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Survey1/21/10 9:52 AM
Graceamazing  Find all comments by Graceamazing
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Alan H

The problem...what would you think of a Presbyterian who wouldn't listen to Spurgeon preaching? Or a Baptist who couldn't sit under John Newton or Robert Murray McCheyne? Sound preaching is what is important.

I think you are correct to seek a church that solidly sticks with the KJV and better still one that supports the Reformed Trinitarian Bible Society. I know you have Baptist convictions but I would rather sit under God's chosen instrument (preacher) who might differ on Baptism, yet whose preaching is in the power of a John Knox.

Simply by listening to UK churches here on SA that are Protestant and use the KJV, I have found **much** blessing.

Try this link and see if you agree it is balanced on the subject of baptism:

The option is to attend a Reformed church that isn't Baptist, but evangelically Protestant that is within travelling distance. To move away. To contact Reformed Baptist brethren with your convictions and pray for a church plant in your area. May God bless you brother and may you find like minded brethren in your locality and may God be glorified in your familly and witness

News Item12/7/09 5:34 AM
Graceamazing  Find all comments by Graceamazing
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"I see" said the blind man, as he picked up a hammner and saw!"

I see Jim has a major problem with his Bible Study tools

[URL=]]]Jim's Bible Study tools[/URL]

[URL=]]]Jim's study of the AV[/URL]

News Item12/6/09 6:45 PM
Graceamazing  Find all comments by Graceamazing
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John UK wrote:
Oh and while you are at it, you may try repentance. It is a bitter pill to take but it effects the cure, said one pious soul many years ago.
Sing it Jim, Sing it loud and recall who wrote it an AV anglican, eh?

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me....
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now, I see.

T'was Grace that taught...
my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear...
the hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils and snares...
we have already come.
T'was Grace that brought us safe thus far...
and Grace will lead us home.

The Lord has promised good to me...
His word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be...
as long as life endures.

When we've been here ten thousand years...
bright shining as the sun.
We've no less days to sing God's praise...
then when we've first begun.

"Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me....
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now, I see.

Survey10/13/08 11:27 AM
Graceamazing  Find all comments by Graceamazing
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'I can recall the very day and hour when first I received these truths in my own soul — when they were, as John Bunyan says, burnt into my heart as with a hot iron' C H Spurgeon


It is good to know that Gary Click and Trevor Hammack will be conducting a charitable discussion off-line and privately by email.

How do I know? Well I listened to the following update:

The Wilted TULIP Update
» 10/13/2008 (MON)

May we pray for both gentleman and that God will indeed be glorified!

C H Spurgeon: I tried to show that the substance and essence of the true gospel is the doctrine of God's grace—that, in fact, if you take away the grace of God from the gospel you have extracted from it its very life-blood, and there is nothing left worth preaching, worth believing, or worth contending for. Grace is the soul of the gospel: without it the gospel is dead. Grace is the music of the gospel: without it the gospel is silent as to all comfort.

Survey10/12/08 6:30 PM
Graceamazing  Find all comments by Graceamazing
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'Perhaps you missed my earlier post which stated that I intend to. But it won't be immediately. I have obligations out of town.'

Sorry if I did miss such-I am sure there will be plenty to address after you hear Pastor Hammack's first sermon which does prove a misunderstanding or misrepresentation of calvinism. I would certainly appreciate you taking time to answer that response-particularly as it is a beginning of possibly several sermons refuting your own. Then we can listen to both sermonaudio Pastors for ourselves for a better understanding.

'those who profess themselves to be wise but are fools with darkened hearts (Romans 1:22)'-I guess you have to mean all calvinists then as that is what you are addressing in your wilting tulip sermons

Then as Corinthians 4:10 ' We are (rather) fools for Christ's sake..being defamed'

Survey10/12/08 4:45 PM
Graceamazing  Find all comments by Graceamazing
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'Their only hope is that they have a good pastor. One given to MUCH study, learning & prayer.'

I know by the listening to the sermon refuting Gary Click's mistaken, monsterously uninformed, uncharitable attack on christian brethren and just plain bad misrepresentation of calvinism that Gary was also given the opportunity to respond to Pastor Trevor Hammock.

If Gary is that good Pastor like the quote above-then let us hope he will respond to Pastor Hammack and answer those points raised which soundly refute his erroneous points! A good Pastor must at least first examine calvinism honestly to be taken seriously.

Gary had the conviction to come on this site and mention his own sermon-let us hope he has the courage and conviction to answer the points raised by Trevor Hammack refuting that sermon!

Over to you Pastor Gary...

Survey10/12/08 11:41 AM
Graceamazing  Find all comments by Graceamazing
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Dear Gary Click

There is an answer to your sermon below

A Response to The TULIP Wilts-Pastor Trevor Hammack

All who have listened to Gary's sermon or indeed read his comments here should check out the sermon and examine the very obvious facts-you seriously need to understand for yourselves what Gary has said by serious implication. The Pastor makes a challenge to Gary which I pray he will accept.

God bless

O, my brethren, be humbled under the sovereignty of God. ... Robert Murray McCheyne

Todd Nibert
The Reason for My Hope

1 Peter 3:15
Sunday - AM
Todd's Road Grace Church
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