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News Item5/31/2020 7:36 PM
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Polish Christian wrote:
When a white person kills a black person, it is an act of racism. When a black person kills a white person, it is an act of social justice. Someone is really determined to prevent President Trump from continuing reviving America during the second term, first the chinese virus, and now some leftist rioting. What a coincidence!
I agree

The looting and rioting has got NOTHING to do with seeking justice. The incident would have been investigated for sure. But it never got to that!

No, it was never about justice. These are lowlifes stirring it up seeing an opportunity to pounce on. Much easier to loot and steal then to work for something.

You cannot pronounce judgement on the police from "videos." Sorry, but you don't have the whole story! if there was an avenue for a proper investigation but was not allowed to take place then nobody can make any call on that until that is allowed.

The rioters are lawless thieves, just that!

No Jimmy, SBC is pandering to the masses.

News Item5/24/2020 10:43 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Emily Shugman wrote:
The stem cells used in vaccine development come from two fetuses aborted more than 50 years ago
Good one Jim, I guess that ought to prove to those "far right anti vaxer's" that there's no aborted fetuses?

Jim, where you and Obama hang off, EVERYTHING is far right because there's nothing to the left of you.

Your lefty socialist friends could make a pretty good case for fetus use though, if they could show that it's to culture brain cells. They could make that case. Just don't cite the bible. Cause the extreme lefties are laughable when they wade into the bible. Look at Dershowitz, he cites Leviticus where priest could isolate a contagious person, and connects that to forcibly take a healthy person and jab them. And this guy argues in the courts?
He should've cited a test case instead, like roe v wade, which handed us "my body my choice."

And JIm, no such thing as "anti vexer." Its not mandatorily enforced on others.

Oh and I read the book Jim, it says you, Obama, Gates, et all have a free run of the Earth. Lay off the Cheeto's and read the book. You lefties have it pretty good. Just don't turn the page though, it doesn't end well.

You could give Obama the boot and join the winning side.

News Item4/5/2020 5:45 AM
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
... and also the premise of your question is inaccurate...
So on whos authority was Passover date and time changed? One that God SPECIAFICALLY established.

You can bow out but AIG actually has an article addressing the Three days/nights. We can go over it together. Its the prevalent position in christiandom. Probably as high as 98%.

News Item4/4/2020 10:32 PM
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Lovely US
God so meticulously established the requirement for the Passover - the date/time/details around it. For our Lord, just any day would not suffice. It had to be the Passover.
You tell me on what authority do you or AIG have of moving the dates and renaming it?

News Item4/4/2020 6:12 PM
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AIG is demonically deceptive. Get them out of the churches!

John you're looking at the power of tradition to blind and bind. 95% of the church is apostate.

For us, Scripture alone is THE authority, illumined by God the HS, and given only to His Church that honestly seeks Gods heart.

Of old, bad traditions were corrected by raising a prophet to sound the alarm - no more coming. For us, God has given us His word, strewn it in a million direction, then equipped His church with different body parts to recover 110% of His word. Giving us all the ability to go back and berean error. The checks and balances are also within the context of scripture to forensically root out error. How He has preserved All His words.

What God didn't do was to preserve A single pristine copy that we'd make haj and burn incense to, and which a pope who had possession of could change.
What God didn't do, the KJV kooks do. A single English translation stands to back correct all the sources. Easter, this proper noun was not used in greek mss, a Jewish Passover was. Whatever KJV's rationale, one thing they can tell us is that God preserved the wrong word. KJV corrects it!

RCC is a cult that is an identifiable embodiment of Babylon. They are the rightfully owners of this paganism.

News Item4/3/2020 3:25 PM
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No bait doc.
Does Romans 14 apply to ash/lent/pancake day?

News Item4/3/2020 3:15 PM
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UPS you provide no credible defence. God punished His people for disobeying His DIRECT command to not join this pagan celebration. Ah but your easter is not connected to that easter? No, your resurrection is not connected to THE resurrection. Your easter comes out of a people who hated those dogs the Jews. Jewish Passover death/resurrection day was moved. A new 'Christian sabbath' replaced the Jewish sabbath. Much of church traditions are layered on a quagmire of altered scriptures to expunge the Jewishness, thereby its origins!
When John asked where you heard about Easter? Well you looked back at the church, its traditions, and a warm feeling that made the heart go pitar pater. But crickets from the bible! Well no matter the bible. If it can't tell me the steps to the buss stop, then you're free to add/subtract to the bible. This is your main motif but you're going to get this in the adjunct by 'disproving' the Rome/easter connection. No, easter goes further back.
The disciples celebrated the resurrection but not like you. You moved it to a pagan time and name to which God had already directly addressed.

News Item2/14/19 1:20 AM
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Why UPS, I didn’t know you were the appointed gatekeeper. But I accept you appointment and your farewell.

I wasn’t being rude to ladybug. But I hope it jolts you out of pablum Christianity.

For all your piety, would you have been just as offended if sin was trivialised? And Gods direct commands were changed so the church could build its own alter?

God says that only death breaks the marriage bond. All remarriages are adulterous. But the church allows an exception.

The issue isn’t divorce. Issue is, that God spoke specifically on this and declared a sin!

Ask anyone here, & they’ll tell you they’re against divorce. That’s the problem. So does your church.

Remarriage is sin. Anyone married or about to, can never remarry as long as either lives, only separates. You believe that?

Everyone knows your views on Trump abortion gays. But on this sin?
Today the church will council christians to sin against God. Have you stood up and loudly against the church so others would not fall? And many more will fall not knowing different.
There is no neutral position. No voice is a voice FOR
I will not be a party to this. I will declare it, for God has declared it

Not all will see, if even you. You hav a bible, go on your knees and figure it out for yourself.

News Item2/13/19 6:14 PM
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I believe that there has always been the elect. God has preserved both, His word and His elect, despite a relentless attach from Satan right from get go. I believe apart from God the Holy Spirit, you canot know His words.
Jn16:13 -14 But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth..

A true regenerate will have a hunger to know Him and His words. We can ask with confidence that when we study his scripture he will richly bless us. Our Joy is to know him.

If you know what those before us went throu to preserve the word we have. You cannot but kiss the bible for what it’s taken to get you those words. We are so fortunate that it is so readily and easily available to us. .
All scripture is there to glorify God.

The church has always been under attack. Worst ones are from within. The church today promotes a tradition that goes against God.

The church says divorce is allowed if adultry is involved.
Bible says that all remarriages are adultry and sin. A church tradition in direct rebellion against God. We mock sin. The issue is, why did God say it the churches position was what it out to have have been

I know what you’re saying but be careful, it’s slyly Romish.

News Item2/13/19 12:52 PM
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Christopher000 wrote:
yet you speak with authority on the lack of Christianity of those here.
I stand by that. I challenged you to look at scripture and make that decision. But I also accept if you want out, that’s ok too. Either way.

I stand by that people here are married to their tradition of religiosity. Trump is no different in that he is la product of the spiritual environment around himi. Even if it stands against God. No different to anyone here.

My challenge still stands for anyone who wants to look honestly at scripture and see wether it’s God or a church tradition they are tied to.

I wasn’t being rude. I asked if you would join a church that promoted adultry? Knowing adultry is sin against God. An honest question.
When Jesus said to nichdemus, you must be born again, it appeared just as as insensitive since nicodemus had just complimented him. Did Jesus not know nicodemus was a Pharisee a a ruling council in the synagogue. Nicodemus knee more then Jesus about how to get to heaven. In the end, it was him who asked for the body and spent his fortune on burial. Pride can be deceiving when your ego is sensitive .

News Item2/13/19 11:26 AM
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Unless you repent you will perish

Christopher, ladybug frank SC
I am issuing you a challenge. Frank, those verses you quoted, is God serious? Do you truly believe that?

Only God knows Trums faith and how he finishes.
I will say this. Most people here who claim to know Christ are also compromisers worst then Trump because of the light they have received. Don’t kid yourself, these are glib christians who would toss Christ for less then what trump would.
I xm challenging you to have an honest look at Gods word and tell me if your clique here loves Christ or their tradition they’re married to.

Iif Trump is compromisingg. Would you go to a church that supports aadultry? If so, where was you repentance then?

News Item2/13/19 1:52 AM
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ladybug wrote:
“But have you ever asked God for forgiveness?†Luntz repeated, evoking laughter from the audience. "I am not sure I have.
I don’t know Trumps heart, but if he continues to seek God he will find him.
Does it bother you that someone who is new and doesn’t know the vernacular is mocked condescendingly by ‘christians’? Repentance is a verb - an act of the heart not a magical incantation word.

Would you go to a church that advocates adultry? I bet you do. What right then do you have to make any kind of judgement. From darkness, preachers and seasoned christians make proclamations on others. These are the ones without excuse and judgement should fall upon. On another thread I mentioned divorce. The issue isn’t divorce, it is the utter hypocrisy and darkness that some have conspired to join in against God. Deliberate ignorance isn’t an excuse. If the church is guilty, you are without excuse.

News Item2/12/19 8:30 PM
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SC I believe Trump recognises the God of the bible and responds very positively to it. He’s a baby in his faith. When I was new, I couldn’t tell a Pentecostal from ecumenical ,.... Trump is unlike that last guy who played a christian because America wasn’t ready for a foreign born Muslim. They are now!

I think Trump will eventually succumb to the powers that swirl around that level. We will still see Rep vs Dem conflicts. What you won’t see is anything that is sacrosanct to the power at the back. I don’t think Trump can stay outside that and prevail. He’ll say uncle.

News Item2/12/19 4:31 PM
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Adriel wrote:
The Elect receive and comprehend this fact of the Word of God.
Do you understand it as 99.99% of the church understands it? 98 % of evangelicals are Armiians. Pre reformation RC had most christians under its clutches. Is this what an elect looks like?

What do you understand? The church believes that divorce is allowed only if there is unfaithfulness involved. Is this what you understand

News Item2/12/19 3:16 PM
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Person wrote:
1)“And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: 2)and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.â€
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭19:9‬ ‭KJV‬‬
If you’re serious about studying Gods word, thenn pray about it and perhaps I can help you with what I’ve learned. If you’re like most here, they rove around and hit interesting topics with what they think is out of their religiosity. They can go figure it out for themselves. To me, anyone that speaks on abortion, homosexuality, or makes any moral judgement is simply giving an opinion even if from percieved religious conviction. Gods truth is Gods truth and itt’s consistent here as elsewhere. Anyone that does not apply it here, has no right to apply it anywhere. Roving and doing a hit and run on topics is entertaining but has no power.

Mt19:9 does that verse make any sence if divorce is ONlLY allowed for cheating?

News Item2/12/19 3:23 AM
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‘Heaven has a wall, a gate and a strict immigration policy. Hell has open borders.‘

This isn’t sitting well with some people? Well gee, Trump can’t do anything about that.

Gods offering you a free gift, you don’t have to pay. How Democrat of Him. But you refuse and then just winge. How Democrat of you!

News Item2/12/19 2:01 AM
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On the whole, a great leader who fears God and wants to do good by the people he’s been called to lead.

Trump is not my saviour. He’s not a theologian. But by the grace of God, he wants to restore America to the favour it enjoyed with the one true God it once knew, when America truly was under Gods protection and blessings. No other country in the world is good enough to kiss the ground that USA stands on.
What a refreshing u-turn Trump is from the last foreigner, the one in whom no truth ever dwelt.

Pray for the president. Pray for Israel, the only true friend America has in this world. Until our Lord restores his city in the holy land, we’ve never known of a better country.

News Item2/11/19 8:07 PM
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There is no divorce. The bible makes no allowance for divorce! Not even ‘except for adultry ....’

The church is so entrenched in this unbiblical position, and has been for so long, that the true biblicall position now feels so foreign. For all the talk of not following man’s traditions, your own man that you are, you then dove into the bible and came up with the same wrong conclusion. Coincidentally!

Anyways, you’re neutral. Right? Not that your lack of voice against is actually a voice FOR in further solidifying the churches default position. Which then stands as a great cloud of witness that leads others to live wrong against God. But your hands are clean, for this is tha game grace was meant to cover.

IF IF IF all remarriage outside of death is adultry, then an adulterous church has no leg to stand on in defining Christian marriage or speaking against sodomite marriages.

God says that only death breaks the marriage bond. You can separate but remarriage is adultry because the marriage bond remains as long as either party is alive!

News Item2/5/19 5:56 PM
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Dr. Tim wrote:
“Many people want to know their election before they look to Christ. But they can’t learn it thus ...â€
Charles H. Spurgeon
Spurgeon had to say that because a flesh cannot understand the spiritual. A flesh relying on its own intelect to understand God apart from the power of the Holy Spirit is just dumb dumb dumb!

Paul faces the same issue when he explained grace-
Rom 6:1 What then, should we keep on sinning so that God can show us more and more of his wonderful grace?

News Item2/3/19 8:05 PM
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Jews Gentiles Israel -
What got missed in the editing is that since I don’t see the point in this distinction, I am open to further study but this extra classification of people makes no sense in the light of Jn 3:10
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