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News Item4/10/19 9:50 PM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Adriel, don't ignore what the White Nationalists around the world say
excerpt from, "How Far-Right Extremists Abroad Have Adopted Trump’s Symbols As Their Own"
Here's Jim, with another bag full.

News Item4/10/19 9:36 AM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
excerpt from, "Poll: Most Americans say Trump makes race relations worse"
Another poll? If you're interested, there is an October 2016 CNN poll (yes, that CNN)that said, and I copy and paste,

"Overall, 54% say relations between blacks and whites have gotten worse since Obama became president,.."

Now that your poll in placed in context of polls in general, what do you think of the subject of Barr's response when questioned about "hate crimes"?

News Item4/10/19 9:11 AM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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If we are perceived to be a laughing stock, maybe there is too much concern for what the world thinks. When others lead the way in taking the high road, only then they can lead, or laugh, as they see fit.

News Item4/9/19 6:29 PM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Atanael wrote:
I'm a conservative Evangelical Christian, and my view is many Evangelical Christians are endorsing Donald Trump without questioning his morals and behavious attitudes, they follow him blindly, even fanatically and therefore, the liberals are counter attacking and Satan is just adding fuel to the fire. Brothers and sisters the best way to counter fight the advancement of Liberals ideas is the preaching of the Gospel, keeping a holy life, love the sinners but have their sons.
You may have to specify what bad moral and behavioral attitude he has displayed as president. One does not have to follow him blindly or fanatically to support some of the things he's trying to do. Frankly, from what I've seen, it's those who oppose anything and everything he does, (and everything they have manufactured that he does) that are the blind fanatics. And no, they aren't counter attacking anything, since from day 1 they have initiated and have been on the attack aggressively.

News Item4/9/19 3:00 PM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Progressive causes are named as progressive by liberals because the "liberal" designation lost respect, having been found wanting of any spiritual, social, or physical progress. The question for my brothers and sisters is why do we go along in calling retrograde reactionaries, "progressive"? In what way are they? Way back when, they appropriated "liberal" when "modern" was found wanting. They are good at capturing language, while continuing the same old lust for power and corruption. We should be good at least in denying them command over our language.

News Item4/9/19 9:50 AM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
excerpt from, "As Donald Trump faces rising dangers, 12 religion questions for understudy Mike Pence"
Considering people such as Joe Biden have a much better chance of being the Democratic candidate for president, CBN has put up a straw horse.
Mike Pence strikes me as being a Dominionist. 👎 I really have no use for people who are not-- (Politically Incorrect?)
What do you think of the gay mayor's comments about Pence? Or his reference to "Trump's past sexual scandals" in light of His calling Pence a hypocrite?

News Item4/9/19 9:26 AM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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80's fashion wrote:
You finished a couple fine focuses there. I did an inquiry on the subject and discovered about all persons will oblige with your online journal.
There is fake news, then there are fake posts, like yours.

News Item4/7/19 7:02 PM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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There is no Allah, and Muhammad is dead. Let them start there

News Item4/7/19 2:10 PM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
'According to Jerry Falwell Jr., evangelicals have “found their dream president,†which says something about the current quality of evangelical dreams.'---Michael Gerson (The Last Temptation)
For what is considered to be a strong Christian group, it certainly deteriorated in the last presidential election
Indeed, they could have voted for H. Clinton. Who did you vote for?

News Item4/6/19 3:05 PM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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If you're going to eat chicken at all, might as well eat the better tasting chicken served by Chick-fil-A. Jim can petition the government to post guards at the door to keep folks from eating where they wish. That freedom with personal responsibility stuff has to go.

News Item4/6/19 1:25 PM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Christopher000 wrote:
For purely informational purposes, I was listening to a Roman Catholic radio station yesterday, Relevant Radio, which I'll do from time to time to gather more information on what they believe and teach, that isn't spoken of much. A caller called in and had some question about homosexuality, and a couple of things struck me. One thing the Priest said was that having homosexual desires wasn't a sin, and only the act itself is. The other thing he said was that a sodomite who is in a homosexual relationship, like all in, is still expected, by God, to remain faithful to his partner, and if not, then he would be in sin. The point was that sodomy itself is a sin, but unfaithfulness to a sodomite partner is a sin, as well, that God will frown upon.
Roman Catholicism sure is a diabolical system of comprimise, and lies.
If those in a homosexual relationship are to remain faithful to each other, else it be sin, and no homosexual acts within that homosexual relationship, else that be sin, what contradictory, twisted thinking it is.

News Item4/5/19 5:31 PM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Christopher000 wrote:
Defy them on any issue, take your pick, and you are quickly labelled: Bigot, hater, intolerant, divisive, dangerous, etc. Interesting times...
They are quick to call names because they have no reasoned counterarguments. Like children in the schoolyard. Except children have an excuse for being immature.

News Item4/5/19 10:45 AM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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"A recent PRRI poll found that 62 percent of Americans — and 68 percent of white mainline Protestants — say gay and lesbian couples should be allowed to marry legally. That’s a 10 percentage point increase from three years ago."

PRRI poll October 2016
"With only three weeks remaining in the 2016 campaign, Hillary Clinton maintains a double-digit lead over Donald Trump among likely voters (51% vs. 36%, respectively)."

When a contrary-to-reality illusion is desired, present a poll that says so.

News Item4/5/19 9:11 AM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
While old rich white guys dominate the theology of evangelical churches, it appears that rich white queers, are also heard too loudly in mainline churches when it comes to theology
What is surprising is the number of Western and Southern American Methodist churches that support this obscenity â—
excerpt from, "US Methodists plot ways to resist new LGBT rules"
James 2
5 Listen, my beloved brothers. Didn’t God choose those who are poor in this world to be rich in faith, and heirs of the Kingdom which he promised to those who love him?
6 But you have dishonored the poor man. Don’t the rich oppress you, and personally drag you before the courts?
What does either group's color have to do with anything? Are you a liberal?

News Item4/5/19 9:07 AM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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We hear a lot about angry white men, don't we? Still, has anyone ever met a happy liberal? No matter their irrelevant color, are they not always fuming about something or other? They project their own issues onto "angry white men" and then find fault. I suppose if their own lives are miserable, and they lack self-awareness, they might feel better pointing at others.

News Item4/4/19 8:27 PM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Underlying disaster, allowing the national government to be involved in education. If you combine that with untested theory, and publisher's greed, what happens? Bad things.

News Item4/4/19 10:11 AM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Jim's methodology appears to be the same as that of the Democrat party. Throw a bag of um... stuff against the wall hoping something will stick. If it doesn't, never admit error, just pick up another bag and throw it against the wall and keep going. That way no defense of a poor position has to be made.

News Item4/3/19 8:38 PM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
-- (The G.O.P. Is Rotting)
Timothy, I think Christians should realize that political parties are not going to solve the major problemsâ—
Jim posts David Brooks quoting Jesus, promoting George Romney, and criticizing Roy Moore? Frank is right.

News Item4/3/19 9:50 AM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Democrats who had no issue with Bill Clinton's days of dalliance while in office and who promote every sort of perversion every chance they get, pretend to take the moral high ground with Trump?

News Item4/3/19 9:25 AM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Once again LGBTQUASIHUMANs reveal their intolerance.
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