29 PM yesterday was an attempt to answer your question as to why Hamas has been firing rockets.

The Bible instructs us to be intrested in others.

News Item1/3/09 10:51 PM
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lyn wrote:
The verse I quoted references to getting GODLY wisdom, not wild off the wall paranoia. The only wisdom that will sustain a child of God in the end time and keep them from falling prey to all kinds of hysteria is the wisdom Almighty God gives, through His Spirit and His word.
Lyn, we are instructed by Holy Scripture to acknowledge God in *all*
our ways.

Nuff said - its off to bed with me

News Item1/3/09 10:47 PM
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Neil wrote:
While I too worry about excessive time spent by children with TV & video games, any attempt to blame these & other environmental factors, in deterministic fashion, for poor communication skills etc., is the causal fallacy. Correlation does not imply causation.
Just to be safe though, I think it best to emphasize reading in the early years. Video entertainment can come later (if at all).
I agree that there is probably more to the problem than just the time spent viewing TV & video. Lack of interactions with nurturing human beings is likely even more of a problem.

Off to bed with me

News Item1/3/09 10:32 PM
over come evil | with good  Find all comments by over come evil
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Lyn, you certainly do seem fearful of any reality that does not conform to the one presented by the corporate media. You posted a verse from Proverbs which instructs us to get wisdom and *understanding*.

News Item1/3/09 10:21 PM
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See Video: Demonstration Washington DC
Rabbi Feldman: Zionism is "Illegitimate Political Movement"


See Video - Rabbi Against Israel (Zionism)

News Item1/3/09 10:03 PM
over come evil | with good  Find all comments by over come evil
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Israel claims that the Israeli army is merely reacting to projectiles fired from Gaza. This is only a pretext for two main reasons:

The projectiles are symbolic weapons that make more noise than damage. During the past eight years, less than two dozen Israelis were killed by these projectiles. In the meanwhile, thousands of Palestinians, mainly children and other innocent civilians, were annihilated by the Israeli death machine.

These are war crimes because this is excessive force, mainly against civilians, in reaction to minor provocation.

There are those who would argue that Israel has the right and duty to defend its citizens. Well, this is not the real issue, because one could argue that even the worst state in the world has the right to defend its citizens.

But Israel has been savaging an entire people by imposing a Nazi-like siege upon them on no other account than to punish them for electing a government that both Israel and her guardian-ally, the United States, didn’t like.

In short, the Palestinians must die if they resist and die if they don’t.


News Item1/3/09 9:52 PM
over come evil | with good  Find all comments by over come evil
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Toddlers are failing to learn basic communication skills because of their addiction to television and video games.

Two year olds are to be screened because the problem is now more prevalent than dyslexia and autism.

Barely a 10th of children in some areas can repeat even 1 nursery rhyme and in extreme cases they do not even know their name.


News Item1/3/09 9:29 PM
over come evil | with good  Find all comments by over come evil
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John UK wrote:
Do you know why it is that Hamas militants have been firing thousands of rockets into Israel after the Palestinians were granted the whole territory of Gaza in 2005.
A simple answer will do.
John see an article written by Richard Falk, a United Nations Special Reporter on Palestinian Human Rights


For 18 months the entire 1.5 million people of Gaza have been experiencing a punishing blockade imposed by Israel.

Israel has also refused exit permits to students with foreign fellowship awards and to Gazan journalists and respected NGO representatives. At the same time, it made it increasingly difficult for journalists to enter.

The situation has produced severe declines in the physical condition and mental health of the Gazan population, including malnutrition among children and the absence of treatment facilities for those suffering from a variety of diseases.

Also see:


News Item1/3/09 6:41 PM
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Banned wrote:
They are going in to have their way with those people, as though they hadn't already done enough evil to them . . . All who hate God love death. Prov. 8:36
While reading Prov. 8:36, I saw some other verses that should also be considered . . .

Prov 8:10 Receive my instruction, and not silver; and knowledge rather than choice gold.

Prov 8:11 For wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it.

Prov 8:12 I wisdom dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge of witty inventions.

Prov 8:13 The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate.

Prov 8:14 Counsel is mine, and sound wisdom: I [am] understanding; I have strength.

I've been gone all day just came back and read the posts but need to take off again . . .

To all Saints:
Psalm 37: Fret not because of evil doers . . .

News Item1/3/09 6:20 PM
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Ralph Nader's letter to Bush on Gaza Crisis

. . . Gideon Levy, the veteran Israeli columnist for Ha’aretz, called the Israeli attack a "brutal and violent operation" far beyond what was needed for protecting the people in its south. He added: "The diplomatic efforts were just in the beginning, and I believe we could have got to a new truce without this bloodshed… send dozens of jets to bomb a total helpless civilian society with hundreds of bombs . . ."

Apparently, thousands of Israelis, including some army reservists, who have demonstrated against this destruction of Gaza agree with Mr. Levy. However, their courageous stands have not reached the mass media in the U.S. whose own reporters cannot even get into Gaza due to Israeli prohibitions on the international press.

Your spokespeople are making much ado about the breaking of the six month truce. Who is the occupier? Who is the most powerful military force? Who controls and blocks the necessities of life?

. . . Peace was possible, but you provided no leadership, preferring instead to comply with all wishes and demands by the Israeli government—even resupplying it . .

News Item1/3/09 8:36 AM
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The Zionist enterprise has indeed called for the annihilation of the indigenous Palestinian population beginning with Zionism’s founder, Theodore Herzl. In the late 1880’s, Herzl called for an enforced separation of Arabs from Zionist Jews:

"It is best to spirit the penniless Palestinian population across the borders by denying it any employment in
our own country."


Israel’s first Prime Minister, David Ben Gurion, who in 1948, expanded on Herzl’s enforced separation, by covertly promoting an agenda of ethnic cleansing:

"The UN partition of a Jewish State being offered to us is not the Zionist objective. Within this area it is not possible to reach our historic goal. But it can serve as a decisive stage along the path to a greater Zionist implementation. Within the shortest possible time we will consolidate a Jewish force throughout Palestine."



News Item1/3/09 7:00 AM
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Proverbs 31 (vs 10 -31) is a true model for women single and/or married.

News Item1/3/09 6:33 AM
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Baruch Levy, Letter to Karl Marx, 'La Revue de Paris', p.574, June 1, 1928 -
"The Jewish people as a whole will become its own Messiah. It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this New World Order the children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the Messianic time is come, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands."

lyn from usa -
"Through it all, please remember to pray for this turbulent situation; set aside differences and use the most powerful tool truly regenerated Christians possess...prayer."


News Item1/3/09 6:07 AM
over come evil | with good  Find all comments by over come evil
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For eighteen months the 1.5 million people of Gaza have experienced a punishing blockade imposed by Israel as the entry of food, medicine, and fuel was cut to a trickle.

Six months ago, Egypt arranged a truce that produced an effective ceasefire. Israeli casualties were to cut zero despite the cross-border firing of homemade rockets which undoubtedly caused anxiety in the border town of Sderot.

During the ceasefire, Hamas leadership in Gaza repeatedly offered to extend the truce and claimed receptivity to a solution which accepted Israel's 1967 borders. Israel ignored these diplomatic initiatives, and failed to carry out its side of the ceasefire agreement that involved easing of the blockade.

See article by Richard Falk, United Nations Special Reporter on Human Rights in Palestine

See reports by Street Evangelist, Brother Nathaniel Kapner who was born Jewish and is now an Orthodox Christian:

Independent Jewish Voices of Canada

News Item1/2/09 10:21 AM
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Anti-antichrist wrote:
Here's a good spot.
Good on you Anti-antichrist

Fish can be dangerous because of the mercury. Mostly I try to eat wild Alskan Salmon. Some say that small fish do not have enough time to absorb the heavy metals. I love anchovies especially in pesto or a caesar salad dressing. Sardines and mustard are delicious too.

Note: Grass fed beef has more omega 3 than salmon.

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