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News Item4/1/17 2:44 PM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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from the everything old is new again, there is a resurgence to call Christians "flat Earthers"
so fakers can post things like this ...

The Biblical Flat Earth: A Response To Christian Answers

so many flat earther "truthers" now we see the flat earther "christians"

News Item3/31/17 9:08 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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can't drink the chloramine'd water, after years of drinking this i can't even drink green tea ... lol i can't drink alcohol, i can't tolerate orange juice ... lol

News Item3/30/17 7:36 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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Dave wrote:
Doesn't God warn us of that which is bad being called good, and that which is good bad?
How depraved a society we live in
yes He does~! so why would you think Mike Pence is "good"?
good is punished and evil or "craft" is prospered, only the scum have risen to the top in these days.

News Item3/30/17 7:34 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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The elite would not allow a person who was not a trained philosophical Luciferien to rise to the top of anything, overcome the world and see that this is true.

News Item3/28/17 2:24 PM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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John Mac Arthurs Connection to FREEMASONRY

if you agree with this mans teachings you are a philosophical Luciferian, no wonder why you don't bind up the broken

from philosophical Luciferianism to outright taking the chip and pledging allegiance to the Antichrist will be a snap~!

Don Greene had a sermon on PDF which was so breathtakingly devoid of explanation and help for the broken hearted that it blew my mind and i researched and found gold ...

News Item3/28/17 12:30 PM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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why the churches will die out, it's only a matter of time, when the middle class is done churches are done unless they learn this one thing ...
I tell people this simply. If you tithe into a church, fall on hard times, and the church cannot give you money for your are in a church that understands the front end of tithing but not the purpose. They mention the storehouse without understanding the storehouse must be opened in times of famine.

the poor have left the churches because you do not feed the flock or bind up the broken

the poor are always with you

Ezekiel 43:15
15"I will feed My flock and I will lead them to rest," declares the Lord GOD. 16"I will seek the lost, bring back the scattered, bind up the broken and strengthen the sick; but the fat and the strong I will destroy. I will feed them with judgment.

News Item3/28/17 7:46 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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Thank You Ignominious, i was thinking about the web the elite weave in their twisted theological beliefs, they think they will become gods and when they die they think they are heading out past Cirius. the web they weave shall not cover them when judgment comes and their works will be for naught.

Sermon3/25/17 11:27 PM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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SA: Encouragement to Endure
Dr. Joel Beeke
“ Great Sermon! ”
You are good to your Mother, God Bless You~!

News Item3/25/17 6:46 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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oh well, President Trump is not of God, he is being lead by God with hooks in his jaws ...
and everyone is laughing at christians who defend Trump

No, Donald Trump Is Not Cyrus (And Other Ridiculous Ways In Which Christians Are Trying To Defend The 2016 Election)


When Reagan was rejected by the CPUSA

then Reagan worked with the FBI giving names of "suspected communist" actors in hollywood, but we in the know understand what that kind of purge was really for, to get rid of non communists and blacken names, this is how the wicked rise to power, murder, rape, blackmail, destroying Christian values and families because they already infiltrated and destroyed the churches ... overcome the world and see through this world system of lies, "come out of her my people"

News Item3/23/17 8:09 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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here's a better video on sept 23

Get Ready - The Revelation 12 Sign - 23rd of September 2017

Heaven Rejoices as the Devil is cast down, woe to the inhabitants of Earth.

Revelation 12:12
Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short

News Item3/23/17 6:58 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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this is the second time my teeth went to shards and lacerated my mouth, i had all my molars extracted (i was so lucky to get to that abusive dentist) by an angry ex army dentist whom told the nurse in dental OR (operating room) that i needed surgery that i was not going to get because he was overbooked that day, and that he was impatient and ANGRY with me and did not wait till the shots numbed me and started ripping the teeth out, i left that office shaking and bleeding from the mouth hysterical, could not stop shaking for an hour, must have looked a fright with bloody mouth and bugged out eyes on a city buss going home shaking like a whipped dog ...
i think of that and how i got beat so bad that i dissociated during the beating and i wonder how you all will fare during the tribulation starting on sept 23

revelation 12 sign is about to appear in the heavens~!

google this and study it, i'm not sure this is the good video i found or just a video i found, but the planets are aligning on sept 23 this year~!

News Item3/23/17 6:11 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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Youth in Asia wrote:
I damaged my tooth today, please pray for me, due to PTSD and terrible life choices in my youth days (Pre-salvation), my teeth are bad, I worry this will hurt my speech or speaking abilities.
me too my teeth are rotting broken shards, i can't chew without them catching my inner cheeks and lips and lacerating them, my tongue is so sore from scraping on them, same with my daughter and husband and two sons, it seems America dropped dental as necessity and turned it into a luxury, so many Americans going around with a mouth full of broken shards ... ill pray for your teeth and you pray for mine and my families~! it's a deal~!

I am glad Paul is out of the hospital, i prayed God save him and that this heart attack wake him up so that he gets saved~!

may God bless you all with all knowledge,

Hosea 4:6 my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. "Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children.

Enabling of the Evil in Churches

News Item3/21/17 9:11 PM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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my prayers and well wishes for Paul and his family.

so young, about two years older then me and one year younger than my husband, just makes you think (get house in order you never know)

News Item3/21/17 8:17 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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God would have all with eyes to see the fruit of this man Luther ....

also if Hillary was elected true conservatives were "promised" violence, Hillary even stated "wouldn't it be great if we could get rid of those who don't believe as we do"

remember things seem bleakest before the dawn

News Item3/21/17 8:06 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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Allie wrote:
Living in a society of delusional lunatics is going to come to a breaking point. People who are this deranged will at some point become combative. Hollywood and the media are egging this on. Women are at risk and going to suffer immensely. What these crazy people are saying is that there is no such thing as a man or a woman. Woman are going to be brutalized and no one will help her.
i was already attacked by a tranny man (no this wasn't dan dan the transmission man ... lol) so i can totally relate
what i wont do again is get all riled up about it, the old push them into a corner and slap and kick you till you are made hysterical and then you find yourself in a basket of deplorables voting for a strip club owner and evicting landlord (oh my i have had unscrupulous landlord who thieved) ....
not again, you cant MAGA, it's dominionism

News Item3/21/17 7:51 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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well the Donald is designed to get Christians on board and then ferry them to apostasy, i have seen his people say the want Christians to become trained in sin acceptance all to MAGA, as of right now there are many christians willing to sell their souls to MAGA and don't realize that they're being sold down the river ...

to make them the basket of deplorables, don't compromise your Christian values to MAGA, it will bring you under the Antichrist

News Item3/18/17 8:17 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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if you believe the Bible it says the falling away, the mystery Babylon has been going on since even when Jesus walked the earth, The Apostle Paul warned the churches and informed them as to how to discipline ones who teach heresy and how to search the scriptures to see if these things are true what each individual preacher says ...

that means a live of living in the Word, people got lazy and let the middlemen preach to them instead of prayerfully searching scripture, this is how men crept in unawares, this is why all the denominations are fallen away, every single one of them, leave babylon before it's too late, you won't be able to "get away" during the tribulation, you will find you're out of lamp oil

the reformation was the biggest lie, you think the hour of deception is an short time?
think on this saying, the wicked have their hour ... and escaping the hour of deception
they loved not the truth, so they escaped not the hour of deception ... an hour in this sense is a long time ...
if you read Luther, i mean really read Luther, you would be disgusted, turn to Jesus and the Bible alone, really go Sola Scriptura without a middleman, i pray your eyes are opened soon because midnight cometh ....

News Item3/18/17 8:03 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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teachers in the USA have voiced similar complaints about kids getting unruly, teachers being raped, beaten, and murdered by students, can you imagine how bad it must be when this behavior is combined with beheading threats backed by the whole family ...

once a girl got fired at the mc donalds my kid worked at, she brought her mother and sisters and brothers to that mc donalds and threatened everyone by screaming at them

so kids are getting worse, in the USA we have single mothers who engage in this behavior with their kids, so yeah i believe it's happening like that in AUS with Muslims

and no i don't need a "verified" news story to understand it's rough all over ...

News Item3/17/17 8:45 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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News Item3/17/17 7:47 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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Has your city water treatment switched to Chloramine instead of chloride?

Erin Brockovich Thinks This California City Is the Next Flint

Sodium Hypochlorite Poisoning

we need to get our tap water back, they are messing with it and it's an experiment, they never used Chloramine before, it dont dissipate when left out like chlorine does

about diamonds, just buy a zircon, i did, i had one set in 14 k white gold because, the heck if i'm going to give my hard earned money away for rocks they use on saws and sanders ... i really see diamonds as an industrial tool

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