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News Item7/18/18 8:13 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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folks, be ready, oh yes, they are goin all the way with this..... you might be living in your southern towns where this mindset doesn't exist. but in the liberal cities, many are filled with rage and have believed the lies. just take a look at some comments and think it through.

Jim Lincoln wrote:
Don, yes there was a white reaction but this was because many whites were ready to put down blacks if they ever got into power, e.g.,
its disgraceful.

Title: Portland Gallery Puts Graphic Depiction of President Trump Being Beheaded on Public Display

News Item7/17/18 9:31 AM
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
Premillianist have without except decried and spoken out against date setters like Whisnant and Camping. The word "false" belongs to your statement in parenthesis, they are NOT our teachers.
take a look at Hal Lindsay's prophecies....

I didn't get these type of books thrown at me til the 90's and what they were saying then about iraq didn't prove true. all that proved true is that a lot of Christians were killed in those wars, a lot of suffering US military and a lot of false propoganda.

thing is, they just scrub their books and go to the next editions.

so no, I am definitely not talking about Camping.

those of traditional faith have been way too nice about this topic.

false prophecies since the time of scofield, besides scofield's commentary false too (and added to post mortem)

News Item7/17/18 7:59 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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and don't you know the architects know that their cattle will be led to the .....?

they've always said in their papers and conferences that their agenda is eugenics, ie depopulation.

I talked with an abortionist once and he said that the cattle must be herded into cities and made chronically ill from gm foods and that the cattle population kept down.

course he loved evolution, cuz how else could you make equal a child to an animal?

such as evolving one's self gets anyone, except degradation and illness.

there is a better way. what does natural law say to us in regards to the value of a human life? Creationism and Providence? what does the bible teach us about the value of human life?

is the human body to be abused?

NO! Christ said that ye are the temple of the Holy Spirit. yet the pagans want their followers the temple of demons. the contrast could not be greater.

News Item7/17/18 7:53 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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oligarchs who rule over the people and exempted from the laws of the land.

News Item7/17/18 7:51 AM
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John for JESUS wrote:
No nation is innocent before God, yet God has established Israel. Most of the land that Israel has gotten was bought fairly or taken when they were attacked in the 1967 Six Day War. Are you aware of this?
He traded the biblical doctrines of original sin, election and the elect for a carnal kingdom where Christians are prosecuted.

same as it ever was.

didn't they throw James off the top of the wall of the temple, brother of Jesus, in 62 AD?

its the same religion! babylonian religion with rejection of Christ.

now you all have said you must bless that, and you have and your borders are open and sodom come upon your land besides abortion 3 generations now.

reaping destabilization in the east now you sow destabilization in the west.

cuz that's not the kingdom CHrist told you to build.

BUT, I guess you know better than God.

try telling God what to do.

Cuz I didn't see the rapture by 1988. (that's what we would call a false prophecy making your teachers false prophets)

News Item7/16/18 4:07 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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Don Tian wrote:
On July 1, 2018, a similar law went into effect in Florida, banning all marriages for those under 18. I think they should have set the age at 25, since scientists tell us the human brain doesn't mature until then, and the last part to mature is the one that makes decisions.
Statistics also show that many marriages to those under 25 have a high rate of failing.
children til they are 25? I don't think so!!!

News Item7/16/18 4:02 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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Thank you Jim for letting Wayfarer know that the Christian must be silent so that the special class can rule, they will end the bigotry of the Christian Patriarchy.

Can you tell us again what that special class is that is to rule to end all this Christian bigotry especially of the whihte male?

News Item7/16/18 1:44 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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this is how sick the left is and how willing they are to undermine our dignity as a nation to keep us from dropping their globalist feudalist scheme or to out their usurping of our election process!!

Title: SICK. NY Times Reposts Homophobic Cartoon of President Trump Making Out With Putin On Day of Helsinki Meeting

what an embarassment for the american people is that disgusting newspaper and a disgrace to the russians as well.

News Item7/16/18 1:38 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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seems the left is VERY nervous about this meeting. after two years of "Russian collusion" which brings more and more evidence of coercion to stop a duly elected citizen from becoming president, deep state collusion, embzlng of funds, etc, go right to the source.... hmmmm..... they are very very nervous.

Title: PUTIN DROPS BOMB AT HELSINKI PRESSER: Says US Intelligence Helped Move $400,000,000 to HILLARY Campaign!! (VIDEO)

listen to putin's speeches for the last two years and beyond, he's been naming a looooot of things they are doing. better keep the sheeples from hearing anything he might say, so scream really loudly on tv about how crazy it is to meet with another leader! (two years ago they were telling me they were sure he was going to nuclear attck russia, well which is it?)

News Item7/16/18 9:36 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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penned wrote:
According to the scriptures none follow after God, no not one. They love their sin. They enjoy it. Their hearts are turned away.
dispensationalism rejects the basic doctrine of the gospel itself. by creating an idol of a fictonal group of "chosen people" before they "open the text" they also mess with the doctrine of election and therefore the covenant of the called out, eccelsiology.

these are not "peripheral" doctrines.

those who hold faithful to their idol are blinded to the work at the cross.

and so let them hear their own words and warnings.

for they warn, they are the apple of God's eye, if you do not bless them you will be cursed.

now I don't know about blessing spiritual sodom is going to bless anyone,

but I do know that judgment comes next and that Christ's return has nothing to do with how well they took land from palestinians...

and all to do with the overcoming of sin and death at calvary.

they better heed their own warnings.

for the chosen are chosen and I don't know why, cuz the remnant are common sinners.

but God so chose to do so, and when the books are opened... those who prosecuted and maligned his beloved... that is the remnant, Jew and Gentile, born again, will be facing the JUDG

News Item7/16/18 9:28 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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isn't it something that "official news" can play an interesting and riveting story about some boys all the way in Thailand in caves, and because it is "offical" news, they go on about it?

but when children in their neighborhoods fall one by one to autism, etc, and information comes out as to cause and coverup.... as faithful little herded sheep, they go back to their corrals silently?

isn't it something to watch free speech slip away without a peep from them?

Title: Richard Pan To Propose Heavier Mandatory Vaccine Enforcements As ‘Outbreak Vulnerability’ Rises

medical tyranny. one child gets the 25th of 50 shots and collapses, little brother watches it happen and mom told, don't matter, you gotta do it too.

spiritual tyranny, the pulpits turn a blind eye.

complete and total ostracization for the dying.

the churches have become places to keep the sheep corraled.

News Item7/16/18 9:08 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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let's hope it keeps going down. for these false shepherds in the pulpit are silent already......

Title: Apple to Move iCloud Keys to China

"This means that Chinese authorities will have an easier time to access private data stored in the cloud.

"This move by the multinational technology company was made for their compliance with the new Chinese laws. Before this, Chinese authorities had to undergo a process involving the US courts before retrieving data from iCloud users."

News Item7/16/18 8:58 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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social media can defraud elections by censorsing information that outs the corruption.

wanting to completely silence those who do not support their agenda... the LBGT movement, forcing transgenders into public schools, sodomite marriage, pedophilia and islamic sharia, proabortion, forced medication and death panels, gm food for the human cattle, no borders, changing purpose of police

they use hidden algorithms in their systems to shadowban speech

private companies that are permitted to discriminate based on the color of our ideas....

even fooling the very brethren, who allow themselves to be lied to by media and through censorshp!

Title: Censorship by tech giants is an assault on the right to exist in an online-dominated society

flagrant violiations of free speech. our elders can "hold out" and not participate, still the young people live on these platforms, what this is is a situation where our elders are handing over the youth and then going out for dinner

just watch our elections.... there can be no free elections with the left forcing open borders and end of free speech, youth are believing the lies

News Item7/16/18 8:47 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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globalism of EU is internatonal communism, agenda 21, removing borders, collapsing the first world with the third and forcing depoulation.

we've allowed them to do this.

now social media has organized to covertly end free speech and force h@te crimes on the populations who want to speak about their destruction.

the result is rapegeddon.

they are currently shadowbanning real information and for the low information evangelicals, preparing them for the next step.... for these things are too fearful for them and they just want "normal"

just do a word search and see how they insert "doubt" links on top of the link you are looking for?

censorship and control

and eugenics

high tech version of the soviet union era

a blueprint has been released, documenting their plans and what they are doing.

News Item7/14/18 12:31 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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John for JESUS wrote:
John UK...
Maybe this is it in a nutshell. What do you suppose it means that God's grace was given to us in Christ? It's not salvation, not faith, not justification, not sanctification, not righteousness, so what exactly do you think His grace in Christ is? Believers weren't placed in Christ then. This verse makes no mention of God electing anyone so it can't be that. Sorry! Like I showed you already, God loved the world, decided to send His Son to save the world so that whoever believes would be saved.
According to the scriptures none follow after God, no not one. They love their sin. They enjoy it. Their hearts are turned away. They are dead in their trespasses, given over to the

"He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

"And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

"For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.

"But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God."

News Item7/14/18 12:26 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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let us not forget that the third mechanism of the birth control pill is to thin the lining of the womb so that the conceived life cannot implant and is expelled.

most evangelicals have used this birth control pill, and probably why women are now leading the men in situations like BMoore.

the covenantal perspective of the fruit of marriage is lost and modernistic eugenics accepted at the point of the pill.

it makes sense from this that there are more divorces, etc, the life connected to one's own biology carries much power and much difficulty with it.

somehow they created a way where marriages could be separated from that biology.

imagine the millions of evangelicals who will confront, on the Final Day, unborn babies in heaven that they never knew existed.

News Item7/14/18 12:19 PM
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Dolores wrote:
Penned, agree with your comments about prayers before tackling the Dems!! I remember reading a book by Catherine Marshall whose husband ,Peter Marshal,
was the one that said the prayers before meetings in the White House. And I agree that the clips of peter strzok were unbelievably demon like in his smirking expressions and actions. I thank God that Obama is no longer president. And prayer for our leaders as they have to make important decisions for the safe keeping of our country. So thankful for President Trump as our President. He is not in this for money or power like Hillary but because he loves America and that’s why I stand by him and the Republican Party.
that's right, dear sister! and Catherine Marshall was an encouragement to many after writing about her grieving process when he passed on! I also thank God that we didn't go head first into their plans, as much as they accomplished, many are trying to unravel those plans now! They need our prayers and support!

News Item7/13/18 11:33 AM
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Title: Child Dies From Meningitis 4 Days Following Vaccines, Health Officials Blame Unvaccinated Child

News Item7/13/18 11:06 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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they went after doctors recently for medicaid fraud. the left doesn't like that.

just saw the hearing clips of peter strzok.

looks like there's a demon in him?

and everytime a good question came up, the dems would start screaming and shutting it down.

evil times these are.

where are the pastors to pray with these congressmen beforehand when they are facing demon-possessed people?

take a look at those eyes!

News Item7/13/18 10:49 AM
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Gay Allen wrote:
chelation is possible and easy
Cilantro and Chlorella can Remove 80% of Heavy Metals from the Body within 42 Days
Detox Naturally With Cilantro and Clay
i buy bunches of cilantro and chop it then boil it and eat the "soup" it's chewy and not savory
my kids won't touch it unless its in food

intelligent comment.

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