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Sermon4/24/15 11:03 PM
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Great encouragement. I thank God for SermonAudio and the available spiritual resources. It is absolutely beneficial to engage with others as we post. There is so much we can say to one another here that cannot be said even in our churches. I have often asked co members, in the church I attend, what happens after Sunday? There is no one to talk with about the many issues challenging our walk. Churchgoers are eager to leave and not fellowship over what the message was about. When I was a child, my mother and her peer met every Friday night for prayer. It was called a missionary meeting, but they read the Bible and prayed afterward. We don't have that anymore and it leaves us lonely and alone at times. The more we become individualist and isolate others, the greater the necessity of resources such as SermonAudio and the Chat Board where we meet others. A thought! Women should be able to find their niche here. This can be their mini pulpit to minister to others. God has given us a great gift.

News Item4/24/15 9:00 PM
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SureAndCertain wrote:
"Presidential Hopeful Rubio Reaches Out To [Sodomite] Republicans" !
One Thing For A FACT Is Eternally SURE & CERTAIN:

"“These narcissistic politicians will do anything to gain power and prestige. I suppose that Democrat candidates will vie for gay support also. It is sad when that becomes the deciding factor in electing a president to run this once great nation.
Can you see where America is headed? Can you see where we are leading other nations? Can you see that the ultimate “man of sin” will elect a Sodomite ruler - the Antichrist. Little antichrists will give all their support to Sodomite presidents/prime ministers/kings/princes, etc, then the Sodomite Antichrist."

What think ye?

News Item4/24/15 7:44 PM
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s c wrote:
Mike,if noname hadn't brought his (Graham's) name up, we would still be and are on other topics.
If Graham doesn't want responses to all of his news comments then he could just stop trying to grab the spotlight (as if he ever says anything original or new to begin with).
What we would like to hear one day from him that would be newsworthy is the Graham's repentance for leading so many astray and their disaffiliation with the RCC and ecumenical movement.
Noname and you brought it up.
Just sayin'

" Hey, sc from Oh! I checked the posts and almost an entire page was "Franklin Graham ..." and this was for breakfast. The other person probably had FG for breakfast too.

The Lord loves us. Isn't that great? But FG needs to be toast.

News Item4/24/15 10:48 AM
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John, Christians have reached out to this bunch with the Gospel. They have rejected it, or used "grace" and "love" of God to justify walking in darkness. The arms of our Lord Jesus Christ are still open and reaching out to all. They need to run to him, not Rubio. Rubio is does not love them if he cannot speak the truth, in love to them.
"What they knew of God they did not glorify Him as God. What other groups is Rubio reaching out to? What is the next squeaky wheel he and other candidates will seek to oil with hatred in disguise? Did he reach out to them prior his candidacy?

News Item4/24/15 10:38 AM
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Dave wrote:
Chimney sweep, I did read the full article mate and it makes me ILL. Just because it was orchestrated by the Jewish community You still think that's alright?

"Dave, I agree with you !00%. This could easily get out of hand. Good point!"

News Item4/23/15 9:12 PM
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I don't believe it is going to work out the way Pamela Geller intends anymore than a rap song about killing cops. Who going to take time to question the motive of Judge allows ‘Killing Jews is Worship’ MTA ads?
My prayer is that Jews find out its intent and not get angry like those folk in Ferguson.
How would we feel if signs about killing Christians posted on the subway?

News Item4/23/15 9:04 PM
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I would think that after having Franklin Graham for lunch, dinner, supper, and in-between snacks for so long, you'd vomit him up.

News Item4/23/15 9:02 PM
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a chimp wrote:
How dare you humans try to imply that we chimps and monkeys are the same as you.

No. We chimps, monkeys and other animals are nothing like you evil perverted killers.

"I'll bet the primates lived in the cities at one time. Then fled to the jungle because of idiotic, non thinking humans.
This is a reversal of man making a monkey of himself. I thought it was the other way around. Monkeys gave us our humanity. Duh!

Folks we need to stay before God in prayer just as Daniel and many others did.

News Item4/23/15 8:57 PM
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So is this judge advocating killing under the guise of "free speech?"

No doubt, if a rapper advocated beating women, or killing cops in song, he would be arrested. This judge needs to be benched, for life.

As to Penny being "pro Jewish...," That's nonsense if you really think it through. Is this how our Lord saw fallen creatures? Was he pro any group?

News Item4/23/15 10:46 AM
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While we look for the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we can also see the storm brewing around the world.

For ALL POSTERS. Is there any correlation between the weather conditions and rampant sin? Like in the days of S&G, and Noah's day?
Worship of creatures - beauty pageant contestants, movie stars,animals, while at the same time aborting babies created in God's image, and with out tongues blessing God while cursing man, accusing some while excusing others, focusing upon man in the pulpit and not giving pre eminence to Christ in his Church, etc.
It seems little by little, the suddenly disaster.
Keep your umbrella open.

Just a thought.

News Item4/22/15 11:05 PM
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"And The Same Day (Of The Crucifixion Of CHRIST) PILATE (ROME) And HEROD (THE JEWS) Were Made Friends Together: For Before They Were At Enmity Between Themselves.--Luke 23:12
Both of these groups are mentioned in the book of the Revelation of Christ to John.

I don’t think mainstream Christians get it yet.
Maybe they are waiting for the preacher to give it to them watered down in the traditional form, again.

News Item4/22/15 10:59 PM
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J Doe USA wrote:
"First Monkey President - ? USA"

"This is the outflow of the Scopes trial. It called Evolution - dividing the races. Now gorilla's have "human rights?"

I just hope the judge who determined this doesn't run for president. We just might have our first real jackass in the White House.

News Item4/22/15 10:47 PM
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[QUOTE]Listen People: The "Holocaust" Has Been A Reality Since The Crucifixion Of The Lord Jesus Christ Of Nazareth In Israel By A Joint
Unbelieving-Jewish-/-Emperical-Roman Combine; Which, Today Can Be Understood As A Joint Talmudic-Jewish-Roth$childian-[JEWSUIT]-/-Roman-"Catholic"-Vatican-[JESUIT] Combine ![/QUOTE]Wow! Do you have to be so straightforward and honest. I don't want to believe you! I like milk and pablum. I am comfortable with deceit. And I like preachers who don't teach doctrine. It means I'm okay and my friends are too. I don't have to rock the boat. I'll just go down with it.
Thanks for the posting. Maybe someone will read it for understanding.

News Item4/8/15 8:42 PM
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I am offended to see this article on SermonAudio. It speaks volumes of just what people to to keep racial divide based on outward appearances. I would not have been surprised had it been on FOX news where all the blondies front for weak men, and where we find those our daughters are seeking to look like - Clairol blondes.
I suppose we are to agree that the women in JW's church are mostly unattractive. That is a stretch. Michele Obama is a highly intelligent women; a cut above most blondes in the media. She is also an attractive woman. I know many men of other races who would want her as a wife, because she brings a lot to the table of public discussions.
I don't appreciate having that article presented for our reading and I think it should have been edited.
I also don't appreciate the advertisements. It seems that money is what is driving WND. Christians are so naive to miss what is the motives behind that newspaper.
Shame on that hypocrite who wrote the article.

Sermon9/26/13 1:09 AM
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Women Deacons
Sean E. Harris
“ Sublimal Feminist Agenda in our midsts ”
Not to sound disrespectful, The manner that Judy simply disregards and attempts to criticize the Apostle Paul's writings in a an extremely negative shows her lack of utmost discernment and proper obedience to the Scriptures already. If she does sincerely believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, then every written word and teaching from the Apostles of Christ in the New testament should be taken into deep and most serious considerations instead of writing anyone of the Disciples of Christ off due to being a "sinful human being".

News Item3/6/13 12:21 PM
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You are hilarious Jim.

News Item1/19/13 8:23 AM
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May U2's song, "[url=]]]Where the Streets Have No Name[/URL]" come true in Ireland, England and Wales. So many have died in the "Christian" [url=]]]marches[/URL] and subsequent battles through certain Catholic neighborhoods and streets including Obins Street and Garvaghy Road, that the band yearns for a time when Christians of all stripes can coexist. They foresee a place where these streets have "no name" and little Protestant and Catholic children can play together without fear of being pelted with the hatred of marchers hurling rocks and bottles.

Survey9/14/07 6:02 PM
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Abigail wrote:
Words are instruments or vehicles for transmitting communication... Words are not the same as what they mean. "Food" is a word but does not feed the body. The substance that "food" represents feeds the body.

The Holy Bible is words on a page. Only the Spirit of God can quicken His Word to the heart and bring (eternal) life.
The words of the Bible are not written for intellectual knowledge alone, which brings eternal death. The Word of God is not a legal document that transmits knowledge to us that acquits us of sin without change on our part.

When we are filled with the Spirit of God, the Word of God becomes life to us. God's Word becomes reality expressed through our lives being conformed to the Word of God. Without being filled with the Spirit—the Word of God is a dead letter on a page. No amount of study or knowledge gives life without the infilling of the Holy Ghost.

Joh 3:3 …Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

1Pe 1:23 Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth forever.

Obvious truth, Abigail. Amen.

News Item7/29/07 11:47 PM
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After reading your posts for months, I didn't know if I would ever agree with you about anything... I mean no offense by that statement. If I understand your mind, here, then I share it. What you seek is the true commentary on the creation narrative; from whatsoever quarter it comes.
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