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Sermon In Love, the King Warns His People | Rev. Bill Lovell
"I missed last week sermon so I was listening to it."
-4 day 
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Sermon4/1/16 9:15 PM
Thomas Sullivan | Jenison, MI  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Thomas Sullivan
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“ Worth listening to again and again. ”
Having read chapter 3 of Owen's Treatise numerous times in the last six months, I wanted to listen to this Sunday School lesson again. If volume 6 of Owen's works is one of the most prized Puritan works in church history, this chapter alone should rate near the top of all chapters in the 4 books in that volume. I don't know who to compare to Owen for his searching, amazing analyses of the deceitfulness of the Christian's heart due to remaining sin. IMHO the way it is communicated in an effort to get the attention, maybe the closest equal would be the warnings in Richard Baxter's Reformed Pastor. Bart Bryant certainly communicated the main points of this chapter well, if I can interest a handful of people to "take up and read" the benefits I believe they would find most helpful. But at least listen to this and let us take heed.

Sermon3/7/16 7:58 PM
Thomas Sullivan | Jenison, MI  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Thomas Sullivan
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Are You a Murderer?
Kurt Smith
“ Powerful Preaching ”
I discovered Pastor Smith today since Chris and I upload all the sermons for and I was listening while delivering the mail. The powerful oratory of this sermon caught my attention immediately, and then the substance. By the end of the sermon I had to get Chris on the phone and thank him for adding Pastor Smith's sermons to our line up. Then I got home and had to share this with the wife as I always do when a sermon really arrests me. Now I want to hear the next few sermons as well. I am a debtor to any pastor whose sermons unzip my heart, arrest my conscience, and drive me to the blood of Christ for fresh mercy.

Sermon12/3/15 5:52 AM
Thomas Sullivan | Grand Rapids MI  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Thomas Sullivan
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Answers to Prayer 1 of 12
Archibald Alexander
“ Thanks to S W R B ministries ”
This month marks my 30th anniversary of narrating books. I have no copies of the original cassettes, this narration being from 1985. If Reg had not uploaded this here I would have no copies or even memories of what it sounded like in the beginning, December 1985.

Sermon10/22/15 9:18 PM
Thomas Sullivan | Jenison, MI  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Thomas Sullivan
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Six Truths To Build Upon
Pastor George McDearmon
“ Great Sermon! ”
Pastor McDearmon, I M H O may not have an equal in the English language for pressing the Bible to the conscience, as Richard Baxter wrote, to "screw the truth into people's minds." As I place this note on this sermon, it is playing on our online station I need these things continually. Prone to wander, Lord I feel it, prone to leave the God I love.

Sermon10/14/15 5:06 PM
Thomas Sullivan | Jenison, MI  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Thomas Sullivan
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Satan's chapel!
Samuel Milton Vernon
“ Great Sermon! ”
I wrote this introduction to this audio in a Facebook group that I help moderate, "I hadn't heard of Samuel Milton Vernon, 1841-1920 - but leave it to my friend, Jeff, of Grace Audio Treasures (Grace Gems) to find another arrow to send into the conscience. The larger title of this article is called Amusements in the Light of Reason, History, and Revelation - I will link to this, but the audio he chose from the whole is 8 minutes, that he calls Satan's Chapel. Here is one line, "In 1778, when the American colonies, struggling for independence, felt their dependence upon God and their need of his aid, Congress passed a law providing for "the dismissal from office of any officer of the United States who should be found in attendance upon a theater." I have no judgment about this. I only listen to these things to be judged by them not to cry out "legalism," I just assume that I am the one that has declined. {I aired this today on our online radio station... }

Sermon9/4/15 8:44 PM
Thomas Sullivan | Jenison, MI  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Thomas Sullivan
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I probably wouldn't have even heard this except that I play (air) almost every sermon preached from your pulpit on and happened to be listening in while delivering the mail. I have already expressed my continued respect for you pastors and thought this was a solid study as well. Keep up the good work. Thomas

Sermon7/14/15 4:32 PM
Thomas Sullivan | Jenison, MI  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Thomas Sullivan
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The Primacy of the Abrahamic Covenant
Jeffrey D. Johnson
“ Glad to find these sermons ”
I am always looking to see who is new to broadcasting on SermonAudio and to see Pastor Johnson's name really made my day. (By the way, my pastor is Jeff Johnson as well.) On my coffee table is a book by Pastor Johnson, The Fatal Flaw. The book has been a great read anyway, but my copy is borrowed from my friend Albert Martin with his notes all over the margins and a recommendation for me to read it. Shame on me for not getting my own copy by now! and I am glad to see Pastor Johnson's sermons on SermonAudio. I will put some of the sermons on

Sermon3/26/15 7:09 PM
Thomas Sullivan | United States  Contact via emailFind all comments by Thomas Sullivan
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Reconciliation: Step 1
Aaron Deline
“ Great Sermon! ”
Pastor Aaron: I admit I haven't listened to your preaching in a few years. Not since right after you graduated from Knox Seminary. I was looking for sermons from your co-elder and thought I should give a listen to a sermon from a friend now going on many years. The communication and gifts have really improved. But why should I be surprise when even the late Dr. D James Kennedy spoke so highly of you as a student at Knox! I will listen to some more.

Sermon2/7/15 5:21 PM
Thomas Sullivan | Jenison MI  Contact via emailFind all comments by Thomas Sullivan
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Lessons from the Life of Joseph Part 4
Pastor Robert Briggs
“ Great Sermon! ”
I heard this sermon streaming over the new Christian Internet Station It is the sermon on Joseph and Potiphar's wife. The warnings from Pastor Briggs are excellent. I am surprised it only has 100 downloads here because thousands could benefit from this warning!

Sermon12/16/14 7:22 PM
Thomas Sullivan | United States  Contact via emailFind all comments by Thomas Sullivan
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This narrator has my highest respect for narrating the 2 volumes, 1200 pages of Stephen Charnock's Existence and Attributes. I believe he is the same person who narrated the entire volume 5 of the Puritan Morning Exercises for you. All of that just has to be good for his own soul. God bless that man... keep up the good work brother.

Sermon12/12/14 6:29 AM
Thomas Sullivan | United States  Contact via emailFind all comments by Thomas Sullivan
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thanks for releasing these in 64KBPS format. Since this sermon is 44 years old, it is good to hear it in quality audio. If someone can do these with the Sermon on the Mount series like you recently did on that single sermon What Jesus preached about hell from 1964, we would really be grateful .

Sermon12/5/14 6:18 PM
Thomas Sullivan | United States  Contact via emailFind all comments by Thomas Sullivan
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“ Great Commentary ”
Another very insightful commentary on News in Focus. The Pen and Pulpit program is on a temporary hiatus, so I have informed the listeners in the "Pulpit Bunker" to the news commentary from Berean Baptist. And Pastor Bill knocked this one out of the park. Very interesting dialogue on this world's folly. T M S

Sermon11/30/14 6:32 PM
Thomas Sullivan | Jenison, MI  Contact via emailFind all comments by Thomas Sullivan
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Sinners in Zion Tenderly Warned
Jonathan Edwards
“ Thanks for Narrating This ”
I discovered these narrations since they were linked to on another site promoting the works of John Gill that Duane narrated. I have narrated this sermon myself about 10 times over the years, but am always interested in listening to other narrators. It is the more interesting when it is done before a live audience. I would like to hear you narrate The General Judgment by Samuel Davies, and I would love to be in the audience. I prefer the deeper voice narrations and when someone will narrate something like the works of Gill or Ryle or others, I am thankful because everyone wants to narrate Spurgeon, or Edwards famous "Sinners" sermon. Keep up the good work, my heart needs the exhortations. T M S

Sermon11/7/14 5:12 PM
Thomas Sullivan | United States  Contact via emailFind all comments by Thomas Sullivan
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A Call To Heart Religion
Pastor George McDearmon
“ So glad to have found this. ”
I discovered this sermon today, looking for a sermon to recommend to the Pulpit and Pen Program's Voice in the Wilderness sermon From Pastor McD. I can't remember, before even finishing a sermon, calling three other people to talk about it...2 pastors {including our mutual friend A.N.M} and another friend. Then finishing it, and starting over to pray for God to help me as I listened a second time. At the one hour mark of this sermon I quote..."but if we are staying out late on Saturday night, and sleeping in on Sunday morning, preoccupied in the late hours of Saturday evening with newspapers,television and social occasions and all the rest: we are not going to bring the male of the flock, we are going to come here with something on the Lord's day morning lame and blind. Ill selected, ill prepared. You know that's the reality.

Sermon10/23/14 6:47 PM
Thomas Sullivan | Jenison, MI  Contact via emailFind all comments by Thomas Sullivan
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thanks for your note Pastor Carlson: When Pastor Martin told me he was going to preach on this text, I was reminded of the first time I was aware of him preaching it. November 1985. The audience was Grace Community Church, Panorama City, CA.(where John MacArthur pastors) I had just left Trinity the month before to move back to Montana. I had a copy of that tape for years, it may still be up in the attic. I have heard one other recording of him preaching this, but this was an interesting introduction to this sermon.

Sermon9/24/14 5:44 AM
Thomas Sullivan | Jenison, MI  Contact via emailFind all comments by Thomas Sullivan
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Fatal Neglect
Pastor George McDearmon
“ Great Sermon! ”
I attended TBC when Dr.Robert Martin taught Hebrews in S.S. I listened to Dr. James White as he just finished Hebrews in Phoenix, through SermonAudio sermons. But Pastor McDearmon is the preacher I look forward to listening to in order to wake me out of my dullness as he goes through the 5 warning passages of this epistle. Will listen to these at work. May God use them in my life.

Sermon8/24/14 3:19 PM
Thomas Sullivan | Jenison MI  Contact via emailFind all comments by Thomas Sullivan
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I am glad someone else thought this sermon worthy of narrating. I had narrated it 13 months ago. SID=729131456403 I became interested in this sermon while doing a study of the Puritans for a Sunday School lesson. I hope you are narrating more Puritan sermons in the future. Many pastors in our day would not preach on this subject. The puritans were falsely charged with synergism on this point because the antagonists didn't understand what they were saying. But this doctrine is no different than Edwards's Pressing Into the Kingdom. T M S

Sermon8/17/14 9:10 PM
Thomas Sullivan | Jenison, MI  Contact via emailFind all comments by Thomas Sullivan
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National Moral Degeneracy (2)
Albert N. Martin
“ Preached 31 years ago, still relevant ”
I first listened to these four sermons one year after they were preached at the Midwest Reformed Baptist Family conference, Bluffton, OH. 1983 .I only knew of Pastor Martin for a few months. I am sure I have listened to a few thousand sermons since, I once gave 300 sermons away of some of these and other sermons in 1 year. But 30 years later I don't know of four sermons that exist on cassettes, and now mp3, that are as powerful. I am only drawing attention to them here because comparatively, they haven't been heard that much here.Just listened to the sermon Effective Fatherhood again by the same preacher. It is devastating to my innate self righteousness but that is why the reason to hear these things. To throw me to the feet of the Savior again and again that He would - as Thomas Brooks would say- pick me up in the arms of mercy.

Sermon8/15/14 8:42 PM
Thomas Sullivan | Jenison, MI  Contact via emailFind all comments by Thomas Sullivan
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Wednesday I was talking to Albert Martin about how the conference at the Creation Museum went Reforming Families 2014. Again I told him that he would benefit by listening to a couple of young Free Presbyterian pastors. He asked me to send him a link and I sent him the link to this sermon. Then I downloaded it and burned a CD to listen to on the way to the prayer meeting that night. I was so edified. Steven (Lee) I was so pleased to hear things went well at the conference. Please communicate to Geoff Banister to consider Pastor McClelland for a future conference. I asked our church to pray for that conference and I pray that there will be solid fellowship in the future between us Reformed Baptists and the Free Presbyterians. I love these young men dearly. God bless you brethren for your work in the Lord. T M S - Grand Rapids, MI.

Sermon7/19/14 9:03 PM
Thomas Sullivan | Jenison, MI  Contact via emailFind all comments by Thomas Sullivan
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“ Berridge the Comforter ”
I want my wife to hear this! Though Berridge is not well known in our day, I would have to put his hymns next to those of Joseph Hart as a remedy for doubting souls. He wrote, " Tell how thy bosom tyrants lash, And rage without control; Show where the fetters gall thy flesh, And bruise thy inmost soul. The sight will melt his piteous heart, Soon touched with human woe; And healing up thy guilty smart, His freed-man thou shalt go. His works are not well known, but are in print in our day through Gospel Missions, Choteau Montana.
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