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Survey6/12/09 8:22 AM
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John UK wrote:
Well I would debate it with you HYH...but...
#1 I'm pushed for time
#2 I'm in agreement with what you say

#1. My post was addressed to Hailsham.
#2. I had read your earlier posts and knew that you did not agree with Hailsham.

Good of you to chat all the same

Survey6/12/09 5:15 AM
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Hailsham wrote:
HYH and Guinness choose another path. They therefore imply by their posts that the children of the Elect are going to hell. They have even further implied that the spouse also goes to hell? Some covenant they have!!
THIS is UNScriptural.
Isaiah 44:1-8, 61:9, 65:23. A Promise of GOD! Amen!
Don't make me laugh. The argument is not over whether there are any elect infants who die in infancy. It is about whether the children of believers are guaranteed to be elect. You and your ilk say yes, we say no, because one of the key lessons of the Bible, which seems to elude Presbys. like you, is that Christianity is not hereditary. It has nothing to do with who my parents were. It is a matter of pure grace.

Your imagined covenant which makes the children and the spouse "elect" is just that viz. pure fiction and runs counter to all that we read of Salvation in the NT.

Now if you want to debate this, fine, but at least be honest and don't attribute sentiments to others which they have not stated.

Survey6/10/09 7:51 PM
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Guinness wrote:
Let's deal with that if he begins to engage with his own fallacious argument.
I don't think it will ever happen ....
On a side note may I urge you to draw greater distinction between the actual Canons of Dordt and any ignorant reinterpretation, reconstruction and reinvention of them. It would be akin to judging the theology of the 39 Articles by J H Newman's fanciful and ludicrous Tract 90.
I don't buy into Hailsham's view (or that of the Synod of Dort) on the issue of the Covt of Grace and infants. They are way off track!

The Synod, as august a company as it was, got many things wrong. But hey they were only men after all!

Survey6/10/09 4:22 PM
HYH  Find all comments by HYH
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Guinness wrote:
Well, now you've reverted back to your previous postings how about you actually interact with the logical fallacy.
A believer's children and unbelieving spouse have the SAME standing in the source proof text - i.e. in this case holy/sanctified.
So what you argue for children, you have to argue for unbelieving spouses.
By your reasoning therefore from the same text YOU also "have no reason to doubt of the election and salvation of" unbelieving spouses.
If you were consistent you would "judge of the will of God from his Word" for the election of all unbelieving spouses as well as all children.
It seems Hailsham is all knotted up with Marlow Ropes!
How would you answer if he affirmed that the unbelieving spouse is also elect by virtue of the Covt. of Grace?

Survey6/9/09 12:47 PM
HYH  Find all comments by HYH
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Hailsham wrote:
But the promise and election are Biblical and factual.
Do you suppose that if you keep reiterating Dort's interpretation of the covenant and the promise that more people on SA will come to accept it?

Your explanation (& that of Dort) are not correct. So we may accept the promise and also election as factual without accepting what you believe to be true!

Survey6/8/09 5:41 PM
HYH  Find all comments by HYH
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Mike wrote:
I am more comforted in trusting God's character, John. And I might agree in part with what you said about him not being under any obligation to save a single soul, but for this: He is under obligation to his own character, which is just, loving, and incapable of error. In the creation of humans, we have to either say he made a mistake, or he didn't. God doesn't make mistakes, therefore he must for that reason alone save some. He is not under obligation to us, but he is to himself. There is no scenario possible where he would choose not to save a single soul.
Excellent post!

Survey6/8/09 4:49 PM
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Candle Lit wrote:
Oh, it could be that liars really upset me.
I am used to your MO now. Personal attack, after personal attack all in the name of godliness. You are sick and need attention. Are you on medication?

Survey6/8/09 4:44 PM
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[Removed by Moderator Alpha]

Survey6/8/09 12:27 PM
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Candle Lit wrote:
That is NOT meaning behind what I said. You took that out of context. Perhaps the reason that you miss the meaning is because English is NOT your first language.

That derogatory comment reveals a jealous heart, insecure and immature.
English is my first language, and I am American. I know that when English is someone's second language, nuances, idioms, and even humour, do not translate easily, if at all. Text alone does not convey perfect meaning, and it must be particularly difficult for foreigners.
Perhaps that was our problem. You just never understood the meaning behind the words.
I have good friends from other countries, and although they are brilliant, they often have this problem with English. OTOH, their writing skills are impeccable, which may be your pursuit on these boards.

Anything more? Or, are you done now?

Survey6/7/09 6:51 PM
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Mike wrote:
So the children of Godly parents are elect if they die young. What if they don't die young? Is there an death-age at which they might not be elect anymore? Or are the children of Godly parents automatically elect?
That is why the Presbys baptise all their babies. They are presumed to be elect until they betray that they are not. And guess what? Most of the time they get it wrong, but still they don't get the message that to ensure they get to heaven they should drown them! Oh but wait, how can you drown them by sprinkling? Lol


Candle Lit

You can have your parting shot at me. I shall not be wasting any more time with you.

Survey6/7/09 6:39 PM
HYH  Find all comments by HYH
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Candle Lit wrote:
Jesus said to the Pharisees "You white-washed sepulchres, full of dead men's bones."
Are you a Pharisee? Do you love the letter of the Law, but deny the Lord Jesus Christ with your life? Are you filled with the Spirit of God?
Or, do you love yourself? Your words say that you love yourself, and you have something to gain by being religious.
When we are filled with the Spirit, there is a love for others, especially those who are in Christ. And, there is the witness of the Spirit with that of the other that they too are in Christ.
I don't discern any love in your posts either, excepting to yourself. So where does that leave you?

And since you will not even engage with the Scriptures, you obviously do not have a love of the Bible! Are you a Pharisee, only pretending to love God's word?



It was never about winning the argument, but I know what you mean. CL is not one for engaging with the Bible. She likes to be spoon fed and then trots out all the stock answers without knowing how or why they may be right or wrong.

That is why she has to point me to DJC49 for "correct theology", because she knows none herself!

Survey6/7/09 5:32 PM
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Candle Lit wrote:
I was going to respond in kind, but, you know what? I can't. I would feel realllly bad, to know that I would respond as an unbeliever would.
My suggestion to you: read John/UK's posts. Repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved.
Read DJC49's post for good doctrinal teaching.
Read the Gospels over and over until you know the person of Jesus Christ as YOUR Saviour.
You need the work of the Saviour to change your proud heart.
How very pious of you to think that because you cannot agree with me that I must be unconverted. And then I am the one who is proud!!! My head is spinning!

I am the one trying to engage you with the Bible and you ask me whether I love God's word. That's real smart and smug!



The description "Reformed" is used very widely to mean Calvinistic and is not necessarily synonymous with Presbyterianism! So not everyone "Reformed" believer would agree with your covenantal views, and besides I could point you to at least one Presbyterian who believed that "elect infants" meant every infant that dies in infancy!!

Survey6/7/09 4:01 PM
HYH  Find all comments by HYH
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Candle Lit wrote:
You re-state what I had pointed out to Mike/NY as SINS of omission and commission, as though you are having an epiphany!!!!
You specifically said that such sins were nothing to do with the law, which is the point that I was contradicting.

Candle Lit wrote:
There is no meeting of minds between us..I think we live in different worlds.
So you are wiser than those who framed the confessions of faith, and Mr Spurgeon and every other Reformed thinker who has believed in Infant Salvation? Or do you suppose that they all had to jettison "original sin" to accommodate their viewpoint?

So glad I don't live in your world. You are a pretty dim candle, lit or not.

Survey6/5/09 5:28 PM
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Candle Lit wrote:
P.S. I'm not interested in WINNING an argument. Only TRUTH!
I am attempting to answer your question by forcing you to work through the issue rather then give stock answers, which any lazy person can give.

Are you up to the challenge? If so, start by giving one single verse that clearly teaches that God will send to hell someone who is born with a sin nature but never had the opportunity to commit actual sin because they died in infancy.

If you really are interested in the truth, engage with the Scriptures as I am encouraging you to do, rather than attempting to take the moral high ground. Your "understand what sin is" statement could be turned upon you, because you are confusing a sin nature with actual sins. And BTW sins of omission and commission still relate to the law and are indeed a breach of the law!

Mike NY

Excellent posts!

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