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News Item5/19/17 11:19 AM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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A friend of mine in India has been updating me about the escalating fear and intimidation of Christians in India for some months now. Its stunning how quickly its ramped up there in just the last few months. He says the violence and persecution is still building, and there doesn't seem to be any rational reason for the upswing

News Item5/12/17 11:27 AM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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I'm a bit surprised that the author of this story thinks the law of reaping and sowing is unscriptural.

I have found that social media is a platform for combining mystic and gnostic ideas with Christianity. Some professing Christians have FB pages that more resemble New Age books than Christianity

btw- The Elect of the Church of Ephesus are neither Jew nor Gentile, but new creatures in Christ

News Item5/10/17 12:52 PM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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From the get go, I wondered why Trump kept Comey on board. Now, I must conclude Trump wasn't ready to remove James at the time. Whatever changed, the timing is right at this time. My best speculation is that a suitable replacement wasn't available 4 months ago and one that Donald likes is now available. Also, I don't think the acting director will be there long either.

News Item5/6/17 7:33 AM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Saudi Arabia, Israel and the Vatican? Now thats a trifecta

News Item3/31/17 10:36 AM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Dr Charles H Roberts wrote:
Anyone who wants to know the real story of the current state of the faith in Russia, please see this article:
Greetings Pastor, thank you for the link describing the great blessings the people of Russia are receiving from OUR LORD. Ive personally spent time with the Orthodox in the Occupied Territories and have lamented their earthly captivity with them, but we rejoice together in Christ as we share the greatest victory. In Russia, even government servants are returning to the faith of their fathers. The very people that mocked GOD a few years ago are returning and are being grafted in to the Elect of the Davidic Kingdom. To GOD be the Glory, Amen

As you know men are desperately wicked, and even when they are shown the light they will distort it. Its no different here. I mean here here

Blessings to the PCA and Thank You for the labor in nourishing GODs People

News Item3/29/17 6:41 PM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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John Yurich USA wrote:
I am ill with bronchitis so I was unable to attend church on Sunday at that Baptist Church nor was I able to be Baptized. I sent a text message to the man who was to pick me up on Sunday for church that I was unable to attend church and be Baptized and to tell the minister I would reschedule the Baptism. Yesterday I sent a private message on Facebook to the minister telling him I would like to reschedule the Baptism. But I attended Mass on late Saturday afternoon at the local Catholic parish.
Ever think it was divine Providence? Why else would the wicked inquire so deeply after they have insulted you for years.

During the Reformation, it wasn't just illegal to be rebaptized, in some jusrisdictions the practice was prohibited by the death penalty

Check at

News Item3/21/17 10:56 AM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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John Yurich USA wrote:
I go to Adult Sunday School before worship at that Baptist Church I attend on Sunday mornings. The attendance is very low at that Adult Sunday School class. This coming Sunday 26 March I will be Baptized via immersion at that Baptist Church I attend on Sunday mornings. The Baptism will take place in the indoor pool of a nearby hotel.
Lets hope the men will learn from your example, and certainly their kindness towards you will be remembered on the Last Day

News Item3/20/17 10:03 AM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Carl in Greensboro wrote:
Where is it specifically in Scripture where women can not preach (i.e. proclaim the Gospel); else Jesus and the angels violated that by commissioning the women at the empty tomb to tell his cowardly apostles that He had risen indeed. I see the prohibition on not teaching men and usurping man's authority. I see where they are to learn silently and not blurt out questions when a regular service is going on; but should women not be allowed to ask question in Bible Study? REALLY??? And when Paul said that 2 or 3 prophets should take turns prophesying was he excluding the daughters of Philip the Evangelist? By the way, aren't we men breaking the order of prophesying 2 or 3 at a time by having only one man speaking the entire time?
The Scriptural position against Women Pastors is quite sound. What I don't understand is why the most zealous of Churches have so few men willing to teach, not just men for leadership but leaving most Sunday School instruction to the women of the congregation. Arent children the most important asset of a Church? Even further, my experience has shown men turn out in lower numbers for Bible Studies in sound Churches vs their liberal couterparts

News Item3/16/17 12:13 PM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Diane wrote:
Does anyone know the significance of the 6 colors on the sodomite flag and the true rainbow which has 7 colors?
Good Question

Wiki says they changed it to six colours because the 7 coloured flag couldn't be displayed well on street posts (which sounds like boloney)

they are probably offended by a true rainbow

News Item3/14/17 5:55 PM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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I fail to see why people cant realize what BM has been saying for days. Either they are prejudging her posts or they have been blinded. Either way, its time to move on

News Item3/10/17 2:24 PM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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John Yurich USA wrote:
It is easy to recognize a street sign.
Maybe people are waiting for another Biblical wine article? To me, its a bit of pain to play check the squares. What are we kids? It takes me longer to get validated than to post(probably because its from my phone)

Me too Lottie. Even though I can toggle, its a pain

News Item3/10/17 1:48 PM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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John Yurich USA wrote:
I did not know that SermonAudio banned individuals. Why would anybody be banned from posting on SermonAudio?
I think its less busy because of the new authorization. How are people that frequent here to know what a street sign looks like?

Sermon3/7/17 2:34 PM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Ruth, Exposition # 4 of 4
Wayne Joyce
“ Excellent Sermon! ”
Thank You Pastor Joyce Very edifying sermon for Christians wanting to understand the shadows of our redemption in the faithfulness of Ruth and Boaz in the Mosaic Law

News Item2/15/17 12:39 PM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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John Yurich USA wrote:
Unprofitable Servant, If River of Life Church is no longer a Baptist Church then why do church members who have Facebook accounts state under Religious Views that they are Baptist?
I just went to the website. Your Church didn't change their doctrine, just their name as a recommitment to the community they serve. I would say they appear much like any other Independent Baptist Church that dot the landscape in MN.

Its also possible that the title 'Baptist' brought negative connotations to some in that community

News Item2/15/17 10:12 AM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Kev wrote:
the avoidance of excess or extremes, especially in one's behavior
This reminds me of how drinking in moderation saved Western Europe from the Islamic hordes. History suggests Prince Charles repelled 80k Umayyads with a mere 30k Frankish troops at Tours. The truth is, Charles the Hammer scoured the Loire Valley for irregulars. He would show up at villages about 1am like this

Peasants: Hail Prince Charles!
Charles: What ya guys doing?
Peasants: Drinking in moderation {hiccup}, TVs aren't invented yet. Otherwise we would be watching womens Volleyball too{laughter}
Charles: Didn't you hear the Islamic Hordes are coming? Come fight with me
Peasants: Every year there is a horde. If your army loses, we will pay taxes to them. btw, Would you or the Princess like a drink? Its Biblical {burp}
Charles: Umm, that's my horse not the Princess
Peasants: I thought that crown was kinda big. But we don't want to fight and die
Charles: Umayyads will forbid you drinking
Peasants: YOU HEARD CHUCK! Grab your pitchforks!!

News Item2/14/17 5:34 PM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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[Removed by Moderator Alpha]

News Item2/14/17 3:43 PM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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John Yurich USA wrote:
It is not a former Baptist Church. It is still listed as being a Baptist Church. Pastor Steve has called it a Baptist Church. Members of that Baptist Church who have Facebook accounts state that they are Baptist under Religion. And I have repeatedly stated on here that I do not put my faith in the RCC way of salvation. I put my faith entirely in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. I will respond more later as I ran out of space.
Please continue John Yurich

News Item2/14/17 3:19 PM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Dave wrote:
You are truly reading a different account of the first miracle than I.
I see wine, you see non alcoholic wine.
You see a boozefest, SC sees a non alcoholic grape beverage that people enjoy more than the previously served wine(which was probably a really good wine).

Which is the greater miracle?

News Item2/14/17 10:15 AM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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""She also said the surveys and the pop culture leave out other aspects of the hook-up culture.
“One thing they don’t talk about here is the roles of alcohol and drugs in casual sex. What one can see in other kinds of surveys is that when people decide they’re going to do completely anonymous ""

I'm sure they didn't mean drinking in moderation

News Item2/13/17 7:12 PM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Anne wrote:
Really, just a question with zero ulterior motive. I do not and will not reply to the poster under the name SteveR; as a matter of fact, I skip anything with his name, just fyi.
Can I answer if I don't use my SteveR ID?
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