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News Item2/5/08 6:30 PM
Saint terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by Saint terry evans
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ErnieG wrote:
And what pray tell are the owners wishes? Since I am not a psychic, they should be posted for all to see because one store allows you to talk "freely" to employees while their as a customer and another does not.
How about a man handing out his own business card for photography while working for Safeway?
Perhaps you and others here don't think the rules about what can and what cannot be done in a business should should be plainly posted so that there is NO confusion. If that is the case, then I hope I wake up from this bad dream!
Wake up.
Do you think that as a christian, while Im at work I should just pass out tracts and tell my coworkers all about Jesus
I do to, but the boss gets mad.

The Bible says to do everything unto the Lord. That includes your work.
Be on time, don't call off because its friday and you have the pto time, I miss that one, and most of all WORK
Do your job as if you are working for Jesus
Maybe the manager of the store kinda sorta agrees with me. And he does not want his employee's or nonbelieving customers disturbed. Simple Erine
Its not about you, Its ALL about how we make Him look

How about a man handing out his own business card for photography while working for Safeway
Both of the world

News Item2/5/08 6:17 PM
Saint terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by Saint terry evans
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But Not in "MY" Pulpit
Jesus said, I will build "MY" church
What is Osteen, a calvinist( joking)
Hucabee and Rick Warren, what baptist?
The Pope, is he catholic?

The Bible says something, well a whole lot of things about christians. I mean thats why we have the book. The Bible helps the christian understand God, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit.
And the Bible is clear on man, to help the christian understand man. For the biggest threat to your Spirit is your flesh, the old man. And trust me, the flesh will resurrect more times than once. Thats why you are to pick up YOUR cross DAILY

The Bible is very clear on how one is saved, Jesus said, repent, believe and be baptised

The Bible is very clear on the church
How to start one, How to handle every day operations, who should do what, by what name they should be addressed by, how much a Pastor is paid, who should the church help, how to know error and wolfs, and how to handle them all

The Bible is very clear, christians are to be of one Spirit. Christians are to be like minded. Christians are tought by the Spirit along with the elder more mature christian. Christians were not allowed to bring mans doctrine into the church. the Bible is clear on how to handle such things, no change in ways, your out
Hence, Denominations

News Item2/5/08 5:29 PM
Saint terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by Saint terry evans
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Neil wrote:
Likewise, a lot of Country & Western (beloved by many "red state" types) glorifies beer & "babes."
It is ironic to hear these medical researchers complain of substance abuse. Thanks to them, doctors reflexively prescribe whatever the drug co. reps tell them to. The problem is not expensive medication, but too much medication.
Neil, Tucson must be country, I think it was country before country was cool.

Keep the people drunk, on drugs, and ignorant.

You may never find a church with its doors open at 11pm, but the bars and the pushers are always there.

Someone in the Bible said, and how will they hear?

Its in the music, right, I know lets continue making the songs, that ok, who are we to judge. But lets put rated R
That will stop the problem.

Someone in the Bible said to watch.

News Item2/5/08 5:21 PM
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Jhawk44 wrote:
Americans are too touchy about their so-called "Free Speech" which is not really free at all, unless it's politically correct it seems. Just leave the shop owner alone, shake the dust of the store of your shoes and move along without a fuss and never come back to his shop.
And as for suing the person, I don't see how suing him because he was offended at the gospel is very Christian like behavior.

News Item2/5/08 5:19 PM
Saint terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by Saint terry evans
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Neil wrote:
1) Study what the Bible has to say about civil justice (there's a lot);
2) See which candidate (if any) best conforms to it. Don't assume that a Christian profession demonstrates this.
Hi Neil

a Christian profession

Great choice of words.

Survey2/5/08 5:10 PM
Saint terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by Saint terry evans
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Liz wrote:
If you lived here you may see things differently. I think 99% of people hate the fact that our country is being given to the Muslims. Most atheists are more angry than christians (we can see the prophetic they just see erosion of their liberties). Something like 700 people are emigrating from Uk every day. We have an appalling government-they are totally engrossed in allowing Europe to take over, and the political correctness of the situation is being manipulated by our oversees friends. I think someone from outer Mongolia is better treated than our own old folk by far. The problem is that the genie is out of the bottle and no-one has the guts to consider how to get it back (we are in a mess). In the meantime we edge ever closer to sharia-But our God knows the beginning from the end, and when the government pull down the basis of christian constitution we cannot be too surprised to see rumours of wars and mayhem (o sorry they call it global warming and terrorism!!!). Hes coming home soon...
Thanks for the preview Liz, its just starting to happen here.
Sad though, very few see it, if they see anything at all its thier need for someone to do whats best for them.
Keep the people drunk, drugged, and happy. At the same time disarm, and--

Survey2/5/08 12:56 AM
Saint terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by Saint terry evans
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47% | 1,166 votes

my vote
Biblical Fundamentalism
39% | 961 votes

3% | 66 votes
I guess I could have voted other for christian, but then are all the choices christian?
Doctrine, teaching right?

This could be one also right?
Jeremiah 5
For among my people are found wicked men: they lay wait, as he that setteth snares; they set a trap, they catch men
As a cage is full of birds, so are their houses full of deceit: therefore they are become great, and waxen rich

They are waxen fat, they shine: yea, they overpass the deeds of the wicked: they judge not the cause, the cause of the fatherless, yet they prosper; and the right of the needy do they not judge
Shall I not visit for these things? saith the LORD: shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this? A wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the land. The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means;
and my people love to have it so:
and what will ye do in the end thereof?

Is it just me
For among my people are found wicked men: they lay wait, as he that setteth snares; they set a trap, they catch men

( could this be Pastors)

As a cage is full of birds, so are their houses full of deceit
( could this be chuches)

News Item2/5/08 12:18 AM
Saint terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by Saint terry evans
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Mark M. wrote:
There will be a price to pay for teachers who choose to lead these little children astray with this kind of teaching.
BTW for those who don't know I am less than a year away from becoming a teacher myself,
I may well find myself teaching at a public school
I say all that to say this: I fully intend to send my future children to a Christian school or to home school them myself.
If at all possible I encourage parents to keep their children out of the public school system.
Hi Mark,
Glad to hear there are more christian teachers for the next generation although I encourage parents to keep their children out
And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them,
And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me
But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea

keep that in mind, and you should be ok

News Item2/4/08 11:29 PM
Saint terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by Saint terry evans
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Adeeb wrote:
Islam constantly claims that it is persecuted and Mohamet insulted, but I find it amazing that their Quran insults our Christian faith. They say that Jesus never claimed to be God. Jesus said "if you've seen me, you've seen the Father". If Jesus did not claim to be God then why did the Pharisees try to contantly kill him. They understood his claim. Islam! you came after the truth. Your "prophet" was taught by the Nostics and Jews as he traveled through their lands in his caravan. The Nostics denied the divinity of Christ. Why do you make my religion that came long before your religion a lie? You have no problems borrowing sections of the Bible to justify your Quran. Aren't you ashamed of yourselves? All knees shall bow before the judgement seat of the Christ, the Mighty King, you will all see him descending with his angles of fire to destroy those who know not God!
Hi Adeeb
Im from little washington, about 30 mi. southwest of pittsburgh. Yep, born and raised there, how bout you?

Survey2/4/08 6:01 PM
Saint terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by Saint terry evans
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MurrayA wrote:
Saint terry,
"Nor do I"
With respect, Terry, if you are out of your depth, stay on shore!
Put another way, if the air's too hot, stay out of the kitchen!
I hope you can grasp the meaning of that.
Hi Murray
I knew you would reply to this one, funny you ignored the others.
Its called conviction, not from me,
but from your pride

I hope you can grasp the meaning of that.

Goodbye MurrayA

News Item2/4/08 4:54 PM
Saint terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by Saint terry evans
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AntiVaticanistAmerican wrote:
Again: 2 types of religion
1. Its ALL Jesus
2. Its ALL works
The RCC falls under #2
The church does, not everyone involved with it.

The Bible verses you quote apply to all, so called churches. For in every denomination (key word Jack) there are those doing Gods will.

To condem puts you in the #2 group also.
For by your good works, catholics will be saved.

Don't wait on a thank you, it will be too late.



Same Jack, just the names have been changed to protect the

News Item2/4/08 3:46 PM
Saint terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by Saint terry evans
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AntiVaticanistAmerican wrote:
Again: 2 types of religion
1. Its ALL Jesus
2. Its ALL works

The RCC falls under #2
The church does, not everyone involved with it.

The Bible verses you quote apply to all, so called churches. For in every denomination (key word Jack) there are those doing Gods will.

To condem puts you in the #2 group also.
For by your good works, catholics will be saved.

Don't wait on a thank you, it will be too late.



News Item2/4/08 3:30 PM
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AntiVaticanistAmerican wrote:
The liabilities of being a Satanic-Vaticanist/Roman-"Catholic"-Cultic priest far outweigh the assets !
You are liable to become the "Pope"; and lead The Whole Roman "Catholic" World -- Not Only To The Flames of Hell-Fire Itself: But Also Lead The Biggest Organization in The World, That Is Composed of Sodomites (priests) & Gomorrahites (nuns), to the Very Mouth of The Abyss of The Eternal Lake of Fire! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Why are there not paragraphs like that in the Bible. For thats hatred.
What will love get you.
Nevermind, forgot who I was talking to Jack

Survey2/4/08 3:04 PM
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MurrayA wrote:
Here, here!
JD has little idea on what unites us, or for that matter what divides us.
Nor do I

News Item2/4/08 2:49 PM
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AntiVaticanistAmerican wrote:
Shirely theres more
And I know don't call me

News Item2/4/08 2:30 PM
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Karl Bent wrote:
Jesus is indeed real, He can reach us in the tropics,while santa only reach those in the winter wonderland where he slides down the chimney when everyone is asleep. Hey, America like it or not JESUS is the answer.
Hey Karl, this ain't Jamaica, mon.

News Item2/4/08 2:13 PM
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Lance Eccles wrote:
In some places it wouldn't hurt him, but I think it would hurt him in Western Europe, even among nominally Catholic countries, if they suspected he took his Catholicism too seriously.
Being a Catholic is OK, but letting it seem that you believe any of it isn't OK.
It might have worked for Henry IV, but Blair isn't going to be able to say: "Brusselles is worth a Mass."
Thanks Lance
But I still do not understand
You say
if they suspected he took his Catholicism too seriously.
Think about that, are you like most catholics, believe some parts of chuch teaching but not ALL.
Are you saying he is
to catholic for the catholic
Are you?

Survey2/4/08 2:03 PM
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JD wrote:
Has anyone grasped the irony of this phenomenon? I am being accused of believing the word of God!
Lead me not into temptation.

News Item2/4/08 1:43 PM
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Chris wrote:
St Terry -
I'm not sure how a lack of citing Jesus makes the ADF satanic, so please explain. I think if you really delve into things you will come to a different perspective. While it is important to look at things from a Christian perspective, it is not necessary to mention Jesus in every paragraph.
The ADF seeks to uphold the Christian principle of this nation using legal methods and citing those documents of the founding fathers. While they and I may believe those statements and beliefs to be founded in the Bible and the work of Christ, stating that something should be so because that's what Jesus would have you do - will not get you far in court.
ADF statement of faith:
Hi Chris
I could be wrong, and most look at it as you do

stating that something should be so because that's what Jesus would have you do - will not get you far in court.

Render unto Ceasar, if you violate mans law, pay the price. If you need help in the matter, call on His name, why defend yourself without Him?
In ALL things, give thanks, that includes persecution, or in this case prosecution.

To run a bussiness, you are given a license by the state, not God,IE:501c3

News Item2/4/08 1:52 AM
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For Seattle Seahawks placekicker Josh Brown, “It always helps you to be around other Christians, especially here in the NFL where we may not get to see each other as much.
I know what he is saying, especially here in the SA comments where we may not get to see each other.

Price said of Friday’s sold-out celebration at the Phoenix Symphony Hall.
but also an outlet for real Christians who don’t go out to the parities and the nightclubs
I know what he saying, but also an outlet for real Christians who love football, come on man football, its not like going out to the parities and the nightclubs

The Super Bowl Gospel Celebration, now in its ninth year, is officially recognized by the league as an official Super Bowl activity
In other words, unlike the 501c3 churches who the NFL said could not air the game in church.

The NFL, it giveth, and taketh away
You know what Im saying?

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