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News Item12/26/2020 11:42 AM
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Every day their is a pandemic Jim to deal with it’s called sin & it pays a full wage that equals spiritual death for all who are outside of Christ Alone!!

Funny how the Abortion Murder Mills are open & have been open, strip clubs, etc!

Morality may keep one out of jail but only the Blood of Christ washing away ones sin away will keep one out of Hell! How precious Christ is when One comes to the realization how empty everything else is compared to Christ Alone amen!!

News Item10/15/2020 9:04 PM
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It’s sad how the BLM movement is just fine with the number 1 killer of the Black community who are image barriers of God. Who sadly instead of being in the most precious place to be in the womb. But it’s the most dangerous place to be.

& the woke movement who has just repackaged old lies, is nothing new, than a message & movement that’s is contrary to sound teaching.

That their is only 1 human race that the Christ has established that the only equall playing field is only found at the foot of Cross in what only Christ can do for one alone. In bringing reconciliation to one, as Christ didn’t come for the righteous but for sinners, praise You Lord. For being a true seeker amen!

Pastor Josh Buice; God has one Son & he entered history as a gospel preacher, n’t a social justice warrior.

If your church is hitched to the woke movement & the woke message (CRT/I) it’s time to find a new church.

The grievance gospel is a false gospel.

News Item10/14/2020 10:45 AM
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Since Jim you like to drink in bad false theology of Black Liberation twisting of scriptures. No wonder why you like to come on here & play the game of twister too!

Since you have contempt with Christ & His Word Acts 17:26.

Wickedness of the Butcher House of Horrors of Planned Parenthood & minions who support it!!!

News Item10/14/2020 10:05 AM
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Owen Strachey; A very common mistake today: people think pro-life evangelicals let politics trump theology.

The opposite is true: our pro-life theological convictions drive us into politics to vote, act, and contend to save babies made in God’s image.

Politics are temporal; Truth is eternal.

Take heed Jim, you sound like a KJB agent speaking your commarde lies!!

LK 3:8 Bring forth therefore fruits worthy of repentance, and begin not to say among yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father.’ For I say unto you, that God is able from these stones to raise up children unto Abraham.

News Item9/8/2020 3:19 PM
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Brother Mike; You know with Jim that will never happen ever!

Jer 13:23 Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard its spots? Then may you also do good who are accustomed to do evil.

News Item9/8/2020 2:55 PM
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Sounds like Jerry Jr. should go hang out with Bill Clinton for awhile that would make, Mr. Lincoln proud!

News Item9/8/2020 2:49 PM
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Jim; Your beloved Marxism through Communism has killed more people in times of peace than any wars ever combined & it’s n’t close either.

Your beloved Marxism is utterly dangerous & the loss of life through it has stained the soils of Earth with a lot of bloodshed of life taken away.

Funny how Bidden gets a free pass from you in His antiBiical stances & agendas he holds to & support!

Pro 28:26 He who trusts in his own heart is a fool, But whoever walks wisely will be delivered.

News Item9/6/2020 5:00 PM
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The Pope & Jim, hand in hand!

As vice president, the first “wedding” Biden officiated was between two men.

But last year, Biden told a PBS interviewer that Pope Francis gives him Communion, after a Catholic priest followed Church law & denied him Communion because of his public support for abortion.

Pope Franics has never publicly criticized Biden, but last year compared Trump’s border security to the Berlin Wall that divided communist East Germany from freedom in the West. In December, Pope Francis appeared to draw a comparison between Herod & Trump.

A person who only thinks about building walls, wherever they may be, & n’t building bridges, isn’t Christian,” he said, according to a transcript of his remarks. In the same press scrum, Pope Francis said that he wouldn’t comment on Italy’s same-sex civil union legislation “because the Pope is for everybody & he can’t insert himself in the specific internal politics of a country.”

News Item9/6/2020 4:47 PM
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The Bible repeatedly warns one n’t to be self-deceived, for their is a great truth & reasoning behind that; Jer 17:9, Job 15:14-16!

Sen. Kamala Harris of California as his partner on the Democrat presidential ticket.

During her time as Attorney General of California, Harris played a key role in defending Planned Parenthood over its sale of aborted baby parts (which violated multiple federal laws, according to undercover video of abortion industry personnel). Most of the footage was taken in California, yet Harris announced she would investigate the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) journalists rather than Planned Parenthood, & went on to raid the home of CMP head David Daleiden while accepting the abortion giant’s donations for her Senate run.

News Item9/6/2020 4:39 PM
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Pure wickedness, thank You Lord that when You set one free & indeed in You Alone! One willn’t be ashamed of the Gospel or the on going learning of the whole council of God’s Word. By sharing it, in love & praying for others & supporting them as they hit the front lines of the doors of the Death Camps amen.

After the outbreak of the coronavirus crisis, when restrictions were placed on various medical services, Biden said abortion is an “essential health care service” & that’s necessary “to ensure that women have access to all health services during this crisis.”

News Item9/6/2020 4:25 PM
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Jim; Just like Cowards of men who bring their wives, their girlfriend, to the Murder Mill. Murdering a baby in the womb isn’t Health Care, nor it’s a sign of a man either. But a coward who is n’t willing to take responsibility & stand up for life with in the womb. Jim;, I have personally have seen & have preached to many like you at the Murder Mill over the years!

Your character reflects a man who is spiritually dead to Christ, thinks Christ Holiness means nothing & Christ is deaf, blind & going to wink at your sin by forgetting His Justice & perfect wrath on unrighteousness amen!

Biden has made taxpayer-funded abortion on demand & enacting into law, the many demands of the LGBT lobby, a key part of his 2020 presidential platform. He has said that if he wins the election, he will direct the Justice Department to "do everything in its power" to block state laws that restrict abortion.

News Item9/6/2020 4:07 PM
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Crickets from Lincoln, as long as it feels good, it’s okay.

Joe Biden has released another campaign video touting his supposed Catholic faith & friendship with Pope Francis. Biden goes on to praise Pope Francis & identify his presidential campaign with the values displayed in Francis' pontificate. Earlier Biden released another campaign video featuring Pope Francis in which Biden says that he goes to Mass & says the rosary & that faith is what has helped him through the most difficult moments in his life.

Blasphemy against Christ the Mass is, The Pope & the Rosary. All the while Jim is liken to a Frog slowly boiling in the water & doesn’t realize the end result for one, cooked & done!

News Item9/5/2020 11:06 AM
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Nice Try Jim; But your wanting to be grand master Spin, has been exposed & sadly stating. As the lives of Babies have been taken away forever!

Jim; Your sin will find you out & it will always be exposed by truth; Jhn 3:18-20;!

# 1 of black lives taken out annually in America by abortion is more than twice the current number (138,101 as of April 16th) of total coronavirus deaths worldwide. Thirty-five percent of abortions in the U.S. are among African-Americans, according to the CDC. If we applied that to the total number of U.S. abortions reported by the (pro-abortion) Guttmacher Institute in 2017 (862,320 abortions of which 301,812 of them were committed on black babies), there are an estimated 827 black lives wiped out by abortion every single day.

Oprah tried the same folly of your logic, as your reasoning leads one to Hell!

News Item9/5/2020 8:39 AM
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Number 1 Killer in the Black & Brown communities is death by Abortion. Next rate of death isn’t even close!

Were is BLM talking heads at, CNN, Jim you are like Baghdad Bob, a grand master of Spin!

Booker T Washingt; Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.

Ben’t deceived Jim; A True minister of Christ will’t lie against God for you at your funeral.

News Item9/4/2020 11:09 AM
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Jim; You can play spin doctor all you want, but the bottom line is you don’t like to hear truth.

Jacob Blake; Is a criminal thug, a narrative that the Big Box media hasn’t shared about anything about that. Thank goodness for Independent news people who have been boots on the ground following this stuff, & looking into who these people are.

Jacob Blake; The narrative on him is that he was forcefully penetrating his off & on girlfriend & telling her she smells like she’s been with other men.

Then that man physically assaults police officers, goes for a knife & is somehow subsequently worshipped as a victim of injustice.

Another lie just like Hands Up Miachel Brown, that has been exposed as pure fabrication!

News Item9/3/2020 12:10 PM
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Amen Brother Frank; How much cyanide does it take to kill one off, only a drop, & that’s what Black Liberation theology is.

Hatred towards the 1 & only true creator & only Living God Alone. Jim is like dealing with the Racists of Black Hebrew Israelites, White People are the Blue Eye Devils.

Anti-Christ, Anti-Biblical teaching from scriptures, twisting a narrative to spin too justify ones carnal flesh through sin filled desires amen!

Acts 17:26 And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings,

News Item9/3/2020 12:02 PM
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Jim; You are full of hot air, I have spent years preaching the gospel at Murder Mills & talking with moms, going in Murder their own babies in the womb. & out of their own words they are going to get rid of the baby for the Inconvenience it would bring into their lifestyle. The condom broke, I don’t like the dad anymore, etc. I have heard this Repeatedly over the years.

As ones only hope is found in Christ Alone, as Health insurance isn’t going to take away their sin problem away or satisfy the wrath of God, either. That God willn’t forsake His holiness as Justice is only satisfied in the Righteousness of Christ Alone amen!

News Item9/3/2020 11:52 AM
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May the Lord have mercy on your soul Jim, as I pray that you aren’t a object of His wrath but you would be a object of reconciliation too Him amen!

How can this happen? How can a hospital filled with doctors and nurses kill a child? Isn’t part of the Hippocratic oath “first, to do no harm”?

This is able to happen because in a nation with socialized medicine, the patients and family do not make decisions, government bureaucrats and courts do.This is what happens when a government gets too much power.

News Item9/3/2020 11:49 AM
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I despise the Pope as a false teacher, but the article shows how your Universal Health Care is a Death sentence!

The family went to court for permission to take their child to Italy for further treatment. The Pope and Italian government recently gotten involved and offered to treat Alfie at Vatican’s Bambino Gesu Children’s Hospital at no cost to the NHS. The Italian Defense Ministry has stated they have a plane on standby ready to retrieve the boy and bring him to the Vatican.

The NHS denied the family’s request to move their son, and by mid-afternoon, on April 25 the family lost their petition to the Court of Appeals. The three judges rejected the families appeal backing the decision of the High Court the previous day. The decision is a death sentence for the child.

News Item9/3/2020 11:46 AM
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Jim; Your false god in relying on the government for everything. I have seen how that has worked out in England when the Healthcare system denied families care for their ill kids who ended up dying!

Don’t force your Marxism on me, as you clearly are in rebellion against Christ & hate truth.

British child Alfie Evans. Alfie is the 23-month-old child of Tom and Kate James.

The hospital, which is run by the National Health Service (NHS), has decided that it is no longer in the child’s best interest to live, and intended to take him off life support. The parents did not agree with this and have fought the U.K. government to keep their child alive

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