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News Item7/4/2020 2:24 PM
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DKH wrote:
Salvation is not a means for our own benefit primarily. Salvation is about a relationship with Jesus.
Where did you get that idea?

Rom 13:11 And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.

If what you say is true, then Paul and the Romans he was writing to must not have had a relationship with Jesus yet. Paul received his sight, received the Holy Spirit, was justified. He immediately went about preaching Christ yet, you say, he didn't have a relationship with Jesus.

Perhaps you have assigned a definition to a biblical term in error? And if in error, how can you be certain the rest of your argument is not in error as well?

News Item7/3/2020 11:24 PM
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Dr. Tim wrote:
Sunday night at our church, a little black toddler saw a little white toddler and gave her a big hug of pure affection. (If the lack of social distancing bothers you, that’s just tough.) Those two precious little girls showed us more about how to deal with racism than Al Sharpton, Joe Biden or any of the other liberal ninnies will ever be able to do. “Where no wood is, there the fire goeth out,” and libs have been throwing on logs for decades, stoking the fires of racial friction for their own selfish purposes.

News Item7/3/2020 10:53 PM
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I know some heading pastors are determined to hold services, but the riots were allowed without any limit, and the leftist dictators are now doing the same virtually asChina, using the Covid 19 crisis to crush Christianity which they hate.
There may be an unobserved nuance here. There are some who believe church gathereings/activities are being severely and unequally restricted because the majority are evangelical Trump supporters. So the restrictions are a form of punishment for opposing the liberal progressive agenda.

News Item7/1/2020 2:34 AM
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Not Americans are angry.

A generation of spoiled brats in adult bodies who have never contributed anything to society, who have never created anything, who have no respect for anyone or anything, are angry because they bought into the oppressed victim lie fed to them by liberal indoctrination camps (universities) and liberal politicians (Democrats).

The chickens have come home to roost.

News Item6/29/2020 1:11 PM
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Mike wrote:
One can only hope the heading of this article is true. The media would portray it as something awful, (look how contagious!!) But it's actually very good, for it would mean an instant reduction in the death rate by a factor of 10. 10 times the cases, but same number of deaths. Pick a number. 1.0%. becomes 0.1% How is that not a good thing, especially in terms of lockdowns, gubernatorial overreaction, etc.? It becomes much harder to justify wrecking the country, doesn't it?
There you go thinking again. We're not supposed to think but feel...... Feel 10 times more scared that the covid-19 monster is 10 times bigger than we first felt.

News Item6/28/2020 4:10 PM
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John UK wrote:
It often happens this way, when people run out of arguments, they simply go on the attack, as has been evidenced by a series of posts from feminists who have ganged up to have a go at me because it makes them feel good to do so. It has nothing to do with what I say or believe, I am merely a target to aim at, a sort of sport for American feminists.
John, I said I had nothing more to say but I can't let this stand without an answer.

If this is what you truly believe then I implore you..... be gone and never return. There is no place for such unwarranted and malicious contempt of our dear sisters in Christ on this forum.

News Item6/28/2020 3:01 PM
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John UK wrote:
It's like I've often said, Lurker. The USA is corrupt through and through, decadent, gung ho, yee ha, psychological manipulaters, warmongerers and glorifiers of violence.
But everyone smiles and says in that white teeth hypocrisy, "God bless America", as though all is well. We are fine, our people are fine, our constitution is fine, we are the business.
Apparently not. And I'm glad you see it.
You paint with a broad ugly brush. Was that really necessary?

Sure, the unregenerate may say those things but what can we expect from tares? There are many God fearing Christians here too who love this country, who remember the days gone by when we were mightily blessed by God above any other nation on the planet. We weep and mourn for what we see going on.

Nothing more to say.....

News Item6/28/2020 2:06 PM
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John UK wrote:
A GP is claiming that doctors are putting down Covid 19 on death certificates, because people are dying because of lockdown restrictions, and the guv wants to hide those facts from the hoi polloi.

You really believe that a doctor is going to falsify (and break the law) by putting down an untruth concerning death?


I can't speak for the UK but it is a known fact that exactly that has been happening here. There is a huge financial incentive of federal $$$ for every Covid-19 death. So a person with asymptomatic Covid-19 may die of a stroke, heart attack, automobile accident, etc. and the *cause* of death is recorded as Covid-19. Such fraud has already been uncovered in NY State (and I assume others as well) where a Covid-19 death means as much as $30,000 in federal aid.

And for liberal politicians, falsifying the cause of death goes a long way in enhancing the fear factor allowing them to suppress the rights of people while the people accept it willingly in the name of safety.

And lastly, it's presidential election year in the US. Everything is a means to an end.

If you want to believe there is no manipulation of the facts for ulterior motives that's your right but I believe you're being naĂŻve.

News Item6/7/2020 1:46 PM
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Mike wrote:
Hey Lurker, notice how easily Jim changes the subject? I suppose he thinks being on continual offense absolves him of responsibility. The oft used "white supremacist" ploy is good example.
Indeed. It works better for him than actually trying to defend his outrageous assertions.

News Item6/7/2020 2:21 AM
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The Quiet Christian wrote:
Unfortunately, Pastor, those who are driving this want a monologue. And they want that voice to be commanding what they want. Anyone else notice the addition of "economic equality" to the growing list of demands? It's socialism on the march.
Indeed. They're not demanding equal economic opportunity but equal economic outcome. And the liberal politicians are more than willing to see to it in exchange for their vote. Twenty first century slavery.

News Item6/6/2020 11:12 PM
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Mike wrote:
Here's a suggestion, Jim. If you want us to latch onto your 180 degree phase shifting of truth, you might want to provide some examples of the right wing hate speech to which we are collaborators. Or, do what you usually do, ignore it, pick up another pasture patty, and let fly.
Thank you, I was thinking the same thing. I often wonder how Jim can quote from the bible and with the same fingers post lies with a clear conscience.

News Item6/5/2020 8:29 PM
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Fact Checker wrote:
Jim Lincoln from Nebraska writes:
"Don't worry, the new American right will ban Free speech all together."
I'm afraid you are a bit confused there Jim. It's largely been the radical left-wingers that want to squelch free speech.
You really shouldn't confuse Jim with facts. Makes him grumpy.

News Item6/1/2020 11:14 PM
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Mike wrote:
Maybe he thinks the various governors are God's people.

Could be. TDS does funny things to some people.

News Item6/1/2020 3:17 PM
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Anony wrote:
Who is he to order God's people to do anything?
No doubt you have no love of Trump as your bias shows in your nonsensical post. Trump didn't order Christians to return to churches.... he ordered states to lift the shutdown of places of worship..... to designate them as essential. Do you have a problem with that?

News Item5/31/2020 1:44 PM
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Anony wrote:
We can do this. All of us can stop this murderous rampage of racists who strangle the life out of those they hate. And with impunity. If we stop supporting the likes of Trump, Mitch McConnell, and Lindsay Graham, and more recently William Barr we'll prevail.
Perhaps you didn't notice that nearly every location where rioting, looting and senseless destruction of private property is going on is blue and your solution is to turn the entire nation to blue. Sure..... that will fix the problem.

News Item5/27/2020 10:36 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
The article didn't suggest it but perhaps the Andy vaxxers should sign a release form, saying they do not want to be hospitalized, if they get the virus so that Hospital space and supplies will go to people who wanted the help in the first place?
Perhaps the article didn't mention it because it makes no sense..... Why would those who were vaccinated need hospital help? Are you suggesting that a vaccine will not be 100% effective? And if not.... how effective? 80%...... 60%...... 40%......

Would you take it if it were only as effective as the annual flu cocktail?

Or don't you even care as long as the experts tell you to take it just because they said so?

News Item5/27/2020 12:08 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Because, Mike, Walmart often supplies a useful product, it is trying to do social distancing, many of these churches aren't providing either. In fact quite a few of them are providing, (Charismatic Chaos)âť—
Or a political statement rather than a religious one.
Bigotry much, Jim?

It's your right to discriminant against churches you disagree with but it's not the right of government. But it seems you are okay with the constitution being tread under foot as long as it suits your bigotry.

News Item5/25/2020 3:41 PM
Lurker  Protected NameFind all comments by Lurker
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I have a lot of respect for Dershowitz's knowledge of constitutional law but of the bible, not so much.

In a feeble attempt to refute the outcry of many Christians opposing his view that the government has the right to force vaccinate for the safety of the many, he claims Leviticus 13-14 establishes the right of the government.

First, those chapters speak to what we would now call quarantine.

Secondly, the OT priesthood, which had the power and Divine authority to put the unclean into quarantine, has not been replaced by the federal government. That priesthood no longer exists but has been replaced with the priesthood of believers.

Smart as he is, Dershowitz should not speak of that which he is obviously ignorant.

That said, I believe his argument that the government has the right to forcibly vaccinate, provided it is proved safe, fails the constitutional test as well. His position is that the right of the people end when they endanger the lives of other. His answer.... vaccinate everyone, forcibly if needed. But that would include people who do not have the virus and may in fact already be immune and therefore do not threaten the safety of others. No way to prove who endangers other's lives without immunity testing. If that were proposed I may agree.

News Item5/22/2020 2:29 AM
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Amishchristian wrote:
So if I refuse the vaccine who besides myself am I putting at risk? I need an answer. This whole thing is not making sense to me.
Dershowitz is a constitutional scholar/professor. His position is that your rights end when you put the health of others at risk. Not saying I agree or not and I'm certain his position would be challenged in the courts because..... you are not putting anyone at risk if you do not have Covid-19 and you don't need the vaccine if you already have natural immunity or the virus simply dies out as is expected. But to answer your question:

If.... a vaccine is actually developed and if.... it actually works and if..... it is force administered nationally; you may....., not having the vaccine, put at risk others who have not taken the vaccine. That's it. Seems to fall way short of a case that will stand up in court.

In my opinion this whole thing comes down to a bunch of so called experts (medical, pharmaceutical, legal, political, power hungry billionaires (Gates), etc.) getting drunk on their new found power and influence.

Many will not passively sit still for this and revolt if necessary.

News Item5/20/2020 12:52 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
"A core duty and primary function of any government is protection of the public’s health and safety........ and implementing and enforcing control measures, such as vaccination, chemoprophylaxis, quarantine, or even seizure or destruction of private property"---ÇDC
So the CDC toots their horn touting their unlimited powers to violate the constitutional rights of the people and you gleefully swallow it up. You are willing to give up freedom for "health and safety" as defined by the CDC, of course. I suppose you have already emailed your representatives encouraging full support of HR 6666 which was crafted pursuant to this garbage you linked to.
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