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News Item3/16/18 11:17 AM
Lawrence Fine | Brooklyn, NY  Find all comments by Lawrence Fine
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This reminds me of Joseph in Egypt. What was the thing he did to show to his brothers who he was? Maybe he was wearing a heavy load of makeup, or wig, which was required for anyone in a leadership position under Pharaoh.
Another point is whether this 'scientific study' has percolated down to Wall Street. Have the stock in cosmetics makers taken a dive as a result? I kinda doubt that.
I've seen online a 'before and after' comparison of famous people between say, their publicity photo (with lots of makeup, perfect lighting, background) and the one taken upon their arrest for a DUI.

News Item3/16/18 11:12 AM
Lawrence Fine | Brooklyn, NY  Find all comments by Lawrence Fine
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This reminds me of the news story about how much TV people are watching. It said that retirees watch 51 hours a week on average. That's more than 7 hours a day! And this didn't include any screen time with smartphones, though laptops and computers could have been included. Another article said that people are sleeping less, watching a bit less TV, in order to fit in all this other 'screen time.'
Pretty soon, I predict the day when you won't have to go to church, just go online to a website and listen to recorded sermons or watch a live service. And you will have more friends all around the world in our online world. In fact, as people move around the country, you will be able to keep in touch with them with your smartphone.

News Item3/9/18 10:47 AM
Lawrence Fine | Brooklyn, NY  Find all comments by Lawrence Fine
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If you speak with Spanish-speaking Protestants, they will point out there is the version of the Bible they use (that has no reference to the English KJV) and another version that the Spanish-speaking Catholics use. I would guess the same occurs with the Italian-language version of the Bible, the German-language version of the Bible, the French-language version of the Bible, and so on and on (just look at SermonAudio's home page to see all the countries they have and figure out the languages from there.)
Then, you have the Modern Missionary Movement (thanks, Mr. Carey), which was happy to use any scrap of the Bible to translate into the home languages.
Once again, it is fine for someone to prefer to use the KJV for their own use, but what can you say to those who do not speak English?
To be logical, you would want to have all the world learn English so they can understand the KJV. Now, that is not necessarily a bad idea, since even Communist China today would welcome you as a teacher of English. Some missionaries have entered that country with that visa.
As part of your curriculum, you could have the KJV Bible, Shakespeare's plays, Milton's Paradise Lost, etc. You could have your students memorize John 3:16.

News Item3/8/18 11:52 AM
Lawrence Fine | Brooklyn, NY  Find all comments by Lawrence Fine
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Did they translate the KJV into other languages, or did they use a more modern, easier to understand version?
Sounds like the KJV was not used, nor its translation, so all this talk about it is just a waste of time.
The missionaries have gotten along for many years without why bother!

News Item2/12/18 4:34 PM
Lawrence Fine | Tampa, FL  Find all comments by Lawrence Fine
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I think Chuck Swindoll's definition of football is apropos here: a game played by 22 men on the field in desperate need of rest, being watched by 55,000 guys in the stands in desperate need of exercise.
I really wonder why it takes so much food to watch a football game. I know food companies made a lot of money on SuperBowl parties.
I thought, after the President's State of the Union speech, there would be less viewers. But the game turned out well, at least for Philly fans.
Too bad the new QB the Redskins just hired will have to compete twice next year against this Philly team.

News Item2/12/18 4:29 PM
Lawrence Fine | Brooklyn, NY  Find all comments by Lawrence Fine
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Talk about getting into the deep weeds! This is also a reminder of how complex taxes are. I wasn't aware of this lawsuit, nor did this article help clarify what is at stake.
Right now, if the church owns not only their building but also a house nearby where the minister lives, they have to declare the value of renting the home as part of his salary, called 'housing allowance.' Right there it's complex, because how would they know what the rental income would be, unless they hire a real estate appraiser yearly to figure this out. Housing markets are different across the nation, so a church in Tampa might have a higher price than one in Oklahoma.
Now, I know ministers can elect to not join the Social Security system, which is a good thing, if you consider the overall performance of the stock market over the past 70 or so years. Of course, if you read today's news and last week's drop, you might be a bit leery of doing that.
Other experts use those famous financial words, "This time it's different" and say future rates of return in the market will be less than 5 percent, once you take out taxes on your profits and fees.

News Item2/10/18 4:52 PM
Lawrence Fine | Brooklyn, NY  Find all comments by Lawrence Fine
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I was hoping to find something more current and an update to his message that is over 4 years old.
I would think universities and think tanks around the world, especially a libertarian one like CATO, would have produced some studies on the Colorado experience.

News Item2/10/18 12:35 PM
Lawrence Fine | Brooklyn, NY  Find all comments by Lawrence Fine
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Too bad Kevin Swanson who posts lots of audio commentary here, has not touched the issue of marijuana in his home state of Colorado.
It's been a while since they legalized it, and I would like to get his perspective on it all.

News Item2/10/18 12:29 PM
Lawrence Fine | Brooklyn, NY  Find all comments by Lawrence Fine
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Headline had me scratching--since when do beauty salons have articles about the Bible? Then, when I see that is about that liberal website, I said forget it, they will have other articles promoting their favorite causes, whether it be the sodomites or divorce. I even saw an article in a business news site about millenials marrying later, if at all, and how that was a good thing.
Marrying later is a good thing when you consider neurology says the brain doesn't mature until age 25, and the last part is the decision-making part.

News Item2/10/18 12:23 PM
Lawrence Fine | Brooklyn, NY  Find all comments by Lawrence Fine
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He sure has the knack of saying the right thing, but it doesn't seem to transfer to picking the right staff people.
Of course, Congress might not be much better, based on the secret list of lechers and the hush money fund that the US taxpayers were paying without knowing it.

News Item2/10/18 12:13 PM
Lawrence Fine | Brooklyn, NY  Find all comments by Lawrence Fine
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I think they will be disqualified by using another law, like the one concerning the Age of Majority. Right now, in Florida a new law limiting marriage to those over 18 is being debated. I think it should be 25, since neurology tells us that the brain does not mature until then, with the final part being the decision making area. It makes a lot of sense; young people are constantly making stupid decisions, and a quick look at the TV show, "America's Funniest Videos" is full of them.

News Item2/9/18 4:07 PM
Lawrence Fine | Brooklyn, NY  Find all comments by Lawrence Fine
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Here's a piece of cultural history for the new guy on the block: Eva Brunne, in 2009, named Bishop of the Church of Sweden, which used to be a national church (supported by tax revenues). She was the first openly homosexual bishop to be appointed to this position.
There's so much there that this Pakistani can spend days researching it. He might find that it is too depressing, along with the news that the church there is losing membership quickly.

News Item2/9/18 3:58 PM
Lawrence Fine | Brooklyn, NY  Find all comments by Lawrence Fine
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I have not heard any mention in the news on the radio today about this breakfast, even from a morning radio news show.
It is as if there was some prohibition among the Democrats who control the news to not report anything positive about the President. I wonder if Jim Links-on could explain that to us?

News Item2/8/18 5:25 PM
Lawrence Fine | Brooklyn, NY  Find all comments by Lawrence Fine
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Same thing applies to comics in the newspaper. The Peanuts comic strip retains its humor even though it's all a repeat since the author died some time ago.
Pickles is funny in picking out the foibles of seasoned citizens.

News Item2/8/18 10:47 AM
Lawrence Fine | Brooklyn, NY  Find all comments by Lawrence Fine
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Good point about loneliness in previous post. Compare that with the frequently seen example of people eating in a restaurant, more focused on their smartphones than having a conversation. Others say young people in general are less social in person because of their smartphones. Maybe, as they get older, they will continue with the same and be very comfortable 'attending' a virtual church service, just like today, they can listen to sermons here at this website and even 'attend' a service broadcast live from all over the world.

News Item2/7/18 6:38 PM
Lawrence Fine | Brooklyn, NY  Find all comments by Lawrence Fine
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Thanks, Jimbo, for mentioning that PBS icon, Bill Moyers. He was the press secretary for President Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ) when he was using Hoover's FBI to investigate black icon Martin Luther King, Jr. Did anyone ever call him out for that?
And that reminds me, ABC's main news man, George Stephanopolus, was press secretary for President William (Slick Willy) Clinton. With all the controversy today over past hanky panky, has anyone made the connection between George and Slick Willy?
Didn't George know about Slick Willy's deplorable behavior towards women? And his wife, former Democrat candidate for President, Hillary, supporting every effort to destroy any woman who even suggested that Slick Willy touched her!

Sermon2/7/18 6:32 PM
Lawrence Fine | Brooklyn, NY  Find all comments by Lawrence Fine
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All The Lonely People
Kevin Boling
“ Interesting Take ”
Interesting connection between US govt shut-down and the British govt. naming a Minister of Loneliness. Could have spent more time on why being lonely is such a bad thing. Or do a bit more research and find out if the problem of loneliness is limited to England only, and what studies in the US show about the health effects. Why not dispute the studies, and then ask if loneliness is such a big deal when so many people are more occupied with their smartphones, even when driving their cars.

News Item2/7/18 6:28 PM
Lawrence Fine | Brooklyn, NY  Find all comments by Lawrence Fine
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Yes, but only if they have Sunday school classes at 9:30am and the Worship Service at 11:00am, and everyone gets to wear their Sunday Best to attend.

News Item2/7/18 1:20 PM
Lawrence Fine | Brooklyn, NY  Find all comments by Lawrence Fine
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The demarcation of areas around a synagogue refers to 'eruv' and the violations of carrying things, and doing construction like opening an umbrella, which is similar to building a tent.
Anyone who wants to keep the Sabbath properly better consult their local Orthodox Jewish synagogue to see how they do it.
Otherwise, it's like someone said before, to say that you mostly not use electronic gadgets on the Sabbath is as comforting to any husband who says, 'My wife is mostly faithful to me'

News Item1/2/18 2:08 PM
Lawrence Fine | Elysium Fields  Find all comments by Lawrence Fine
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Thanks, John for that report about your cousin. I wonder what the temperature there is today. And, of course, did the legal marijuana have any effect on the decision, and if not, have they noticed any effect in car insurance rates, accidents at work, etc. I think there is a news commentator here from Colorado, Kevin Swanson, who has never said anything about the Colorado laws on marijuana.
I still remember the big push to legalize marijuana, that it would allow police to focus their efforts on the 'hard drugs'
After that the synthetic drugs started growing, so police have a totally new area to focus on. There was even a famous TV show about a chemistry teacher doing it at home, name rhymes with 'making sad'
which is what it should be titled.
Yet still, in many areas, but maybe not Colorado, they find these 'drug houses' where nothing but marijuana is grown.
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