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Survey12/6/07 4:09 PM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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Dear Lurker,
after reading of brother Wayne's experience and enthusiasm,i realise that he is a true brother being used for the Lord;s work marvelously indeed. I am not fit to tie his shoelaces.

There is no point in *getting to know* me, for i am such a poor example of how a Christian should act and live and witness.

At this moment in time,sadly,my zeal is dampened, and my time to evangelise is so limited, as to be virtually non existant.

My heart is breaking.

God bless you all.

Sermon11/25/07 9:51 AM
Norman smith | New Haw.Surrey,England  Find all comments by Norman smith
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(This sermon is no longer available)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Another challenging sermon to the Lord's people about the need to see lost souls saved. Very interesting angle in presentation, see the fields white unto harvest,as our beloved Lord saw them . Thankyou for such a clear,needful sermon,may the Lord be pleased to bless you all at red Rocks,to the glory of His name.

Sermon11/20/07 11:16 PM
Norman smith | New Haw.Surrey,England  Find all comments by Norman smith
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“ Uplifting Sermon! ”
Beautifully,uplifting sermon in all aspects of the Christian life ! What a glorious text for a believer to cling to when the circumstances ,or rather the providence of God as he leads us, seem perplexing,or frightening. This sermon was a great blessing,preached in a gracious way. The highest compliment i can give to brother Mahon is this :- If i was on my death bed,and i wanted a time of fellowship with a beleiver before i passed into the presence of the lord Jesus Christ,then brother Mahon is a person whom i would ask for.

Sermon11/18/07 4:33 AM
Norman smith | New Haw,Surrey,England  Find all comments by Norman smith
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Clothed with Humility
Henry Mahan
“ Brilliant exposition ”
This is one of the best,if not the best exposition i have heard of what is ,or is not,humbleness and pride. Extrememly Biblical,extremely practical,and boy,oh boy,VERY heartsearching ! Over the years as a Christian,being clothed with humility seems to be something that is virtually difficult to obtain,but it is a command from God ! Thankyou dear brother Mahan for this sermon,it was a real blessing to me. May the Lord bless your ministry to the glory of His name.

News Item11/17/07 3:25 AM
Norman smith | New Haw,Surrey,England  Find all comments by Norman smith
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Very briefly...Hi Lurker...God bless you my dear brother...still praying for you ..must go...Stormin.

News Item11/16/07 2:24 AM
Norman smith | New Haw,Surrey,England  Find all comments by Norman smith
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Kenny !
my dear brother in the Lord,i think of you often.

Thankyou for your gracious comments regarding mum. She IS the Lords and bears a remarkable testimony,for she has had numerous bodily ailments including aggressive cancer,including a masectomy,and now has it in her liver.

She has shingles at the moment,plus problems with radiotheraoy,and is basically in bed now on high morphine to releive the pain,and drifts in and out of sleep.

You may like to know that since i went self employed at the beginning of the year praying the Lord to fill my diary, if it was His will,i have now reached 49 customers. he giveth and taketh away!

Recently,i have set up a stall in various places with free gospel calendars (Words of life,Joyful news,Revival Movement,and railway mission) plus gospel tracts.

So far,in 4 locations ,76 calendars have been taken. even those who stop,look,and dont take a calendar,still read Gods word which wont return unto Him void !

Finally,the Lord uses me in outdoor preaching as well as placard carrying.
All praise to His glorious name,as i am such an unworthy,weak vessell.

Thankyou for sharing your testimony,may the Lord continue to bless you and your dear family Kenny.

With much love in the Saviour.

p.s. thanks Terry.

News Item11/15/07 5:31 PM
Norman smith | New Haw,Surrey,England  Find all comments by Norman smith
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Seaton,Terry,Michael and Spritually alive ,
my heart has been overwhelmed and humbled by the four of you taking the time and trouble to comment on my advice seeking.

May the Lord bless you all for your kindness.

Terry,yes i hear and understand what you are saying...Romans 14:5,6 has been a blessing,in the context of Xmas.

Spiritually alive,yes,Naomi and myself originally tried to view this season by the writing of Arthur Pink,( enjoy the season,but dont bring Christs holy name into it.)

Seaton,i actually beleive the regulative principle of worship is Biblical and correct,Naomi and myself sing Psalms only in our family worship.

Last ,but not least,my dear,dear brother Michael,my heart is at one with you,as Davids was with Jonathan,i hope that Stephanie and Sarah are keeping well.

I heard last night that there is a sister church who are sending some at the same time,including the pastor who is bringing his trumpet.

This smacks of the sheep entertaining the i will not be attending,..also ,my mother is dying of cancer and i will probably ,if she is still alive, use that saturday to see her DV

So i will not be attending the open air Carol service,and may the Lord have mercy up on me if i am wrong in my decision.

Thankyou beloved.

News Item11/14/07 8:17 AM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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I would like a bit of advice please,from anyone,no matter what persuasion.

The church i belong to plan to have an open air Carol Singing session on Dec.15th.They will also be preaching and handing out gospel tracts.

I kind of feel that i should not join with them, because of the history and roots of *Christmas*.

However,i am all for preaching the gospel at every opportunity,as people on these forums know.

My question i ask is this :-
Would you join in an outdoor Carol Singing,or not,and if you could give a reason,or better still,a scripture,for yes or no,then i would really appreciate it.

I will prayerfully consider every response,as i want to do what is pleasing to the Lord in this matter,without causing any offence to my brethren and sisters.

Many thanks beloved.

News Item11/14/07 6:22 AM
Norman Smith | New Haw.Surrey,England  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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thankyou for the link to atheist test site. Very good re the banana.

Interestingly,i used to read Fred Hoyle as a teenager before i was converted,thinking that HE had the answer to all lifes problems !

Boy,oh,boy,hasnt the Lord been gracious in saving us from so much ? Bless His lovely name.

Thanks again for the link. Appreciated.

Sermon11/11/07 4:52 AM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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Open-Air Preaching
Robert McCurley
“ Thankyou for that video ”
I was delighted to see this video,for recently i have had the joy of being able to street preach . There is nothing quite like having a burden for lost souls,and oh boy,the labourers are so few,despite the Lord telling us that the the fields are white ready to harvest. May the Lord bless you brother Robert,we serve our generation then fall on sleep... Oh Lord,we thank thee that thy word will never return unto thee void,it will accomplish that for which it is sent. Hallelujah ! Please pray for our church as we preach in the open air in Bracknell,England,every six weeks or so. To the glory of God. Norman.

Sermon11/11/07 2:57 AM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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Seeing Him Who Is Invisible
Mike Blanton
“ Full of energy sermon ”
This is the first time i have listened to this preacher,,and wow ! what energy he has ! It is lovely how a Sovereign God uses all kinds of people ,...calm,quiet preachers ,...and energetic,enthusiastic preachers like bro Blanton. This preacher hardly stops for breath ,and when listening one cannot take a pause to visit the restroom !!! As an enthusiastic person myself,in the things of the Lord,i just loved it ! Brilliant ! Thankyou !

Sermon11/9/07 2:31 AM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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“ Not too sure ”
As is known,i have the utmost respect for this brother,and enjoy and learn from his sermons, and love brother Monte as a lovely brother in the Lord...however,i have to agree with the previous comment,as i am convinnced now that tithing is not applicable for NT beleivers,but cheerful giving is. My other favourite speaker (Michael Phillips,has hit the nail right on the head about tithing in his *money matters* series,part six.)Please dont be offended bro Monte ,which i am sure you wont be. Fond and gracious regards, Norman.

Sermon11/8/07 8:23 PM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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Don't Be Surprised
Marc Monte
“ A reality check ”
This sermon is a blessing to me,as i have a mother who is riddled with cancer and dying. Bless the lovely Lord for whatever comes our way.

Survey11/7/07 3:46 AM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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Hi Jessica,
that was a sweet post regarding why you come on SA

As you know,i used to try and make comments which were Biblical,and also tried to be warm and enthusiastic towards my fellow saints on SA, but like you,just lost confidence,one cannot compete with strong characters who are articulate.

Someone once said that SA forums are not the place to find Christian fellowship..maybe not,but what a sad state of affairs.

The word says Let not your good be evil spoken of,so it was best just to get out of it,like many have.

Chin up dear sister, ...For we can do nothing against the truth,but for the truth. 2 Cor.13:8

The end of Eph.4 we read of being kind and tenderhearted one to another.

Every blessing in Christ,

Sermon11/4/07 4:35 AM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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Is It Nothing to You that Pass By?
Harold E. Brunson Sr.
“ Back to basis ”
Back to basis...Salvation is by Gods grace,and that the preaching of the gospel is the means how God brings lost souls to Himself,and the gospel is the death,burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.For those of us who are saved,then as we passed by it meant something to us,but for the lost,oh preaching is foolishness.Please Lord save many this day such as should the glory of thy name.

Sermon10/28/07 4:35 PM
Norman Smith  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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“ Exciting ! ”
Exciting ! Not the content of this most serious sermon, but seeing the sermon on video ! It was like being there ! What a blessing this technology is !

Sermon10/28/07 4:42 AM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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Calvinism: A Closer Look
Marc Monte
“ Great Sermon! Extremely enlightening ”
After spending years in Calvinistic circles,including six years attending a Strict and Particular Baptist church (Gospel Standard),i thank the Lord that i have been delivered from these doctrines,and the Lord has brought me back to the simplicity that is found in Christ. All Calvinists should listen to this series with an open mind,and for those of us who are Biblicists,this series will be a real blessing to you. Thankyou Pastor Monte for preaching these sermons,they are so enlightening.

Survey10/28/07 4:32 AM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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Hi Yamil,
that is a good prayer....
i have gone through that expeirience of being bewitched from the simplicity that is found in Christ...but bless my lovely Lord Jesus that i have been delivered from the doctrines of men.

Hope that you and yours are well.

Survey10/24/07 3:51 AM
Norman Smith  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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i have had the pivelage of listening to Chuck Vuolo preach in person whilst in America a couple of years ago.

He is a dynamic preacher,with a wonderful heart for the Lords people.

I heard him preach from the epistle of John,and it was absolutely awesome.

He is a humble,gracious brother in the Lord indeed,and it is a shame that more of his sermons arent on Sermonaudio.

He is now in missionary work amongst the Amish people,he has a burden for them,and the last i heard he is helping some converted Amish people
(by the preaching of the gospel)in the things of the Lord. For converted Amish people are persecuted .

So glad that you are desirous to prove all things ,in regards to Alpha course,et al,and may you hold fast that which are good.

May the Lord bless you dear brother/sister.

Lovingly in the Savioiur,

Sermon10/21/07 10:39 PM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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I thirst
Michael Phillips
“ Thankyou Lord Jesus ”
After listening to this sermon,my heart just thanks the Lord Jesus Christ for all that He has done,in suffering so much,...He thirsted,so i may never thirst gaain. Thankyou Pastor Phillips again for such a precious sermon on one of the cries from the cross, and for bringing before the hearers many texts on thirst and applying them to the culmination of this cry from Calvary. We love Him ...but only because He first loved us. What a Saviour we have. Thankyou Lord Jesus.
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