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Sermon A Firm Foundation for the Christian Faith | Philip Beachy
David Fields from Texas
"Mr Beachy, in his message, didn't say what God..Elohim, did after..."
-6 hrs 
Sermon Out of the Depths | Malachi Moody
jfurialau from Northern California
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Fred Tuttle from Georgetown KY
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Sermon2/2/2021 11:55 AM
Ladybug  Contact via emailFind all comments by Ladybug
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent Christ exalting message. So many have confidence in the flesh, they have not had all confidence in that flesh cut off by the Lord. Giving God all glory for true Gospel preaching❤️

Sermon1/31/2021 8:44 AM
Ladybug  Contact via emailFind all comments by Ladybug
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent sermon. Satan still desires to bind sinners to the law, which condemns. Many today still preach a law condemning message, Satan is very busy at this late hour. Gods blessings be upon His people.

Sermon1/30/2021 11:22 AM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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Beware of False Prophets
Bill Parker
“ Great Sermon! ”
Great message. SO much false teaching, false gospels throughout this world. Even here the majority of the preachers on this site are false teachers, preaching works, preaching free will. They say grace, then they add 'but'. From the sermon, 'they come in the name of Christ' - that's how false teachers disguise themselves. Only God can keep you from so deadly a deception. They tell you to stop sinning, to obey the law, to accept Jesus, to do something to be saved, to get saved, they say you must'respond' to the 'gospel offer'. The true Gospel of Christ is NOT an 'offer', it is a proclamation on what Christ has done to save His people from their sins. Their deception is greatest within the Reformed/Calvinist camps. The greatest indication of the soon return of Christ is before us NOW - 'take heed no man deceive you'. America is filled with this idolatrous religion, worshipping false gods. Then they wonder why this nation is currently falling apart. Christ has ordained this present chaos, it will serve His purpose. Even false teachers serve His purpose. Praise God, the Lord reigns!

Sermon1/21/2021 3:44 PM
Ladybug  Contact via emailFind all comments by Ladybug
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The God That Intervenes?
Gary Shepard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Most excellent God exalting message. God doesn't intervene, He ordains it all, amen. Timely sermon, all glory to the only worthy One.

Sermon1/9/2021 9:48 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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Woe Unto Them
Gary Shepard
“ Great Sermon! ”
very encouraging message, praise to the Lord.

News Item1/8/2021 5:24 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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cv wrote, "Our ONLY concern should be the the gospel of Christ. The battle is spiritual. Deception is the enemy." amen, well said.

News Item1/8/2021 1:48 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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While the lost cling to princes/politics to be their guide and their god, here is the cry of the elect:
May God use the remainder of my days and of my little strength, which is nothing but weakness, to proclaim the knowledge of His Son..
Beyond that, all is VANITY, vanity of vanities.... Maggots climbing upon other slimy maggots and claiming to be better maggots..
There is no other name that is worth fighting for or dying for if required, but the name of Christ Jesus of which the blessed Apostle Paul said, [Gal 6:14 NET] But may I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world."
Let God be true and every man a liar.
Amen! - James Guyo

God ordains ALL things, including this present situation. He will get glory in the end. He will get vengeance on the wicked, the elect rest in Him as we continue our journey, which is getting shorter, on to a better country. This world is headed for destruction, fools cling to it.

News Item1/8/2021 1:32 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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The filthy conversation of the wicked is that conversation they have concerning God and righteousness and salvation and Christ. They say wrong, vile, nasty, untrue things about all....when you got men standing in a country, a nation, a world and they're telling lies about God, how He is, how He saves sinners, what the real state of man are feeling the liberty to be what they are, and that ain't nothing but sinners. The more unrestrained by grace, the more unrestrained by the truth of God the more WICKEDNESS they display...'and God gave them over to a reprobate mind', that's where we're at RIGHT NOW I'm thinkin'. Gary Shepard

News Item1/8/2021 12:36 PM
Ladybug  Find all comments by Ladybug
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2 Corinthians 5
21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
The obedience unto death of Christ on the cross demands the salvation of every soul he represented. His death alone establishes the only actual righteousness in all of history and perfectly satisfies the just demands of God.
There are no additions that can be added, or conditions that must be met to make this so. Christ finished the work of salvation and met every condition for every sinner he represented. They are eternally righteous and holy in his substitutionary work in the eyes of God. His righteousness is their righteousness and his reward is their reward.
While religious moralists hate this doctrine and must boast, in some measure of their own "good" works, this is a place of glorious rest for the child of God and is the greatest of good news.
Kenny Dyess

News Item1/8/2021 12:16 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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"[It is] better to trust in the LORD THAN TO PUT CONFIDENCE IN PRINCES."(Psalm 118:9)
The original Hebrew word translated into the English phrase "than to put confidence" means 'to trust or TRUST IN, to FEEL SAFE'. The believing, justified saints CONFIDENCE and SECURITY is not found in MEN, governments, or even documents. How do we know that? The LORD tells us WHERE our confidence is - "better TO TRUST in the LORD." The original word translated into English - "TO TRUST", means 'to SEEK REFUGE or TO FLEE FOR PROTECTION'. So KING DAVID, (KING DAVID, not Joe SMO), by the Holy Spirit declares of HIMSELF - "it is good, appropriate, or pleasing to SEEK REFUGE IN or TO FLEE FOR PROTECTION in JEHOVAH as opposed to trust in or to feel safe in MANKIND.
"By me kings reign, and PRINCES decree justice. By me PRINCES rule, and nobles, [even] all the judges of the earth."(Proverbs 8:15,16) -- Richard Warmack

News Item1/8/2021 11:33 AM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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Gay, you said, "Jim is a sensationalist trying to bait Christians to anger, all forms of government are corrupt, don't take the bait." Amen. This is excellent, from bro. James Guyo, "The world and its institutions cannot be made better, cannot be recovered by anyone no matter how well meaning..
Why? Because men and women are nothing, are less than dust on God's scale and they know nothing, even though they esteem themselves to be something.
Men and women think destiny lies in their hands because they refuse the knowledge of the One who rules over all things..
God is moving all things to His appointed end...
None is going to say No.... We may kick and scream, but this is a ship that you can't jump overboard and have no ability to change its course.
History is God's history, He is the maker and sustainer of it...
And all things redound to the glory of Christ with whom every one has to meet and deal with...
To meet Him in peace or in pieces...
His name shall be praised....

News Item1/7/2021 11:28 AM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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to *put*, in the Hebrew - shiyth-to set, station, appoint, fix, set mind to. Those who 'put their trust' in Christ set their mind to do so. How can they set their mind to do this? This is where the Spirit of God comes into play in saving a sinner, He opens the mind- John 3. He gives understanding, this understanding given by the Spirit is the 'cause' of 'putting your trust' in Christ. If this isn't made clear, then the sinner is led to believe they can say they put their trust in Christ without ever understanding what that entails. The devil is in the details.....So we should never tell a lost sinner to 'put their trust' in Christ, for only the elect 'put their trust' in Christ, and only AFTER the Spirit has done His work. I remember a deacon once saying repeatedly, 'when I trusted in Christ as my Lord and Savior', yet he didn't know the Christ of the bible. He was trusting in what HE did.

Yes, when it comes to the Gospel, the truth found in God's word, we must be that nitpicky..It is NOT something we 'do', it's something the Spirit of God does in us.
This is an excellent writing from a dear brother entitled 'which Jesus?' - You should be able to read that even if you don't have a fb acct.

News Item1/7/2021 11:06 AM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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Actually, Heb. 2:13 reads this way in the interlinear, 'and again, I will be trusting in him'. Who is talking in that text? Christ. Verse 11 tells us who is doing the talking in verses 12 and 13. Here's the end of verse 11, "he is not ashamed to call them brethren", and the start of vs 12, "saying, I will declare thy name unto my brethren, in the midst of the church will I sing praise unto thee". Then vs. 13, "and again, I will put my trust in him. And again, Behold, I and the children which God hath given me" - this is Christ talking....

Yes US, we only believe/trust in Christ because God gives us faith to believe. That we both agree on.

Tim, the problem is MOST of today's 'preaching' leads to a different jesus, which leads to idolatry. You seem to think getting the Gospel RIGHT is irrelevant. You fail to see that most people follow a different jesus, a free will jesus, a 'god loves all' jesus, a jesus that died for all, but can't save anybody unless they do something. A jesus that says keep the law, even though the law only condemns, or get baptized, or a gazillion other things/steps to follow in order to get saved or stay saved. Most of today's gospel preaching is false, accursed. The gospel most preach has no power to save, no righteousness of God revealed....

News Item1/7/2021 9:53 AM
Ladybug  Find all comments by Ladybug
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Being specific is essential in a day of great apostasy. For example, Eph 1;13 says "in whom ye also trusted". Rugh says "put your trust" - see the difference? That simple slight of hand makes all the difference between a pseudo Jesus and the true Christ.

News Item1/6/2021 9:37 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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What you are missing is what was pointed out - faith is a gift. Paul is consistent in his writings, keep on reading until you get to Ephesians 2:8,9. Faith is a gift, it is given by God, we don't 'put our trust' in Christ, we haven't the ability to do so. God must give us faith to believe, that was the whole point which seems to be overlooked. Faith is a gift, not something you do, not a work, like 'putting your trust', all who believe do so because God has given them faith to believe. Eph. 1,yes, they trusted 'after' they heard the Gospel, this is how God saves. He opens the mind at the preaching of the truth, He gives His elect understanding and causes them to trust in Christ. Apart from Him, you can do what? Nothing. We abide in Him, by His power, even believing is by His power.

News Item1/6/2021 5:39 PM
Ladybug  Find all comments by Ladybug
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From Rughs website, "It cannot be gained by good works, but is a free gift for all who put their trust in Jesus Christ and His finished work on the cross." If you can't discern what's wrong with that, I don't know what to say. Rugh contradicts himself, "it cannot be gained by good works", then says "all who put their trust" does a sinner "put their trust" in Christ? No one has the ability to believe/trust in what Christ has done, faith must be given by God to His elect. This escapes many. We cannot trust in His finished work apart from God granting that, starting with opening the mind. Only God can grant understanding. Many claim they are believing what the bible says when in reality, they are believing their view of the bible based on how they perceive it. When they get to the tough parts like Romans9 and how the Potter fashioned some for salvation and others for damnation, they deny that. You have to take in the whole counsel, you have to read in context, scripture interpreting scripture. This is how many stumble, they reject the difficult parts and end up fashioning a false God and worshipping that image. I was caught up in those dead works until God brought me to repentance. If He hasn't brought you to repent of dead works, you are still lost. Heb 6:1

News Item1/6/2021 3:43 PM
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Can you tell me what website it was US?

News Item1/5/2021 12:51 PM
Ladybug  Find all comments by Ladybug
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the verses concerning election, predestination, etc explain why only the elect are saved, how they are saved, when God determined to save them. As for living holy, how do you do that? What 'work' do you do to 'be holy'? Again, you don't know what that text means. We aren't holy, ever. Holiness is the Lord alone, the elect possess HIS HOLINESS, it's positional. God only looks to His Son, all that we are is rolled up in HIM. **Imputed righteousness is what you must have, and that never includes your efforts**. People always say they are trusting in Christ alone, then they give themselves away by saying things like,'striving for holiness', 'trusting in Jesus', not as a gift from God, but as their own work.
Yes, HE absolutely DOES chose whom He saves, before the foundation of the world He chose His elect - Eph.1:4. Election comes before salvation. --"But we ought to give thanks to God always concerning you, brothers beloved by the Lord, that *God has chosen you from the beginning unto salvation* in the sanctification of the Spirit, and by faith of the truth" 2 Thess. 2:13
Sanctification/holiness, being set apart, isn't a work of the sinner. Christ has set apart His elect by what HE has done.
Both Jew and Gentile are 'ONE' in Christ- Galatians 3:28

News Item1/5/2021 12:39 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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NC, what do you do with texts like 'He shall save "HIS PEOPLE" from their sins' Matt. 1:21, or 'I lay down my life for my sheep' John 10:15? If you understood what Christ accomplished on the cross, then you wouldn't say 'He shed His blood for the whole world' -because His blood 'cleanses us from ALL SIN'. If He did shed His blood for 'ALL', then hell would be empty. His death, His finished work is not 'sufficient for all', you won't find that in the bible. He actually redeemed His elect, He actually atoned for ALL their sins. It is finished, it is complete, it is perfect, paid in full. Not for all, for the elect only. Romans 9 is neglected and rejected by universalists, it flies in the face of 'God loves all, saves all', which is a lie. "I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep" If Christ died for all, why does He specifically state 'for my sheep'?

do you have power to get sinners saved? No! HOW is it anyone believes?
Why is it you did not answer any of my questions? Only God can grant understanding to sinners, and He does to every elect sinner He saves. They trust in Christ because HE gives them faith to believe. He gets ALL the glory in saving His sheep. This is why the true Gospel is offensive.

News Item1/5/2021 12:24 PM
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Jim Lincoln,
My hope is NOT in politics, my God is not the same as yours. I don't trust any man, least of all a politician. You serve one purpose, to push the agenda of man, fallen corrupt sinful man. Time is short Jim.
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