I havnt communicated with you recently = you may remember me here in S W England UK but I was reminded of you as I saw your photo after downloading one of your addresses on revival. You are deeply convicted about this and rightly so. You even autographed the book. Sadly I cant find it at present but I know it was a great blessing at the time.. I would like to reciprocate . Could you send me your address to jimallis65@yahoo.co.uk May God continue to bless you in your ongoing ministry. Would be great to hear from you Jim
Tremendously blessed thank God. Mark you delivered this address from Bob Jones University I am nor sure when but I was listening to the recording this morning (25-5-2019 very early as I am in the process of helpinga small church reformul;ate its foundation after many splits and troubles with leadership etc. I am not the pastor but have been a missionar Evangelist and pastor over fifty years now in so called retrement. However I have been requested to help this now very small church but all eager to live according to the Scriptures and be part of a church which is absolutely grounded in Scripture. Your address thrille me as I have a heart for the Church as you surely have and all you said concerning the Word of God and the Church I resonated with 100% I want to thank you for it and ask your permission to use some or all the material you used on that occasion which I know the people of Sturminster need to hear. I had already given my first address pointing out the very four elements you referred to as essential to the Church life and had attention for forty five minutes I had not intended to speak for that long but there was no murmur of disapproval. So is there possibly a transcript of that address I may have? I am also looking for books you may have written on Amazon . Thanks Jim Allis
Hello Paul, you may remember me from some years ago I contacted you for help regarding the state of churches being influenced by false teachers. At that time we entered into a little correspondence and you kindly sent me a copy of one of Dr Martyn Lloyd Jones books which was just right for me at the time. I am an evangelist only retired because only one church invites me to preach. So I write and hope to put the printed page into peoples hands through booklets on important matters as you yourself do. I like you weere have been of late 2018 been very exercised in my spirit to write booklerts based on Being rooted in Christ and built uip in Him. I fear in Great Britain where I live thisd is not happening even in many evangelical churches. Topical sermions seem to be the rage and verse b y verse exposition is seen in very few churchews here comarpred with the many so called evangelical churches here. Why is that? I hear "People will not listen to that kind of preaching. Even the church to which I belong fails in this area of ministry. I am writing a series of booklets based on 'Rooted and built up in Christ'. I am so thankful I can write to people like yourself to both commend and ask you for helpful advice. Possibly the reason I am not asked to preach in retirement .Help !! Jim
Most needy to all the Church of God How important this message is Phil for a dying world and a church in bewilderment and delusion and dare I say it lazy and as you say a church which is more or less aaying "I will not bother you Satan if you do not bother me" So we are tempted to simply receive good food and then keep it to ourselves and not share the Word of God to a hungry and dissatisfied world who simply look at the Church of God and see little difference to themselves in their unconverted state. The devil lost at Calvary and we need to pull our socks up and live in the light of that truth and witness bravely and faithfully and by God;s grace and power push forward for God and not sit at ease in Zion. Thank you so much Phil you are so helpful to elderly mature but not so mature that we are not able to learn so much more.
Great Sermon! praise the Lord so so helpful.. Oh that many will hear this message pansy and be filled. So vital and so timely for us all. Phil your ministry is so empowered because you always give Him the glory. Your ministry enables me for live out my life with complete confidence in God and His infallible always up to date Word. THANK YOU LORD. Thank you Phil.
Great Sermon! Hi Phil, thank you four Old Testament one book at a time. So informative and so revealing the glory of God in O.T. Are you thinking of doing New Testament revealing The glory of God? I do hope God inspires you to do so. I HAVE LEARNED SO MUCH AND HAVE BEEN STRENGTHENED SO MUCH. TO GOD. Be all the glory. My ministry has been so enhanced praise God.
Great Sermon! Yes Phil I was richly blessed early this morning as I listened to your message. It was thought provoking and so inline with my own study of the Scriptures over many years. I felt absolutely one with you in your understanding of the times in which we live and so heartening to see how wonderfully the Lord has worked in and through you and increased the numbers gradually but also I am sure they have grown spiritually under such a rich ministry. You certainly have spent much time in the scriptures and in prayer. Oh Lord rend
the heavens and come down we pray. Your church needs it urgently. Will be praying for you and your flock.