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News Item1/8/2021 4:56 PM
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Gay M Allen wrote:
you keep posting this link but not this one ...
Yup, it's over. Thanks for the link. I agree with you, I am not interested in "the next election...," or any election. I don't care for the world system. I just thought considering what is coming, I had a voice here and now.

Our ONLY concern should be the the gospel of Christ. The battle is spiritual. Deception is the enemy.
We are still in the world and should exercise wise stewardship and responsibility that God has entrusted us with, like the care of our family.


News Item1/8/2021 3:20 AM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
After Trump insulted all the Republicans and his last rally in Georgia which was all about him, they didn't need to do anything dishonest for the Democrats to win. Trump is a great motivator for people to vote Democratic❗
No, they just handed the useless rino's right back to you.

It's more important to save the country right now!

News Item1/8/2021 3:16 AM
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Florian Geyer wrote:
It aint over

It is for Biden though, I mean.
Jimmy doesn't have a prayer. But believers do!

News Item1/8/2021 2:33 AM
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It aint over??

News Item1/7/2021 8:49 PM
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Benji wrote:
Trump offered the Evangelicals a Faustian bargain. In exchange for their support, he promised to give them political power. He asked the Christians to overlook his racist comments, abuse of women, extra-marital affairs and other things that are incompatible with the way of Jesus.
Yesterday’s violence shook the world! Could this happen in a ‘free country”? Could it be instigated or intensified by the church’s man? How many Evangelicals were a part of yesterday’s insurrection?
If people couldn't be controlled and manipulated by media, there would have been no reason to consolidate the ownership to a few.

News Item1/7/2021 8:31 PM
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Wayfarer pilgrim wrote:
But truthfully, most the people who I work for voted for Biden and up till 11:45 pm on November 6, 2020 , Biden was ahead in Texas. If you can’t seriously prove voter fraud, ... And I’m on the Drudge Report and haven’t seen anything that screams , here is voter fraud.

why didn’t Trump stop tweeting for one week to address this? He had 4 years.

You watch Drudge and CNN, then ask where's the fraud?

Trump is gone. He is not responsible for your ignorance. It was never about Trump anyway. You've surrounded yourself with Trump haters, now that's all you've got. If only you knew what's coming our way.

News Item1/7/2021 5:57 PM
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I had expected Biden to win without having to cheat because I thought America had passed the point of Gods grace. What I hadn't expected was for him having to steal it.
I think God is taking us there, but via the scenic route. We get to see what otherwise would not have been believed. We get to see the power of the beast system over a mind-boggling mass of people. All the politicians/police/judges/CIA/FBI/DOJ..and lawless street thugs. But what impressed me most are the clueless (some even found here) that wear their ignorance like a badge of honour. Biden, knew who he was at least some of the time. So when they come grab people out of their homes to take to isolation camp, these clueless might even raise an eyebrow.

News Item1/7/2021 3:40 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
So are many Trump supporters, Timothy. It wasn't Democrats breaking into the capital building terrorizing people.
But it was democrats Antifa. Go to infowars

News Item1/7/2021 3:24 PM
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Antifa was bussed into DC under police escort. The DC police comes under the demonrats. Soros has used police/antifa elsewhere against peaceful demonstrators.

In DC Antifa dressed as others and incited the riots and chaos. They live-streamed it.

Infowars has gopod coverage

News Item1/7/2021 10:51 AM
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
No cv have no idea what Gil Rugh teaches. Defending language used as Biblical.
Then why would you even make Gill Rugh or his website an issue? Even if you were just "defending the language," how can you be in any position to defend the language when you don't know Gills use of it? Why bring it up?
I have problems with Gills teachings. On the topic of this thread -marriage - if you care to examine that

Unprofitable Servant wrote:
Thanks James, I am not disputing that. Sister ladybug said that a website using the same Scriptural language found in Ephesians 1 was teaching a false doctrine of salvation by works. Well if they were then Paul under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost was too. That was the issue I was trying to address.
Unprofitable Servant wrote:
I believe you said it was the Gil Rugh website

News Item1/7/2021 5:45 AM
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Polish Christian wrote:
Mike Pence
Judas was remorseful afterwords.

With Biden, you knew what you were getting. With Pence, you got backstabbed.

News Item1/7/2021 5:15 AM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Well if religious leaders like Graham, we certainly are in danger of God's judgment
Well you liked Graham briefly when him and Molher wanted to be invited to Bidens inauguration party.
Now he is not going to make your cut. Neither is Bidens inauguration, not going to make the cut..

News Item1/7/2021 5:02 AM
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G baird
in UK, all you're getting is very controlled news. You're being controlled and lied to.

The support for Trump was so immense that the globalists weren't even hiding the fraud. But they have the power of the state to lord it over the people. The evil forces completely control all government and corporate power structure. The tech media and print media -same story.
t's not party bias. It's not about Trump. The Americans are fighting to have their country back.

UK by the way does not even surface from the dark murky swamp. Boris was installed, not elected.

Jim Lincoln wrote:
Well considering nobody else can find the so-called Chinese ballots
Amazing how hard the demretards keep blocking access to something that "doesn't exist." You're right. nobody can find it. Hilarious

The demretards must be sweating because the American people will not accept being stolen from. Biden should seek asylum in China while he has time. The certification wont do it. Its not happening.
Jimmy, get right with God!

News Item1/7/2021 4:40 AM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
cv, it was more than 50% who were for Biden
No way, there's not enough dead people.
They were from Chinese machines and forged ballots, yes. Thats why all efforts were made to keep people away from seeing the vote counting and recounting.
Easier to get into fort not then to see the ballots!!!

Yes the fraud is being certified. They're ripping up the American constitution

Oh, and the Georgia runoff- I was right, Lin was right, you can have those Rinos. I don't know why the demretards cheated? All you needed was one vote, the patriots did not want either of the two. Its funny the demretawrds got caught cheating on something they didnt have to. Haha

News Item1/7/2021 4:22 AM
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There's this belief that half the country is for Biden & half for Trump. During the campaigning, Biden couldn't fill a golf cart. Of the people that voted, Trump sits at over 80% and Biden near 20%. Biden's shortfall was made up fraudulently, giving a massive voter turnout.

The constitution obligates each state to enter into a contract to elect a president. The constitution sets the terms of that contract.
In the swing states, Trump won decisively. Trumps overwhelming landslide win forced the swamp into cheating overdrive to make up ground. In so doing, the swamp was forced into the open at its violating the terms of the US constitution. Crooked politicians who have gotten used to laundered money and promised future wins used Soros Antifa/BLM as enforcers to run the elections, breaching the terms of the constitution by excluding the American people from participating in the running of the election and counting ballots, voiding the election.

Buried underneath the fraud is the will of the people. But when Pence or Romney claim to want to follow the constitution in certifying fraud, is there a new constitution that is being presented - voiding the original one?
The swamp has turned out deeper and wider then anyone could have imagined. No one can be trusted.

News Item1/6/2021 10:53 PM
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
no need to jump to the conclusion that I am implying some man made ability,
US everyone and his dog uses biblical languages. All the cults use it too. I do jump to conclusions first until I get clarification. Do you know what Gill Rugh teaches for certain?

Do you know what Gill Rugh teaches on this??

News Item1/6/2021 9:57 PM
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Wayfarer pilgrim wrote:
How about we concentrate on presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ to our neighbors,
But what about those Trump thugs, they need a little loving from you too. After all, they're trying to stop them from taking us away to internment camps in railroad cars.

News Item1/6/2021 8:56 PM
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Wayfarer pilgrim wrote:
don’t be surprised if we’re all on a railroad car to a Christian reservation.
Internment camps. China has them too.
If they grab and remove your family, you must always obey the state

Pence is a snake that I thought he was. Pray for the family of the girl that died.

News Item1/6/2021 8:48 PM
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
usrs same language, was Paul wrong?
We have all of Pauls writings. We have the entire bible.
So when we get to that verse, we understand it consistent with the rest of what Paul said.
The faith we have is given. It is a gift.

The question is not, "was Paul wrong?" The question is, what does that verse mean to you?
By the way, what does marriage mean to you and Gill.

News Item1/6/2021 5:10 AM
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O Canada

Here's where the internment camps are being readied for-

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