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News Item9/11/16 4:28 PM
Christiana | Bolton  Contact via emailFind all comments by Christiana
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Soon parents will have to use new set of word also.
"Are you pregnant? Congratulations, have you chosen the name of it?"
" No, I will wait for It to grow and when It grows, It will decide itself what it want to be." 😳 Confusion or Confiusia!
God forbide!

Sermon1/20/15 5:14 PM
Christian A. | Ohio  Contact via emailFind all comments by Christian A.
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“ Great Sermon! ”
As far as I can tell, this is a public reading of a portion of the Book of Romans, not 1 Peter.

News Item6/8/09 5:25 PM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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John UK wrote:
Man we need a revival of true religion, which is active towards orphans and widows, not this neo-calvinism which is soooo haughty and bigoted.
Oh, if the young ones live long enough they'll have the opportunity to take care of a widowed mother. Just like a baby, diapers have to be changed, behinds have to be cleaned, dirty bed linens have to be washed. Feed, change linens, deal with issues, day in and day out, year in and year out. Give it time and everyone will have opportunity to take care of the widow and orphans. Life has been prolonged to the point where every bodily function has to be taken care of by someone else. Medicine increases life for an amazingly long time. Much opportunity exists for taking care of the widows and orphans. As a matter of fact, we put out an ad today for a caregiver. Maybe an elder care program at the church would be a good idea. I wonder what would be the response?

P.S. And, the good news is: one day, if you live long enough, someone will do the same for you. Maybe, maybe not.

Survey2/13/09 7:25 PM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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This morning something dawned on me as I was listening to Genesis on CD. It was the conversation between Eve and Satan. Eve says that God had told her not to eat of the fruit of a certain tree - not even to touch it, lest she die. I've heard pastors say that she exaggerated about God's directives in this exchange, but never heard it said that sin came at this point. So, she must not have lied at this point, because sin came at the point when she ate of the fruit. Has anyone else thought of this? Or, was it just an "aha" moment for me?

News Item1/17/09 4:07 PM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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DJC49 wrote:
And somewhere in the mix are those millions of "Christians" whom the article cited as believing that: "a person can do enough good works to earn eternal salvation."
I know that you are speaking of me.

Have I offended you?

News Item1/11/09 6:41 PM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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hidemi williges wrote:
The only important thing is that you understand the Words of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
We are told to pray for understanding and wisdom and He will give it to us.

That - I understand. :-)

News Item1/11/09 6:22 PM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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hidemi williges wrote:
My point was not to pinpoint a certain individual or groups of individuals. I was actually referring to their lobbies that influence segments of the government.
You know what I am learning from the chatter on the net, Hidemi? Just how differently women and men think. Often, I misunderstand the comment made. However, I prefer the way men think in a logical, linear way.

News Item1/11/09 5:53 PM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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hidemi williges wrote:
In what way does my comment offend you?
It doesn't offend me, but it may offend God. That would depend on the attitude of your heart when you group people and call them out by their particular sins.

So, I will apologize, and think the best of you and your descriptive phrases of a group of people.

I think it is better to look at the person first as one created by His Maker, with a soul that will be eternally saved or eternally lost. After that, I can address the sin issue with that person.

And, I have, concerning this particular issue. I sat next to a person on a plane to D.C. who said he was a homosexual. He had been raised in the Baptist Church, and rejected everything he had been taught as myth.

We had a discussion of religion and lifestyle which became heated at times, and lasted for the duration of the flight; yet, there was no animosity between us - I was able to tune out the obvious chagrin of a robed clergyman seated opposite us.

Providence allowed that encounter, and I pray that that young man turned from his wicked ways.

So, all of that to say - it is important to relate to people as people, and not as a "labeled member of society."

News Item1/10/09 2:28 PM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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DJC49 wrote:
C.H. Spurgeon which goes: "In the everlasting decree of the sovereign God, the footsteps of mercy were every one of them ordained," John MacArthur said:
"Predestination marked the path and mercy walked it."
Thank you. "Predestination marked the path and mercy walked it." That's it! I love it. I must have heard it from MacArthur.

P.S. I've missed your challenges to critical thinking. Glad you are posting.

News Item1/10/09 12:39 PM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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hidemi williges wrote:
How long will it be before the homosexuals and perverts ask for a bail-out?

I'm really surprised by your unloving attitude toward people made in the image of God. He is their judge, or their Saviour. Let's pray for their salvation, and give them truth with love.

I vaguely remember a quote that goes something like this - "Grace marked the path, and Mercy walked it."

Neil, maybe you know who said this?

Survey1/8/09 9:40 AM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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rogerant wrote:
2 Peter 3:10 "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in which the heavans shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the WORKS that are therein shall be burned up...Looking for and hasting to the day of God, wherin heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements burn with fervent heat?
Rev 20:11 ..
Now, I want you to use your consistent method of interpretation and your chronology to defend your position here.
You have Isaiah 65:17 identifying a new heaven and a new earth. after the Day of the Lord AND the Great White Throne Judgment...and then 1000 years?
Good morning, Rogerant.

May I call you Roger?

This is what I know:

1) There will be a new heaven and a new earth.

2) The present earth will be burned with intense heat.

3) The new earth will be physical, material, not ethereal.

4) There will be a spiritual holy city, the New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven.

5) The tabernacle of God will be with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God.

I'm not sure that it's important that I know how it will occur, chronologically.

Probably out of spa

Survey1/7/09 6:13 PM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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rogerant wrote:
Now, I want you to use your consistent method of interpretation and your chronology to defend your position here.
You have Isaiah 65:17 identifying a new heaven and a new earth. after the Day of the Lord AND the Great White Throne Judgment...and then 1000 years? And then another judgment?

I think I'll sleep on it. Be back tomorrow.

News Item1/7/09 5:32 PM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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Neil wrote:
N.B. = nota bene [Latin] = note well [Eng.]
There are many such Latin abbreviations in common use, particularly in academic publications.
Thanks, Neil - and the history behind it makes it interesting.

News Item1/7/09 5:13 PM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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Neil wrote:
N.B., one can't have theocracy unless one has a theology.

What does N.B. stand for?

Survey1/7/09 5:00 PM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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pew view wrote:
Now Christiana is advertising only 100 years?
Precious, Pew View,

I'm surprised my post made any sense given I had to cut, and cut, and cut from my original.

See Isaiah 65:17 "For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; and the former things shall not be remembered or come to mind.

Now, 20 "No longer will there be in it an infant who lives but a few days, or an old man who does not live out his days; for the youth will die at the age of one hundred and the one who does not reach the age of one hundred shall be thought accursed."

Isaiah 65 and 66 are some of the most beautiful passages concerning the future Kingdom of the LORD.

As, I tried to say in my original post, I am not settled on pre-mill, but the language of the Major and Minor prophets suggests a literal Kingdom on earth.

Survey1/7/09 3:10 PM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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You say that the weakest link in the pre-mill position is Jesus descending to earth to live amongst unregenerate sinners, and then the falling away at the end of a 1000 yrs.

However, during this time, Satan will be bound - which means a return - of sorts - to Garden of Eden like conditions. Can one not imagine how different things would be if Satan were not in control?

At the same time, while Jesus is ruling, there will be peace, and also quick judgment on sin - "the one who does not live to be one hundred will be thought accursed." Living will be completely different - considerably improved, but still not what it will be when the "Kingdom is handed over to the Father."

I lean toward pre-mill because there are so many prophecies in the O.T. that are just too literal to think they are figurative. But, I listen to others, such as Al Martin, who do not hold this position.

News Item12/9/08 10:06 AM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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How is it possible that only a century ago, Abraham Kuyer was Prime Minister of the Netherlands, and as a Theologian, his ruling passion was that "God's holy ordinances be established in the home, in the school and in the State for the good of the people; to carve as it were into the conscience of the nation the ordinances of the Lord, to which Bible and Creation bear witness, until the nation pays homage again to God."

How far the Dutch (my heritage) have spiralled down since Kuyper.

News Item12/8/08 7:06 PM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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Here24 wrote:
On the "black hole" theory. I think that anything perceivable by mortal eyes, senses or any physical (temporal) ability, will not have a place in the spiritual realm.
Thanks for the post back, Here24.

I'm not sure what you are saying by the above statement.

We know that John says in Revelation that there will be a "new heaven and a new earth." So, the physical world will be newly created, even as it was in the Garden of Eden, and God pronounced everything "good."

And, in Corinthians, we are told that we will have new bodies suited for heaven. Jesus was resurrected bodily, and, so shall we be. So, we will have a physical body.

I can't imagine that the vast expanses of space will not be observable to us. The Hubble shots that we are privileged to see because of today's technology are mind-boggling.

Certainly, there will be eyes to see such awe-inspiring sights.

"Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has it entered the heart of man, all that God has prepared for those who love Him."

Maybe I didn't understand your post.

News Item12/8/08 4:13 PM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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Let me preface this post by saying, for me, life would be without meaning if I did not know the Saviour.

Having said that, have you ever thought that sinners would hate heaven? Seriously, what sinner have you ever been around who loves the things that you love?

Sinners don't even want to go to the same restaurant with a Christian if they are drinkers and the restaurant doesn't serve alcoholic beverages. They don't like the same books, music, entertainment, etc. They are not interested in the things of God.

I think sinners would be miserable in heaven with a Holy God and Holy people.

OTOH, in Hell, they will hate their pain, the darkness, the lack of everything that was pleasurable for them on earth, but I do not think they would want heaven, even if given the choice in hell.

P.S. Do you think those *black holes* in space will be the "outer darkness" that the rebellious will be cast into?

News Item12/8/08 9:07 AM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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I'm glad that my convictions regarding end of life issues comes from long held beliefs shaped by God's Word, and re-enforced by men like Francis Schaeffer (now deceased); otherwise, life and death choices - i.e. life-support, feeding tubes, necessary treatment for keeping the body alive vs. letting nature take it's course, would be much more difficult.

Of course, assisted suicide is out of the question for a Believer, but I can understand how unregenerate man would want the option. For some people facing a horrible dying process, only the Grace of God would prevent them from taking their own life.

Having dealt with these issues in caring for dying loved ones has shown me how complicated dying is in our society where laws complicate the process.

Rev. 9:6 says, "And in those days men will seek death and will not find it; and they will long to die and death flees from them."

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