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News Item10/21/2020 5:00 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Dear Watcher, Yes I do not go along with the theology of people like Sean Feucht, who is a CCM artist linked up to Bethel Church in Redding California. Ironically, Bethel itself seems to be following your recommendations, despite believing in healing for all Christians, they have closed down both their church, their “Healing Rooms”, and their “School of Supernatural Ministry” , which are operating totally online. However, dear Watcher, I cannot go along with your idea of hiding in a bunker, not going to the church, wearing a mask everywhere, indoors and outdoors, which is precisely what the globalists wish you to do. By the way, more and more doctors and medical professionals are saying that lockdowns, compulsory mask wearing, and even social distancing for the majority are not helpful, and can lead to major non-COVID health problems, and that only very vulnerable people should be shielded.

News Item10/18/2020 6:40 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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the Netherlands, had to struggle for its independence after the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century against its colonial Catholic Spanish masters, and then was invaded and occupied by Hitler in the 1940’s. Hitler believed in evolution and “survival of the fittest”! Now the Netherlands, is tragically doing the same thing!!

News Item10/18/2020 5:51 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I do not know much about the beliefs of this particular group, and whether it is a orthodox Bible believing gospel preaching church, or if it preaches false teachings, or has aberrant theology. What we can discern is that its beliefs were obviously anathema to the ideology of the ruling Communist Party of China, and they are determined to persecute it and crush it completely. The only thing that the CCP will tolerate, is a “Judas” type state approved church in a few large cities, or tourist places, that will function as a kind of “show church”, with very strict restrictions, a compliant clergy, sermons submitted in advance, total control of the leadership, Christian symbols replaced by Communist ones, an altered Bible, patriotic songs instead of hymns, a total ban in any participation by children or young people, and backed up by complete surveillance, cameras linked up to the nearest police station, and severe penalties and punishments for anyone who falls out of line, combined with the threats of bad “social credit” for anyone who misbehaves!!

News Item10/18/2020 2:52 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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What is so shocking about the Netherlands is that twice in its history at least in the last 500 or so years, what is now the

News Item10/16/2020 12:54 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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This amazing bird, which our wonderful Lord God created, has the ability to move between Alaska in the summer, the breeding grounds, and then fly 11,000 miles non-stop, (even difficult for our human made planes), all the way to New Zealand. At least this bird does not need to wear a mask, does not need to go through customs and immigration, and is not affected by human quarantine laws, and no border closures!! At present New Zealand is closed to anyone except New Zealand citizens, registered foreigners who have residence rights there, I understand some Australian citizens are now allowed in, but all these have to do 14 days quarantine in a hotel under strict supervision, and diplomats. No one else can go there, and the country has been closed since March!!! Yet this wonderful creation of God bypasses all that. So much for the evolutionists.

News Item10/16/2020 5:06 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Referring to the funeral, there have been 2 iniquitous cases, (probably many more not reported), 1 in England, and this one in Wales. The 1 in England referred to a bouncer type of crematorium official, bursting in to interrupt a service as a son moved his separated chair next to his grieving mother. Actually the son wasn’t breaking any law, as he was at the time living with his mother, he was in the “bubble”. In this Welsh case, with the Lord’s Prayer, it was not actually against the law, as the prayer was in a low voice, (though congregational responses are very strongly discouraged), and it wasn’t being sung, (which is illegal, except for a solo singer behind a screen). In this case, at least the official did not interrupt the service, but was still very rude at the end of it. These sort of things are totally iniquitous and wrong, and completely insensitive.

News Item10/16/2020 4:57 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Sorry, John Yurich, a slight correction. The U.K. as a whole has a fairly “politically correct” “Conservative” Government. Boris Johnson, the PM, is not wildly keen on restrictions, but is firmly in the grip of Matt Hancock, his Health Secretary and his two health advisers, Professor Whitty and Dr Vallance, who believe in perpetual lockdowns, universal mask wearing, social distancing, and getting people ready for the vaccine. The PM only controls the virus response in England only. All matters other than English affairs, immigration, defence, foreign affairs and some tax matters, are handed over to devolved governments and parliaments in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Wales has a leftist Labour government, Scotland has a leftist Scottish Nationalist government, and Northern Ireland is governed by a compulsory 2 party coalition, of which 1 of the 2 parties is leftist. Broadly the leftists favour the set narrative of lockdowns, mask wearing, social distancing and restrictions, but many of the back bench “Conservatives” and a few Labour politicians in the North, where restrictions are tightest, oppose this.

News Item10/13/2020 7:20 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Interestingly the traditionalist English speaking Latin (Western Rite) Roman Catholics, until the modernising Vatican 2 Council, used the 16th century Douai Reims Bible (not for services, of course, as these were in Latin, using the Vulgate Latin Bible, but for private study, mainly by priests, and for English translations of Mass sheets and the Breviary used for private devotion). Some Traditionalist Catholics still use this. It is based primarily on the Vulgate Latin Bible, but did dip a little into the KJV Bible, but was not as reliant on the original Hebrew and Greek texts, as the KJV and earlier Protestant Geneva translations. However, the modernising Vatican 2 Council threw all this open, as Latin services were downplayed or even totally abandoned. The USA Catholics used first the Confraternity Bible, and then the New American Bible, both exclusively Catholic versions, while British Catholics used the Jerusalem Bible, later revised, drawn up by Benedictine monks scholars. However, of late, “Catholic” editions of modern Protestant Bibles have become popular, first RSV, and then the ESV, which does away with the old language of “thees” and “thous” and sadly had also followed the “gender” neutral route. The English speaking Traditionalist Catholics still detest these, and use

News Item10/11/2020 4:03 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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John YK, I only have one word for you. Sweden. The “guv” as you put it, is not infallible, nor is Matt Hancock, the Health Minister, nor Professor Whitty, nor Dr Vallance, (who has a clash of interests, he has money invested in a pharmaceutical vaccine company!!), nor the disgraced Professor Ferguson, whose dire predictions led to the original national lockdown in March, “for a couple of weeks to flatten the curve”, which lasted for months, and broke his own guidelines, for nefarious activities!! Sweden, apart from banning large scale events, and some simple physical distancing guidelines, had no lockdowns, closed no schools, shops, businesses, no mask mandates, and in fact to a great extent life was and is normal. Now the death and hospitalisation rate is very low, Norway (which did a lockdown), apologised to Sweden for previous harsh criticism it made, and I saw a photo of a Swedish high street taken last week, which was just the same as pre-COVID days!! What a difference. No Project Fear!!

News Item10/11/2020 2:43 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I get the impression that certain Christians here in SA condemn this dear sister in Christ, and believe she is at fault. She was concerned for her son. Is that a crime? Instead of sitting in judgment on her, we should support her. You are the same Christians who support the lockdown, closed churches, compulsory masks everywhere, and who may tut about LGBTQI+ advances, but actually just sigh, say, “Oh, well, we can do nothing about it”, and condemn and decry those who are trying to help her, as according to the Judeo-Christian origins of this jabs. There is actually enough law still left to pursue this case. It did, by the way, work for the Christian baker in Northern Ireland,

News Item10/11/2020 2:33 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I have seen what happens when a tiny minority of unelected scientists, who often have vested interests, (ie they are involved in vaccine and pharmaceutical companies), and leftist (and tragically sometimes “Conservative” politicians) and globalists get together. This is the “new normal”. Lockdowns, social distancing, every aspect of life regulated by governments in a medical dictatorship, people filled with fear, bowed down under their masks. Mourners sat in a funeral, all in separate chairs, two of them move their chairs near to the widow to comfort her, as the minister begins to speak, the funeral director bursts in waving his arms, shouting that is forbidden, move your chairs away, and they comply!!!! That happened at a funeral in Britain!! People dying alone in hospitals and nursing homes. Elderly relatives can now only be visited by one designated fully masked and gowned family member in a pre booked meeting, no physical contact, no touching,masked, member of staff present. Children forced to wear masks in school, everything cancelled. Churches closed, or if open, masks, no singing, no communion, no social fellowship. The “new normal”, waiting for Bill Gates compulsory aborted parts vaccine!!!!

News Item10/10/2020 3:08 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Who are we to judge this dear Christian sister. She was most worried and concerned about the new compulsory RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) being introduced by government order in her son’s primary school. She merely expressed her sadness at this in a Facebook page. Very well, perhaps she should not have had a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any social media account, but actually many individuals and churches do have them and they are a great witness for the gospel. No, I don’t have any social media accounts, that is not for me, but some people are able to use them well. We have to remember that leftist, globalist, atheistic, occultic, Islamic, LGBTQI+ and Transgender organisations are well funded and have whole teams of researchers and lawyers picking out people whom they can denounce “anonymously”, or like Christian wedding photographers, bakers and florists, can set them up for refusing to supply services to a “gay wedding” couple.

News Item10/10/2020 7:10 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Just heard, that the doctor’s trade union here, the BMA (British Medical Association), which by the way pushes things like abortion, vaccination drives, and euthanasia, alongside some of the specialist royal medical colleges, is now pushing for mandatory compulsory mask wearing outside, in the open air, and in all places of work all day to be enforced by law. This is the typical sort of pressure that our PM is under, relentless. They are also advocating that free medical masks to be given out to all people over 60, and people with major medical conditions. Others are saying that all elderly people should basically go back under indefinite house arrest (officially “shielding”). This is dreadful. I am now in the early elderly years, and by God’s Grace, am relatively healthy. I do have rhinitis, a low grade non infectious sinus condition, which makes mask wearing unbearable, particularly in cold weather. Are all elderly people supposed to hide in a bunker with their masks on for the rest of their lives? Why didn’t they have to do this when the flu was tearing around for the last 50 or so years?

News Item10/10/2020 3:17 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Kim Jong Un, the present dictator of North Korea, and the two former dictators of North Korea, Kim Jong Il, his father, and Kim Il Sung, his grandfather, are and were ruthless Communist tyrants. However, Kim Jong Un’s great grandfather was not, he was a godly elder in the Presbyterian Church, and at a time when there was still persecution in North (and South) Korea, at the hands of the Japanese invaders, who ruled Korea with an iron fist from before the 1st World War, right through until their defeat and expulsion in 1945, some 30 odd years. At this time and before, Pyongyang was full of churches, and was known as the “Jerusalem” of the Far East. Tragically, I do not know the name of Kim Jong Un’s dear great grandfather, but he was a godly man. His son, Kim
Il Sung, the founder of the Communist dictatorship, went off as a teenager, first to Soviet Russia, and then to Communist China, with the Maoists, to fight against the Japanese occupiers, and that is where the tragedy of North Korea began. He was installed by them as the 1st ruler of this state, though the US and Britain managed to rescue South Korea from this fate. I must not forget to pray for North Korea, and for the Christians there, people like Kim Jong Un’s great grandfather.

News Item10/9/2020 11:20 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Adriel may indeed like the fact that in Britain at the moment all live theatres are closed, and any kind of live performance, (that also includes musical concerts) is totally banned, with no date given as to when they might open again. This has been the case since March. Some very limited concerts, without audiences, streamed on the internet are allowed, and cinemas are open, subject to wide spacing out, (physical distancing), and prebooking, with Track and Trace required, and of course masks must be worn throughout, and no refreshments brought round, therefore not making it a particularly enjoyable experience!! As for leftist icons being very gleeful about COVID 19, we know that they rejoiced when President Trump and his wife were diagnosed with it, furious and angry when he seemed to recover from it, and the leading globalists, are just waiting to push their “Great Reset” in the New Year, which includes mandatory COVID 19 vaccines for all with all their doubtful contents and advancing the earth worshipping “Green New Deal” to kill off the remaining jobs left, and advance their environmentalist and globalist utopia.

News Item10/9/2020 9:24 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Another interesting aspect is that (according to an article in Lifesite News), Senator Kamala Harris quite rightly have her condolences to a famous couple who had lost their baby at 20 weeks, yet the same Senator Kamala Harris and Joe Biden believe in killing other babies out of the womb, on demand and paid for by the taxpayer, right up from birth all the way up to birth. What is the difference between a baby at 20 weeks that had tragically died in the womb due to an accident or illness, and the baby that is not wanted by its mother, or a boyfriend, or a rapist, or a liberal counsellor. Does one baby mysteriously have feelings and should be mourned, and the other baby just snuffef out like a candle and murdered on demand and paid for by the taxpayer? What is the difference Senator Kamala Harris?

News Item10/9/2020 4:00 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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What the squawking liberals forget is the moderator of the Vice Presidential debate, a much fairer and more balanced one than the biased and partisan individual in the Presidential debate, was herself a woman. Kamala Harris did not help herself by contradicting her own Presidential candidate on the tax issue, and generally failing to answer the questions properly!!

News Item10/7/2020 11:28 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I have just skim read this whole thing about masks here. It seems to be between one male individual who says we must wear masks, and obey mask mandates, and one musical lady from Canada who supports him, and one lady who opposes the wearing of masks. What you have all missed is that this whole thing about COVID 19 is a total political agenda of world globalisation, one world government, one world cashless economy, one world religion. It has absolutely nothing to do with health. Health fears whipped up by the popular media and by politicians supported by globalists are a means to an end. We have had a highly infectious and at times for certain vulnerable people a dangerous and often fatal disease called flu for decades. Yet for 40 or 50 odd years we have had no lockdowns, no social distancing, no closures of mostly small businesses, no one way systems, no masks, no tape, no restrictions on public worship or family get togethers. Why? Yet, with this manufactured virus of COVID 19, we have wrecked our economies, destroyed businesses (mostly small ones), created havoc with human lives, slapped the bark of subjugation and control (masks, which are actually useless), in every one hiding their face and their personality, and preparing them for a wicked vaccine full of aborted baby par

News Item10/7/2020 10:54 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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The Traditionalist Catholics are pulling their hair out with this man who even denies Catholic doctrine in this miserable encyclical, and never mentioned abortion once, and said absolutely nothing about the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, but only preached the false gospel of Marxism and globalism.

News Item10/7/2020 3:31 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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This is the “new normal” for most churches in this country (those that are now meeting physically; many are not yet). In the local lockdown areas, things are even worse, in England and Scotland, all meetings with anyone else indoors, apart from formal services is totally banned, and Wales has slapped on a travel ban on entering or leaving the area as well. Outside the local lockdown areas, the Rule of Six predominates, meaning absolutely no social gathering of any sort, (this would include home Bible study groups, or organised children’s activities, unless very formally organised with very strict guidelines), of any more than six people, including children in England, thankfully excluding them in Wales and Scotland. The setup in Northern Ireland is a little more liberal, I understand.
At church no hugs, no handshakes, no greetings, every one in a mask, segregated seating, someone who comes on their own must sit on their own, tape everywhere, loud signs, sanitiser everywhere, no singing, (except a soloist or maybe a small choir spaced out behind a screen), no fellowshipbacterwards, no refreshments, no baptism by immersion, no communion, (though some churches are carrying it out either wrongly in one kind, or just sidestepping the rules, (cups should be individual and disposable),
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