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News Item2/9/11 3:07 PM
Kestle  Find all comments by Kestle
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"when Christians respect and love Muslims enough to accommodate their misunderstanding about "Son of God""

Sounds like another compromise with the Word of God. Ideological ideas are to be found in all communities of the world. Changing the inspired word to accomodate these pagan and reprobate philosophies they have is not the way to communicate truth.

Son of God is not just terminology - It is a truth to be received by faith and faith alone.

Matthew 14:33 Then they that were in the ship came and worshipped him, saying, Of a truth thou art the Son of God.

John 1:34 And I saw, and bare record that this is the Son of God.

News Item2/4/11 12:16 PM
Kestle  Find all comments by Kestle
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"preached sermons and held Sunday school lessons recently on the founder of Islam, Mohammad, whom Muslims consider a prophet. Qurans were also placed in the pews next to Bibles"

Liberalism AGAIN!!!

The only way man can accept Islam is by rewriting the Bible. The consequences of that is the Wrath of God. Rom 1:18.

Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

John 4:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

John 17:3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.

News Item1/12/11 6:13 AM
Kestle  Find all comments by Kestle
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Allan Schwarb wrote:
Therefore, what makes the RCC an "heretical cult"?
1. The heretical mass.

2. Idolatry - such as worship of old bones, statuettes, dead sinners, relics and other graven images.

3. Maryolatry and co-remptrix and co-mediatrix, together with "saint" worship is also idolatrous.

4. Pope as "vicar of Christ" is a lie.

5. The RC church is part of the "means" of salvation.

There are many more heretical doctrines in the RCC, besides these.

News Item1/9/11 3:34 PM
Kestle  Find all comments by Kestle
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"the Roman Catholic Church is "hemorrhaging members." The Pew Forum's 2007 "U.S. Religious Landscape Survey" found that Catholics have experienced the greatest net loss of any American religious tradition"

Whilst it is good news that people should leave this heretical cult, we must ask the question where are they going to? If to atheism then it is not good news, if it is to the REAL Church then we can rejoice. However the reality is that all denominations are experiencing a decline in numbers - if not a decline in Bible doctrine.

News Item11/26/10 12:32 PM
Kestle  Find all comments by Kestle
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"The results of the Obama administration's decision to submit the United States to the evaluation of the U.N.'s Human Rights Council......
....from such human rights "leaders" as Cuba, Libya, and Iran"

Good old Obama.

Don't you just love the mind set of these Liberal bureaucrats.

It's almost as if they have an inherent penchant to get everything "wrong," - or to put it another way "politically correct."
Which of course is the same thing.

I guess it is because they are reprobate sinners!

News Item11/26/10 12:20 PM
Kestle  Find all comments by Kestle
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"One person died and 68 others were injured when security forces halted construction on a church citing violations of building permits."

For "violations of building permits."

Read more accurately "because it is not a mosque."

News Item9/30/10 4:04 PM
Kestle  Find all comments by Kestle
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"The fellowship was started 115 years ago as a mission to the immigrant Jews of the Lower East Side but now mostly serves the black, Latino and Asian poor."

The poor will always be with us as Jesus said and since, in His providence, He feeds His sheep we should share our blessings.

God be with you in your ministry! Amen.

Survey7/28/10 11:46 AM
Kestle  Find all comments by Kestle
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Mike wrote:
Could this be an example of insufficient reformation? Both adhere to "our common understanding" of the Sprinkler System if I'm not mistaken. If the CofS were dunkers, they'd have to find some other common ground.
Now Mike behave yourself! Dunking does not make them sinless as you will have observed in your own wee Denom.

The problem with the Kirk is the abomination of Liberal religion which is creating the evil pestilence of ecumenism in all the Liberal "churches."

Bad enough that they seek to hold hands with the antichrist papists, but the reason - "Liberalism which has replaced Christianity" - demonstrates how far this mob has gone away from the Bible.
They are even daft enough to be asking the RCC to commemorate the anniversary of the Scottish Reformation with them.
In the 16th century the papists were busy burning the real Christians at the stake.

Any Christians left in the C of S should leave immediately since Christ does not lie with belial.

BTW At the same assembly this year they invited a Muslim to speak to them, who apparently spoke about how "ALL" religions should work together for peace.

Survey7/27/10 4:41 PM
Kestle  Find all comments by Kestle
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Hows about this for Reformation Reversal???

"A CHURCH of Scotland body is urging congregations to celebrate their common baptism with Roman Catholics for the first time by using a special joint liturgy for the reaffirmation of baptismal vows.

The groundbreaking call, seen as a monumental step in inter-church links, is made in the report of the Kirk's Ecumenical Relations Committee to the General Assembly.

The liturgy was devised by the Joint Commission on Doctrine, made up of officials from both churches.

Following an extensive study period which looked at our common understanding of baptism, this new service is now being recommended by the Ecumenical Relations Committee for use at major Christian festivals, such as Easter and Pentecost. This year Pentecost falls on the Sunday of General Assembly week (23 May).

Theologically, both churches believe baptism involves conversion, pardoning and cleansing and marks the beginning of a new life in Christ, characterised by growth."
(C.of.S. website)

News Item7/22/10 4:58 PM
Kestle  Find all comments by Kestle
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Christians can rant on about the modern societal acceptance of sodomy all they want. But the simple fact is that this is not "OUR" world - it belongs to Satan in mind set.

Modern nations have accepted sodomy as being one of the lifestyles belonging to mankind as a quote "normal" unquote way for some people to live.

These same nations murder babies in the womb.
These same nations "cannot" receive the truth.
These same nations are blinded by Satan.
These same nations "cannot" know God or His Son Jesus Christ.
These same nations believe that the world is billions of years old.
These same nations believe we came from monkeys.
These same nations do not possess faith.

These same peoples will spend an eternity in hell fire damnation......

Unless God changes their status to Christian.

Gal 5:19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, 20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, 21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God."

News Item7/3/10 4:28 PM
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"Last night Irish politicians in the Dáil passed a controversial civil partnership bill which will leave registrars open to a fine and prison sentence for refusing to carry out same-sex civil partnerships."

That will upset the Pope.

And Southern Ireland is 88 percent catholic.

News Item5/22/10 11:29 AM
Kestle  Find all comments by Kestle
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
I wasn't redundant
Your NASB in common with other modern versions used the Greek work of the Anglican Liberals Westcott and Hort, of whom, it is said...

"Westcott and Hort's Greek Text Was Based on "Ingenious Conjecture." Dr. Scrivener wrote: "There is little hope for the stability of their [Westcott & Hort's] imposing structure, if its foundations have been laid on the sandy ground of ingenious conjecture. And, since barely the smallest vestige of historical evidence has ever been alleged in support of the views of these accomplished editors, their teaching must either be received as intuitively true, or dismissed from our consideration as precarious and even visionary." [Dr. F.H.A. Scrivener's Plain Introduction, 1883]

"It is, however, the systematic depravation of the underlying Greek which does so grievously offend me: for this is nothing else but a poisoning of the River of Life at its sacred source. Our Revisers (with the best and purest intentions, no doubt,) stand convicted of having deliberately rejected the words of Inspiration in every page, and of having substituted for them fabricated Readings which the Church has long since refused to acknowledge, or else has rejected with abhorrence" (Dean Burgon)

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