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News Item4/30/09 6:57 PM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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John UK wrote:
Thank you Candle Lit
I'll check in tomorrow afternoon for an update and see what you come up with. I heartily recommend you do not use the New King James Version. Many have been caught out by it, and are still entrenched.
God bless you richly
Before you retire for the evening, John, I wanted to say thank you for willingly and graciously making yourself available to field my questions.

I've thought on our conversation all day, and I'm still thinking. It gets complex, doesn't it?

As the redeemed of the Lord, we know that we are the temple of the living God, but was Adam? He had the breath of life, but did he possess the Spirit of God? I'm thinking the "new heaven and new earth" is totally "new" - not restoration as may have been in my subconscious - maybe influenced by "paradise lost - paradise restored" philosophy rather than Biblical.

In Revelation we know that there is no need of a temple for the Lord is the temple. . and we will be a kingdom of priests, but to whom?

This definitely suggests a "new creation" and not just "Garden of Eden restoration."

Not sure if this is clear, and I don't have enough space in this post.

Hope you have a restful evening.

God bless, dear brother.

News Item4/29/09 7:24 PM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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John UK wrote:
If you quoted from (excuse, please) a bad Bible, you might end up getting a wrong interpretation. The Authorised Version translators took some trouble over the word 'spirit' because Spirit is normally God, and spirit is normally man. So in the AV you have this:
If he set his heart upon man, if he gather unto himself his spirit and his breath;
Job 34:14 KJV
So this is not talking about God's Spirit being taken, but the man and his soul. Have a ponder, eh?
Thank you, John,

I will ponder this.

Surely, I will remember to use the KJV in the future, and I am using it more and more, but the NASB was at hand.

Rest well tonight.

News Item4/29/09 6:41 PM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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John UK wrote:
Of course, with the natural faculties only, a sinner will not be brought to true repentance. He is dead and needs new life. He is deaf and needs new hearing. He is blind and needs new eyes. His heart is desperately wicked and he needs a new heart. In fact, when God translates him from Adam into Christ, the sinner becomes a new creature, he BECOMES spiritual.
Good evening, John,

It's a bit late for you, but I'll throw this question out there for your consideration, or answer, tomorrow, if you like.

I just had a thought: Did Adam have the spirit of God?

I have been reading a little of Job today and Job says in 33:4, "The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life."

Then Elihu's response to Job includes this Chapter 34:14,15 "If He should determine to do so, If He should gather to Himself His Spirit and His breath, All flesh would perish together, and man would return to dust."

I had always thought Adam created perfectly would have had the Spirit of God as we Believers are now indwelt, but your post above and these verses in Job have me thinking.

Adam was of the earth, earthy, Jesus Christ was/is Spiritual - perfect man, perfect God - a life giving Spirit.
Just thinking. .

News Item4/28/09 7:25 PM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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prince charles wrote:
thanx candlelit, ive had a hard and futile life,
Is that where all that wit and humor comes from? You are such a blessing to me.

We are what we are because of His goodness and mercy and grace in our lives. This life isn't about being happy. It is about the Lord calling out a people for Himself, the Redeemed, to Glorify Himself throughout all eternity. We don't even begin to know all that He has planned for us. The sifting is NOW, revelation is YET to be. How wonderful to know that "eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart conceived all that that the Lord has planned for those who love Him."

God bless you, brother. Rest well this evening.

News Item4/28/09 6:56 PM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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This is the link to part 1 of the Keith Green story that I mentioned to you today. From here, you should be able to access the other 6 parts. I highly recommend viewing. It made me feel as though my life has been so small by comparison, but my desires have been the same as his. . .ours lives are what God has given us and for His purposes, small or great.

I am glad that you are a regular poster. You contribute a lot to these boards.

News Item4/28/09 4:57 PM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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John UK wrote:
I know exactly what you mean about finding your way round a particular Bible. My first one I coloured in with different colours for different topics, so I could find info quickly. Trouble was, the whole Bible soon got covered, and I got used to knowing where certain verses were. I stopped doing that since, to force my memory to remember the verses and know where they are. But the memory ails!
And, I know what you mean, John. Years ago, I felt handicapped if I didn't have MY Bible. My attitude changed when we had missionaries staying with us, and the wife asked for a Bible. I asked what version, and she said that it didn't matter. She used the one that I gave her, and quickly found the particular verse she was looking for. I was impressed with her efficiency, and wanted to be able to do the same, though I haven't mastered it. And, as you say, the memory ails!

News Item4/28/09 4:29 PM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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lookin ruff wrote:
[URL=]]]twas those 3 big macs-hrh looking rough[/URL]
How funny!

News Item4/28/09 3:45 PM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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John UK wrote:
I'm trying to keep up with modern talky, and I thought OTT meant "over the top" or excessive. Gill might be right, but I don't think so. Always open to learn, though, if someone can prove otherwise.
Of course, OTT - over the top - I figured it out as I was driving.

Yes, I am beginning to use my KJV more since I began reading the SA forums. There are some real differences in the meaning of some verses. It's hard to stop reading my NASB that I've had since 1976.

Early in my Christian walk, I was in the Navigators, a ministry that required Scripture memory, chapter and verse. It was the chapter and verse that I didn't do so well on, but I could remember which side of the page and how far down. I see that I cannot rely on memory alone when quoting Scripture. I need to check my Bible.

Good to chat with you.

News Item4/28/09 1:19 PM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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John UK wrote:
Hi Candle Lit
You are right about most things, but check out the verse carefully:
The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
2 Peter 3:9 KJV
John Gill (hyperman) reckons that because of the expression "us-ward" i.e. towards us elect, Peter is saying that God is not willing that any of his elect should perish. I reckon that's OTT, but anyway, it's repentance not knowledge of the truth, which Jesus says is hid from the wise and learned.
As for rejoicing in death, no I do not think we should rejoice in anyone's death, even enemies. "Honour all men" says the NT.
It's the devil causes suicides.
Thank you, John, for that correction. Wherever did I get that? After I read your post, I checked my KJV and the NASB and I had that verse underlined in both, and they both say "come to repentance." I obviously spoke from poor memory.

What is OTT? Oh, I think I know - off the topic?

I'll check when I return from running errands.

News Item4/28/09 12:43 PM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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prince charles wrote:
the KJV, the correct bible says God is 'not willing,' which is diffrent,
from saying its not His desire, quite different
'We are not to rejoice in iniquity, but to rejoice in the truth'
Im not, unless you think that Gods judgement is iniquity - why mourn the passing of the wicked ?
'Death and hell should be sobering, and not a cause for rejoicing'
This is Gods treasure held in store (deut 32)
'We should have the mind of Christ in these matters. What would be His response?'
Jesus caused the man to top himself, Jesus is sovreign. This is Jesus response to that mans life
True, God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to the knowledge of the truth.

Deut. 32?

As Christians, we have family members who are not. When they die, we mourn because we love them. So, there is no rejoicing when these unredeemed (wicked) die. I can extend that to any who die in a lost condition.

No - Jesus DID NOT CAUSE the man to commit suicide. The sovereignty of God does not mean that he causes one to sin. Man is responsible for his choices.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to mail a birthday card to my younger brother who is one of the lost. Pray for his salvation. I love him regardless.

News Item4/28/09 12:21 PM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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prince charles wrote:
i looked on u tube for keith green all i can find were songs - im interested despite his hair cut - can you send me the link to the life story bit ?
Hello, Charles,

Hope you rested well last night. Sounds like yesterday was a trying day for you. 3 Big Macs. . .you were starved! Lack of sleep and food tries even the patience of a prince.

Go to YouTube and type in Keith Green life story. That should get you there. There are 7 parts. Stick with it, they are in 9 min. segments - the first couple describing his life before he became a Christian. He was one who looked for truth through experience. When God saved him, he devoted himself to studying Scripture. He was a remarkable man in the way he lived out his faith in ways radical to most walking the Christian walk. His tragic death in 1982, at 28, has left an impact remembered even today.

The story is told by his widow and best friend. His music is a testimony to God's work in his life.

News Item4/28/09 10:22 AM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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AMill wrote:
The only tribulation we are going to be in, great or otherwise after that of Matt 24, is the one which the Elect are experiencing now. It will come to an end when Christ returns and judgment day begins.
I can see how Scripture can be used to support both the pre-mill and the a-mill position. What we do know is that "When He appears we shall be like Him." Time will have no meaning when we are with the Lord. When we see Him, we shall be like Him, and it doesn't matter to me where we live and for what time period (1000 yrs on earth, or no) - just that we live with Him. We have eternal life NOW if we are indwelt by His Spirit. Jesus said, "He that believes in Me, shall NEVER die." Amazing thought!

The OT speaks of earthly life being in the blood. Eternal life is in the Spirit.

Whether Jesus appears suddenly in His Glory, or whether one is met with death, suddenly, one's eternal state is sealed at that point.

"He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he that is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still." Rev. 22:11

Survey4/28/09 9:22 AM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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Phil wrote: is the best site for listening to sermons! It's been such a great tool for me to learn more about the Bible and to hear some really good preaching.
Phil, I like that one can access a message either by speaker or topic.

I volunteered to teach ESL with Internationals through the University where I live. Out of these relationships, I have two long-standing friendships, where the couples have moved, because of their jobs, to different cities. They are not Christians, but because of our relationship, I can make suggestions, such as a message to listen to on SA.
What's even more amazing is that there are messages offered in their first language.

It's a wonderful site!

News Item4/28/09 8:51 AM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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prince charles wrote:
hooray and amen ! - kellerman is dead and in hell - God is glorified, he has avenged himself upon the unrighteous - thats the real God by the way, the one you can read about in the bible, not the idolotorous image you have conceived in your heart
It is not God's desire that any should perish, but that all should come to the knowledge of the truth.

We are not to rejoice in iniquity, but to rejoice in the truth.

Death and hell should be sobering, and not a cause for rejoicing.

We should have the mind of Christ in these matters. What would be His response?

News Item4/28/09 8:39 AM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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prince charles wrote:
what convictions would these be pam ?
that its godly to make merchandise of your body ? to dress immodestly and to make yourself an object of lust and covertousness for the eyes of sinful men.
miss california is guilty of aiding and abetting satans agenda, guilty of inciting the flesh
shes standing up for her own interests and material gain she does not know God
the miss california harlotry FYI does not represent Gods convictions and if you think it does then you do not know your God.
' We ' on SA forum, would no more praise her than a cat and she does not follow God, niether do you .
You praise miss california if you want but she cant help you on the great day
these shallow platitudes will make you popular at your local dog kennel of a 'church'
but here on SA there are real believers and your ignorance of the living God is painfully obvious in a way you
I think sleep did not restore you to your sanguine self.

Your zeal should be tempered with love. Let your speech be with grace, seasoned as it were with salt.

P.S. I just viewed a Youtube series on the life of Keith Green - 7 parts. Have you seen that? He had zeal much like yours, and he could be abrasive, but God changed him. Excellent.

News Item4/27/09 6:11 PM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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prince charles wrote:
Pah ! i forgot to buy some sandwiches and they didnt feed me on board so i didnt have anything to eat from breakfast ubtil 830 pm when faint with hunger i gorged myself on three big macs on the way home
to add to my afflictions the romanian second mate who was not the sharpest tool in the box chose to attach himself to me for the seven hours asking questions instead of attending to the cargo work of the ship, nor was this relieved by presenting him with the gospel since he showed no interest whatsoever even tho i raised it several times finaly he insisted upon me giving him a lift to the seamans mission and obliged me to exchange ten euros of his for ten pound of mine at a ruinously low exchange rate to my good self all this whilst my belly gnawed at irself with hunger.
lesser men would have broken under the strain but royal pedigree,breeding and blood will out and like a our dear departed baxter i was able to deal with all in sanguine fashion.
thanks for asking anyway
Well, you can go to bed and rest well knowing that the Royal Records will reflect your Princely attitude.

News Item4/27/09 3:45 PM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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prince charles wrote:
candlelit, there arent to many royal corgis in america so its sad to lose one, he is probably one of the original line from the 1740's. Baxter - what a splendid name for a corgi i am sure that he gave his owners many years of satisfaction and pride.
Ill probably wait until lunchtime to tell her as mother is not really a morning person
hope you like my new website you can catch up with what the boys are up to as well
[URL=]]]my website[/URL]
of to liverpool today check this link for the 'valentina'
Good evening, Prince Charles,

That is interesting info on corgis. I had never met one until yesterday. Baxter left behind his companion, Abby, and I met her. She was delightful. I think I can confidently say that Baxter's owners will be most grateful that you mentioned his passing to your mother. Yes, he brought them much joy for 12 years. He will be missed.

How kind of you to send the link to your website! Now, I can be like everyone else - glued to the happenings with the Royals! I so love the tweeds that you Brits wear, but it is your humor that I most appreciate.

I trust your day in Liverpool was to your liking.

News Item4/27/09 1:57 PM
Candle LIt  Find all comments by Candle LIt
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Dashing tweeds wrote:
[URL=]]]one occasionally makes a mistake with the socks[/URL]
No mistake. . . Can you imagine argyle? A bit much, I should think.

News Item4/27/09 12:34 PM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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Faithful Remnant wrote:
Then there was a time for requesting unusual miracles and it seems this was a time for the people to receive power from Mr. Peh
I had a similar experience - I wanted to invite a lady that I worked with to our church, but she invited me to her church and I agreed thinking that she would then visit mine. I knew we disagreed on theology, but what I didn't know was how extreme her church was. When I arrived and parked 2 blocks away and I could feel the vibrations and hear the music from that distance, I should have immediately gotten back into my car and fled. Nevertheless, I had made a commitment to be there, so I found my friend. 3 women in flowing white garb stood on a platform and the lead one spoke the word of God, then the other 2 would make a comment, define a word, etc. Afterwards, everyone lined up to go forward and the women would "hit" the forehead of the person who would then fall and be seemingly unconscious for a while. Wedged in between my friend and her son, I could not leave, but I was praying, "Lord, get me outta here." Needless to say, I will not make that mistake again!

News Item4/27/09 12:09 PM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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dashing tweeds wrote:
Maybe Baxter was the owner of the corgi?
I guess corgi owners dress like this (dashing tweeds) we all do in England, but times are hard due to the credit crunch- hence we sometimes just walk the bike or indeed even ride it if we have passed our cycling proficiency test at our Oxford grammar school.
[URL=]]]dashing tweeds[/URL]
No. . .Baxter was the corgi of royal lineage, but his companion who survived him is a corgi of common heritage. Those royals - often attracted to commoners.

Smashing . . dashing tweeds.

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