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News Item10/11/2020 8:52 PM
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Watcher wrote:
This woman...did not proclaim the Gospel, but ranted about the indoctrination of the LGBTQ agenda in the school her boy was attending. It wasn't her place..
Oh yes it IS her place to speak on anything that pertains to HER child. She not only has the right, but that responsibility is required of her from God. Had she not had a child there, then maybe she could be considered a third party opinion. She has every right to proclaim it from the rooftops and rally other parents in calling for changes. If she doesn't get results, she can homeschool.
The tag team duo of John & Watcher argue that this is a third party addressing a "social" issue.

Watcher, in trying to extricate the mask issue from "the gospel," skewed the gospel so thin that ALL issue becomes a SOCIAL JUSTICE issue. To Watcher, John the Baptist was, "the greatest prophet of all proclaiming the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." Why did Watcher totally miss JB's condemnation of adultery? That was the point! We have a parallel case here. But being polished debaters, they will point out there's no parallel between JB and this lady. Both adultery & homosexuality are found together in the bible. That's the parallel. Watcher has already claimed one to be ungospel! That's why

News Item10/6/2020 6:20 AM
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John UK wrote:
has it occurred to you that you might have bought into the deception? That you bought into the fake news of a virus that people needed to be locked down and wear masks and they should be made responsible for deaths? Of course you hold a house church that defies all that?

And being a little to the left, you had to come out and proclaim that you couldn't pray for Trump "right now." Just how hard is a prayer?
Most people want to appear smart by dismissing "conspiracy." Isn't that just ducky! Don't you sound smart? The bible tells of a conspiracy by the devil, he has conspired to deceive the world. You don't believe a worldwide deception can take place either. Really now?

I don't know if this is THE end time event. The bible has both, near and far prophesies, such as Anti-Christ(1Jn2:18) and THE Anti Christ.

Even if you couldn't see the present deception that is too too painfully obvious, for a believer to dismiss conspiracy isn't smart sounding - because it is the dismiss the bibles own proclamation of it.

Feel free not to believe in deception. But to poo poo conspiracy and worldwide deception puts you on the unbelievable side!

News Item10/6/2020 5:07 AM
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TrueHolyBibleChristianCatholic wrote:
Yea, Right:
You're not really Tony, because your post is not in all CAPS!

News Item10/5/2020 9:49 PM
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John UK wrote:
"when you jump in and affirm something, and later revise/clear it up" you said.
Show me where I did that, and I will believe you.
You DO do that!
But I wanted to address something here that I am in error on. My apology.

I understand where Watchers coming from. It seems that his concern for his safety and the safety of his family are being ridiculed. He was made to feel uncomfortable for wearing a mask. While I don't share the same level of fear, I respect his concerns and would accomodate him feeling safe.
We need to protect the vulnerable amongst us.

My issue is with those who have weaponised this virus for their own gain. I mentioned Fauci. You're looking at pure evil. Saul killed his thousands, but Fauci his hundreds of thousands. From Eboli to AIDs, Fauci stopped research until him and his cronies could re-invent it to take credit, and steered those cures that provided a monetary gain. He didn't get to be in control without meneuvering a power grab. He sits on Pharma board & holds patents, while directin health policy.

Here's media watch trying to prove that the bad WHO misled our American Fauci, not realising this wolf was really in charge.

News Item10/4/2020 7:11 AM
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John UK wrote:
3. Quite so. And if you read all my posts, including the one above, you will see my position on that.

If you believe in the Lord's Day being Sunday without much biblical warrant,

This is going to drag on unnecessarily.
I will say that when you jump in and affirm something, and later revise/clear it up, the point being made is lost. This is something I keep running up with you.

Interesting what you ended with

News Item10/4/2020 6:31 AM
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When Jimmy link was touting the virtual church, this is the issue the leftist wasn't about to address.

The pulpit no longer has the freedom. Many places consider biblical text on homosexuality a hate speech. Feeds can be stopped. Accounts banned. Church fined and charged. The members are all tracked.

30 more days Jim. You have your suit picked out?

News Item10/4/2020 6:08 AM
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John UK wrote:
what they call your "errors", but in reality, you are only "in error" because you say things that they disagree with. In other words "they" are the standard,
Are YOU the standard instead? Watcher posts start with an absolute obedience to government, no exceptions. And you abet. THAT IS AN ERROR!. The bible demonstrates both! I'm sure Watcher means that under some conditions, we can too. Though "only when proclaiming the gospel," he later says. When the Jews were being experimented on or being killed. Maybe you can tell me if you get to define the standard there?

I wear a mask when mandated, and where it helps the more vulnerable feel safe. There is a virus. But it is being manipulated and there is a powerplay here, on which you have every right to remain ignorant. When Watcher mocked those questioning this fake plandemic, it was those who did not want to surrender their/families liberties to unelected unaccountable people. The big resolution to all this is to force the tempering of ones God given DNA. You & Watcher's position aligns in support for that forced position. Nobody is ready to give you that!

There is a virus. There is also a very dark spirit running alongside.

News Item10/4/2020 2:26 AM
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Watcher wrote:
It's not proclaiming the Gospel ... but wearing a mask or practicing social distancing.
Were it confined to that only would be one thing. But the power for this is all encapsulating and far reaching.
Of course, this papal bull is decreed by Pharma health boards and bureaucrats. While myriads of on the ground doctors and experts silenced and expunged from internet. Fudged death counts.
lets look at undeniables:
Fauci's "gain of function" virus experiment - to get the virus to jump species ran into ethics problem in the USA. Him & Obama moved it to China. China's void of ethics. China was passed cloning animals and was experimenting on Humans. China boasted of building the largest chimera farm (mixing human/animal genes) before china flu broke out. (By the way, christians will give this an easy pass to have organs harvested from some human animal mix. Who doesn't want to live here forever? But I digress, I think?)
The Ethiopian despot at the WHO, hand picked by gates/Clinton foundation amongst other players, yes Fauci's there. Oh, here lets look at Fauci protecting China as WHO does a song and dance investigation on China .. out of space

News Item10/4/2020 1:03 AM
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Watcher wrote:
If I had a quarter for every time I asked someone to explain where I was in error ..
You've argued here & elsewhere for an absolute obedience to government as per Rom13, in your words, .."no loopholes backdoors ..I see a point-blank commandment to follow. JohnUK even applauded you on stumping 1517 on that point. (You didn't really!) You claim that disobedience in the bible is just recorded like any other act. Is it just? Didn't Peter act inspirationally in disobeying? Jesus ran afoul of the authorities! The end times warn of a beast system without which you cannot buy or sell, requiring total obedience. I could list a litany.

You claim that you "agree we are all personally responsible.." Except you've bought into the narrative that, the NEXT GUY is that personally responsible one. Whether its masks or vaccines, the next healthy person is a biohazard and must be forced to comply. This is a dangerous path. Most people here are fearful of their lives and will not admit that, for them, it is expedient that others risk their lives so that they can keep theirs. These mandates are predicated on that.

Neither my belief, nor JUK's unbelief, that these are signs of end times are inspired. judge for yourselves

News Item10/2/2020 2:37 AM
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John UK wrote:
.. I believe in separation of church and state...
Thats a yankee thingy. It's not to keep the church out of the state, but to keep the state out of the church. You know, kinda like, "Congress shall make no .."
Of course the pommies just won't get it, cause they only KNOW a state established church - à la the nicolaitans. The world tries to copy the yanks but they soon find out they can't. The world has EFFECTUAL freedom - that is Ceaser grants it, ... until it decides not to. The yanks have ACTUAL freedom, granted by the constitution. Thats why , for instance, the yanks have a right to bear arms - to prevent a tyrannical government from taking over. Can you imagine the king granting its subjects that right? We poor drabs wouldn't know what to do with it anyways. America's founding sinequanon is liberty and freedom, as it fled tyranny, and God granted it. But not the Britts, they just transplanted themselves across the globe. No fleeing. You exemplify the clueless state of the whole empire, me included, when you show total lack comprehending the current situation. God granted us what we sought!

Not to worry, the yanks will join us shortly in losing their freedom!

Yes, ultimately we have freedom in Christ. And He is our king.

News Item9/17/2020 6:48 PM
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John UK wrote:
... you reject very nearly all the broadcasters on SA, ....
There are some issues I agree with only a slim minority of the broadcasters here. As is true also with the traditions inherited by the church from the "church fathers."

News Item9/16/2020 10:55 PM
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There is a perception that a tyrannical police state is oppressing the people in Australia. Far from it! The overwhelming majority of people support lockdowns, restrictions and closures. The Pharma not only has absolute control over government and the "free press," the people are completely sold on their narrative.

Take for instance the pregnant lady you mentioned, 80+ % of the people supported her arrest. And they believe she needed permission to hold a protest.

And the dissenters are a small minority, and on the internet, otherwise the masses will go ferrel on them. The internet has opened the world. The saturated coverage of USA's focus on liberty & freedom has stirred a debate to question restrictions and closures. But only an internet debate as a pastime.

Here is a country that needs prayers. Where this great country once knew God, it's now on its way to beat the USA on the race to the bottom.
Alan Cairns in one of his sermons mentions how the mighty UK with its rich Godly heritage, used to lead the world in missionaries. He says today if you mentioned Jesus or gave out a track, they wouldn't know what you're talking about.

If the idea how the antichrist can exercise so much control over people seems unbelievable, think again!

News Item9/14/2020 11:15 PM
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Chrisgp from England wrote:
... Though the PM has often taken a more cautious line, he is pushed by Matt Hancock his Health Minister ...
Don't be fooled. Boris is a Pharma and then some. As is the Australian PM

News Item9/9/2020 10:48 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
...Anthony Fauci, and other knowledgeable people ..
The knowledgeable people are doctors, scientists, and specialists who are at the bedside of the patients. the one's you are siding with is the power - the Pharma controlled bureaucrats and health boards.

When the real experts spoke up, they were scrubbed off the internet and replaced with Pharma "fact checks." These doctors either lost their lives, lost their jobs and left bankrupt. Their reputation and family were attacked by industry shills.

We're told to listen to "scientists and knowledgeable experts". That's after the real ones have been silenced.

News Item9/9/2020 6:26 PM
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WRM, your question has led me to examine this issue closely. I can say that it has been a blessing up to the point I have studied. I am amazed at Gods faithfullnes to the Jews/Israel. The church is NOTIsrael.

I mentioned Trump earlier, always wondered why the greatest nation gets no mention in the book of REV. This election will be messy. Just get in! Once referee declares winner, protesting is after the fact.
There was no need for election tempering last time because Clinton was a shoo-in. They cleaned their tracks only to be left playing catchup with nonsense attacks on Trump after the surprise win.

Last election, Americans defied the powerful blanket narrative to funnel them into a Hillory win. This is a distinct mark separating the rest of the world which is incapable of recognising control. The foundational documents which underpin the building of that nation alone leaves you beyond awe. But rarely do we recognise the ethos of the people, unexplainably leagues above any other people in every area. The world never experienced freedom and liberty, for example, because it never valued it. God has blessed the world through America. Interesting as we head toward end times
Until when God restores Israel and the Jews and rules as their King, we have never seen any better .

News Item9/1/2020 8:40 PM
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Did God abandon the Jews and replace it with the church as the new Israel?

Watchmanrem wrote:
..I know the subject all too well....

... Jesus said, “Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.â€
— Matt 21:43
Marching to Zion..

PEACE on the Israel of God..😙

Sorry for the delay WMR, you may have studied this subject well, but my understanding comes from teachings and readings for my personal benefit and lacks scrutinised study.

It is imperative that ALL of Gods word be given very careful and serious study.

When I read Romans 11, not only do I see Israel as being distinct from the gentiles, but strong language against the replacement type theology.

Rom 11:25-27 Shows that God is NOT finished with national Israel.

Rom 1:1 Has God cast away his people?
Rom 11:11 Have the Jews stumbled that they should fall?

News Item8/27/2020 11:45 PM
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Watchmanrem wrote:
any scripture with that comment...
As i said earlier.. we will be all wrong about something.. Mathew 21.43 speaks for itself its not about race our blood.
The New Jerusalem comes down from above !
Peace and Grace on the Israel of God, no jew or greek as the other lots are pagan too of the same lump and their is no difference all under sin.And they hate us with a passion read about the noahide laws coming to America thank to king trump 😚
Is this what you are talking about? This is new territory for me.

Here's where I am coming from

News Item8/27/2020 12:25 AM
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Watchmanrem wrote:
My view is that the gentile church, never had nor ever will, replace the eternal covenant to the physical descendants of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob - the Jews! My ancestors were God hating pagan gentiles.

I want to thank you for an uncompromising stance.

News Item8/26/2020 10:21 PM
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Dr. Tim wrote:
any prayers
Not familiar with these hurricanes because of where I live.Praying for the people in this area

News Item8/25/2020 12:46 AM
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Wmr wrote:
..vaccine, from England's arm of bill gates of hell.
Being a good Pentecostal, the Australian PM had no problem being the first to commit his country to Oxfords aborted fetal $vaccine$.

In what rivals the race to build the bomb, across the pond another Pentecostal anointed leader races to the vaccine with trillion$$ and best minds.
The BLM riots handed Trump the evangelical support on a silver platter. Yet Trump supports LGBTQ and gay marriage, and is pushing countries to fall in line. Biden opposes!
For all the talk, adoption did not replace abortion and the funding kept rolling.

Trump appointed a (Gates/Fauci) Pharma CEO to head the vaccine program. Fauci does not want attention drawn to this, quietly salivating over the tax$$ paid data mine winfall.

Abortion will allow only the selected to be born. RNA/DNA vaccinated chimeras will render aged humans useless. Either Trump is what we think he is, or we will get what we ask for!

BLM is a short sighted gain. Whats ahead is far worse.

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