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News Item11/29/15 4:40 PM
protestant  Find all comments by protestant
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Would be interesting if this happened in London, say if a group of Muslims 'protested' about the same outside or within a school. I am fairly sure none of them would be arrested even if the books were burned by the protestors.

But a group of Christians doing the same peaceably- they would be on the front page of the media and demonised as a laughing stock.

In the UK Islam has a voice. The Christian church is virtually silent. Where does judgement begin-in the church? So no wonder the UK is in a state, as ICHABOD is written above most church doors. Church buildings now used as Mosques.

The PC crowd tremble at a vociferous ISLAM, but smile with the Gay/Lesbian Vicar- the media idea of British Christianity. Mockery is for any who believe the inerrancy of the Bible; sadly that mockery has silenced a large number of Christians.

If Christians remain silent whilst Islam is out to indoctrinate in every city in the UK, what, frankly, do we expect or even deserve?

May God open the eyes of every Christian in the UK, may He humble us to seek His face and raise up a thoroughly Biblical Protestant vocal Christ exalting preaching witness.

If you are reading this, pray daily for such a work of God's grace, for church doors to be opening, not bolted shut.

America isn't

News Item3/4/15 9:28 AM
Protestant | World  Find all comments by Protestant
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so they call for prayer?

and the woman responds to their call:

Mat. 6:9-13
After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever.

so what is the problem?

News Item11/12/14 10:37 AM
Prot Estant  Find all comments by Prot Estant
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SteveR wrote:
Those silly Roman Catholics must mistake your selfish ignorant characterization of their authentically Christian Faith as a one created by the devil with your true unselfish holy compassion you have for them
Only a silly ignorant troll would have difficulties telling the difference between the true gospel of the grace of God and the works based religion of the RCC.

News Item3/25/14 4:01 PM
protestant  Find all comments by protestant
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"Vatican: Obama’s Policies ‘Have Become Progressively More Hostile Toward Christian Civilization’"

However the truth is;
Vatican Policies ‘Have Become Progressively More Hostile Toward Christian Civilization’

News Item7/28/13 9:35 AM
Protestant  Find all comments by Protestant
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John Yurich USA wrote:
I would not have stopped beating those men until they were dead. If I had a gun I would have unloaded the entire clip into those men until they were a bloody mess.
What a very Roman Catholic thing to do!

News Item10/28/10 11:30 AM
Protestant | Scotland  Find all comments by Protestant
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"The legacy of the Scottish Reformation is to be marked with a joint conference organised by the Church of Scotland and the Catholic Church in Scotland."

Put another way;

The LIBERAL Kirk heretics are going to natter to the antichrist's idolatrous heretics and insult the memory of the Scottish martyrs and Covenanters who died for the true cause of Christ.

Together with putting the abomination into an Aberdeen pulpit AND this ludicrous conference with the antichrist's followers - This demonstrates how satanic and lost the Church of Scotland has become.

I cannot understand why any REAL Christian attends this organisation?

The REAL Cause fought.

Patrick Hamilton (1504 – Feb 29 1528) was a Scottish churchman and an early Protestant Reformer in Scotland.
He was tried as a heretic by Archbishop James Beaton RCC, and burned at the stake in St Andrews.

His courageous bearing attracted more attention than ever to the doctrines for which he suffered, and greatly helped to spread the Reformation in Scotland. It was said that the "reek of Patrick Hamilton infected all it blew on". His fortitude during martyrdom won over Alexander Ales, who had undertaken to convert him, to the Lutheran cause" (Wiki)

This Kirk insults his martyrdom.

News Item10/27/10 9:19 AM
Protestant  Find all comments by Protestant
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John Yurich USA wrote:
No I do not mean denomination. I mean church. The fact of the matter is that church membership in any church be it Catholic ...... is totally superfluous to salvation
There is only ONE Church John.
BUT many religious denominations.
As to membership that is important to the Lord here on earth NOW, because it is 'HIS' witness to the world.

You are Wrong John.
EX 20:4 "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:
5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;"

The RCC heresy violates this commandment. All who support this violation are not worshipping God.

Therefore the RCC acts against God and will receive HIS WRATH!!

Gal 5:19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, 20 IDOLATRY, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, HERESIES"

As you can see "IDOLATRY" and "HERESIES" preclude the RCC from the kingdom of God!

News Item10/26/10 11:28 AM
Protestant  Find all comments by Protestant
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John Yurich USA wrote:
Nowhere in the Bible is membership in any church(And that includes Fundamentalist Protestant Churches) listed as a requirement for salvation and gaining entrance into Heaven
I assume what you are referring to here is "denomination" rather than "church" John?

Scripture uses the word church as "an assembly" rather than a qualification of anything in the people.

However I fear what you are doing in making this statement is trying to justify the existence of the Roman Catholic assembly of heresy, idolatry, iconolatry, statuettes, the evil mass and even old bones and relics.

That collection of Satanic junk is certainly not where the Christian goes to worship God, since by the grace of God he knows better not to.

The elect worship God in spirit and in truth - That is where they go!

John 4:23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.

News Item10/23/10 10:16 AM
Protestant  Find all comments by Protestant
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John Yurich USA wrote:
Why are you so narrow minded that you can not recognize the possibility that there might be some Catholic Priests who are Born Again by reason of having prayed to Jesus to become their Savior?
If the Lord did "elect" any of these reprobates then they would now be attending the real Church, not the Roman fallacy!

They wouldn't be able to continue to carry out satanic acts like maryolatry and the evil mass!

[URL=]]]The Papacy is the Antichrist[/URL]

News Item9/21/10 12:56 PM
Protestant  Find all comments by Protestant
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SermonAudio lecture/sermon

[URL=]]]The Papacy is the Antichrist. (1 of 3)[/URL] By Rev. Dr. J A Wylie.

Parts 2 and 3 are also on here.


[URL=]]]The Antichrist Unveiled...... the Pope[/URL]
By Richard Bennett

News Item1/1/10 1:04 PM
Protestant  Find all comments by Protestant
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Pope quote;
"It is becoming more and more evident that the issue of environmental degradation challenges us to examine our lifestyle and the prevailing models of consumption...."

Oh look the Pope does not trust God to sustain the planet in opposition to mans "lifestyle" - perhaps his god does not know man is a sinner.

News Item2/7/08 9:38 PM
Protestant | UK  Find all comments by Protestant
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I am amazed that Bible believing Christians could ever conceive the idea that our Saviour God, who was tortured with our sins in the garden, who was was tortured by the Roman soldiers whipping him, and who was finally tortured to death on the cross, would aprove of the use of torture.

What is wrong with you people? Have you never contemplated the horror of what our Lord went through to save us? How could we then inflict such barbaric torture on another human being made in the image of God?

The Biblical critia for justice is "by two or three witnesses", and self-incrimination is never valid. Outside of that, we 'give place to God's wrath' and look to him to bring vengence.

News Item2/3/08 8:47 PM
Protestant | UK  Find all comments by Protestant
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Tony Blair wouldn't be the first person to become a Roman Catholic to advance his political career.

News Item2/3/08 3:29 PM
Protestant  Find all comments by Protestant
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"My own Bible Class lecture on the subject is available on this audio site: "Antichrist - The Pope? The Historic Protestant view".

We need more preachers like Rev Hamilton-I heard that message a while ago and recommend it to all!

News Item2/3/08 3:24 PM
Protestant  Find all comments by Protestant
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"if so, what should I do?"


Why not ask your Heavenly Father? It may be His good pleasure to lay this man upon your heart to pray earnestly for his soul. Providence may give you another opportunity to speak to him or as Terry says you have planted others may water if God chooses to give the increase.

'This man's violation is not about HIM, but about allowing people in public places to excercise their right of Freedom of Speech'

In the UK sodomites have used the same so they can stay at a Guest House in the same bed as their sodomite partner. Surely it is freedom of speech for the owner to say NO WAY! Yet the sodomite by law claims his own rights.

The store manager appears to be the owner 'my store' and you were not stopped from witnessing to someone in the store but only to him! If he wants to plug his ears and stay in his shop within the city of destruction-only God in His grace can intervene.

News Item1/31/08 7:32 PM
Protestant | UK  Find all comments by Protestant
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The comparitive purity, integrity and truth of politics would only be defiled by being preached from Osteen's pulpit of filth.

News Item1/23/08 12:12 PM
Protestant | UK  Find all comments by Protestant
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I'm convinced. Elephants evolved into elephants. Science proves it! Err.. apart from the fact that God revealed to Moses that he created Elephants after their own kind. Poor old science. When its not rebelling against the authority of the Scriptures, it is forced to meekly acknowledge the truth of the Scriptures.

News Item1/20/08 4:13 PM
Protestant | UK  Find all comments by Protestant
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This is the problem with Independent Churches. Presbyterian churches aren't perfect, but if there's an abuse in the local congregation, the agrieved person can apeal to the Presbytery, who can hold both the congregant or the pastor or elder to account.

Now, what pride would prevent a godly pastor wanting to make himself subject to his peers?

Blog12/23/07 1:22 PM
Protest...ant  Find all comments by Protest...ant
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I guess Luther was seen to be rather rude by the enemies of the gospel when he nailed his bible protest to a church door? Jesus...was HE rude to the pharisees of his own day too? Matthew 23: 25-33?

News Item12/1/07 7:47 PM
Protestant | UK  Find all comments by Protestant
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Eph. 5:12 For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret.
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