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News Item5/9/09 1:23 PM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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Scholium wrote:
ALL ALL ALL the glory to GOD alone. amen!
The clay vessel is nothing worthy of speaking about.


Yes, all the Glory goes to God, but REMEMBER, there is a treasure shining brightly in the vessel of clay - that of the Holy Spirit! If you fail to see that, you are missing that which should cause you to be AMAZED! Don't miss the big picture! It should bring you great JOY.

News Item5/9/09 10:42 AM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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John UK wrote:
Now that's interesting about, and it is so helpful as I make decisions. Ta muchly.
Well, there has been all the press about Susan Boyle of Scotland. . .60m hits on YouTube, and counting, for her debut on Britain's Got Talent. . .Then, a Welshman, Jamie Pugh . .sang a Les Mis song on Britain's Got Talent. . .Huge hit!
So, the UK is getting a lot of favorable press from these alone. Plus, Paul Potts, opera singer from a few years back. Also, I've brought home some of the good soaps from the UK from hotels in America. They are a reminder to order on-line. So, singers and soaps - ride the wave of good marketing! Go for it. I look forward to seeing your website.

News Item5/9/09 10:08 AM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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John UK wrote:
Hello Candle Lit

Acts 13:1-4 KJV
You don't get this sort of church life any more - well, rarely. And without it, it's all man-made.
Say, do you think Americans like to see a site or .com?

It is true, John. I've had some disappointments with the church. It's taken a while, and through much prayer, I am no longer angry, though I am grieved over the conditions that I see. I love God's word and I love His people, regardless of denominations. There is so much to be saddened by, but I have to remember that God is sovereign and He is building His Church. "I would have despaired had I not known the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living."

On Thursday, I ran into a couple of ladies that I had known for years. We had been members of the same churches. When I talked with them about where we were going to church, one said that they were having church in their home, the other said they were gathering with others in their home, but still attending church. I see that as a change. These changes to small groups seem to be better for fellowship and accountability and support.

Oh, sounds good for your website. Everything UK seems to be interesting to Americans - from my perspective.

News Item5/9/09 9:50 AM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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DJC49 wrote:
You make God out to be some three-headed monster, i.e., as if the 3 PERSONS of the Trinity do everything, all the time, all together.
WELL, you'd be hard pressed to separate them out. God the Father is Spirit - Jesus was God incarnate - HOLY SPIRIT in perfect man - They are three in one - inseparable - I don't care how you try - with all your high minded efforts, and all of your well-written commentaries, by the most brilliant of men - you'll NEVER be able to separate them or EXPLAIN them - but, the one who has been born of the Spirit KNOWS. That's it! You probably won't even be able to comprehend it all in ETERNITY. That should humble you a little.

News Item5/9/09 9:18 AM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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John UK wrote:
This is one thing that all Christians are able to do, and ought to do. There are very few who could preach (it is a calling, after all) but all can tell others of the greatness of the Lord Jesus, how wonderful he is, how graciously he saves all that call upon him, how special it is to know him personally, how he holds the hand, hears prayer, satisfies the longing soul, brings joy into the heart, cleanses from every spot and stain, fills with his Spirit, guides and leads every day, reveals truth to the humble, chastises in love, and a hundred and one other ways in which he involves himself in our daily life.
Yes, I think a testimony is a powerful tool in the business of telling the world the great message that "Jesus Saves".
Good afternoon, John,

Thank you for affirming that one's testimony may be used by every Christian to share the love of Christ.

I'm glad that you emphasized that preaching is a calling. Baptist churches tend to emphasize that.

Aren't there many in the ministry who simply are not called? Sadly, I see this very often. Ministry is a means to an end.

News Item5/8/09 6:50 PM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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John UK wrote:
Good night, John.

I like the way that you ran together the words for your "good night."

News Item5/8/09 6:05 PM
Candle LIt  Find all comments by Candle LIt
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rogerant wrote:
YOU are the one who made the arrogant prideful charge that Baptists and Charismatics HAVE A BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT than Presbyterians.
It was not me who started the smear campaign. Is this how you testify to the truth?

I'm just cleaning up after dinner and I have some left-overs. If you were here, I would feed you. I think that would improve your disposition.

Hey, just thought of something . . I would be feeding my enemy. . .are you my enemy?

The Bible says that I would be heaping coals upon your head. Ohhhh.....that sounds uncomfortable.


Charles, It was so dark this morning at 8:30 a.m. I had never seen such a dark sky. It made me think of the darkness when Jesus was on the cross. Strange weather.

News Item5/8/09 5:40 PM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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rogerant wrote:
Isn't it the Holy Spirit that reveals proper worship through spoken Word and sacrament rather than through dancing, personal experience, flag waiving, obscure utterances of unintelligable speach. is it not the work of the Holy Spirit that draws our attention to God's effecacious grace to the elect rather than our story about what Christ has done in our life?
The proclamation of the gospel is how God has REDEEMED sinners from God's wrath. Not how God has delivered me from myself.
Let's start with your last statement. God has not delivered a person from himself but from his SINS. He is no longer a SLAVE to the god of this world. The POWER of sin has been broken. That gives one a testimony. I once was lost, but now I'm found, was blind, but now I see! Praise God He has delivered ME! Can you say that? With wonder?

Backtracking, if all you know of the charismatics is flag waving - never seen that - dancing - David danced before the Lord - unintelligable speech, well, the NT says "Forbid not to speak in tongues" and it may be unintelligable to you, then perhaps you are lumping people together and calling it crazy. But, you would be wrong. A few Godly people that I know have spoken in tongues, and danced in the Spirit.

News Item5/8/09 5:26 PM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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prince charles wrote:
yeah i cant really see the grounds for saying that your post was an ad hominum CLT or that saying deliverance was due to the creature i dont think that was what was conveyed - maybe i missed something or im to easy going !
Hi, King Charles, not of eisegesis, but of Revelation.

You've taken some hits today, and I think you've thrown a few of your own, and I'd say you are up one on DJC. I'm beginning to think I encouraged you in the wrong direction. Stick with your own Bible reading, and seeking the understanding and wisdom that only comes from the Holy Spirit.

A rainbow. . .how beautiful. We see them often. What a treat from the Lord. He paints a beautiful sky, doesn't He?

News Item5/8/09 5:16 PM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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only me wrote:
Even Paul did not claim this much power to the mortal.....
1Cor 3:7 So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.
Please leave the glory with God candle lit.
I heard the word "antilepsis" today. Is that you?

Roger wrote:
An ad hominem attack, also known as argumentum ad hominem (Latin: "argument to the person", "argument against the person") consists of replying to an argument or factual claim by attacking or appealing to a characteristic or belief of the source making the argument or claim, rather than by addressing the substance of the argument or producing evidence against the claim.

Candle Lit said:

Translation please. You are beginning to sound like Michael Hranek, God rest his blessed soul - where is he anyway?
He's a good chap!

News Item5/8/09 4:00 PM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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Hi, Roger,

I know from your posts that you are the "intellectual and theological elite." I am not. But, you know what, as Christians, whatever our station in life is, whatever our education, we are told to go into all the world and proclaim the gospel. It doesn't require seminary training. One who has been saved is quite capable of telling others what the Lord has done for him - thus, a testimony. We must have a testimony of what God has done in our individual lives in order to communicate it with others. The alcoholic says, "I was delivered" as does the drug addict, or the promiscuous one, or the thief, or, or, or.

DELIVERED. . . isn't that an amazing word to describe what God has done for us?

As to the Charismatics - just because most of it is fakery, doesn't mean some isn't real. Actually, I wasn't speaking of esctatic worship in my previous post, but an observable "holiness" or "otherness" in living. My friend's mother who died of cancer was just such a one. She radiated goodness, kindness, joy, love, patience, endurance. It was visibly noticeable even in, and especially in, her dying - which was a lengthy 2 year excruciatingly painful death. Yes, Christians sometimes GLOW!

News Item5/8/09 3:18 PM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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Josh wrote:
We need a study to figure this out?
Well, Josh, if you watch Bill O'Reilly on Fox, you'll get enough adult-themed tv without going elsewhere. He pretends to be indignant about a scandalous item, and teases the audience with lewd pictures - througout his program - saving the non-story for the very end - all for the purpose of increasing his ratings. How awful is that?????????

News Item5/8/09 3:03 PM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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Hi, Roger,

Speaking of the Baptists quibbling over the HS issue -

From personal experience, the Baptists have a better understanding of the Holy Spirit than the Presbyterians. The Presbyterians rarely even mention the Holy Spirit, except somewhat mystically.

When I was young, my family were "Baptists" - I then visited a "Pentecostal" church with a friend for a short while - As an adult I chose the Presbyterian church. I've often said, one needs to go to a Baptist church to hear the gospel, then go to a "charismatic" church to see that there really is a connection to what one believes and the manifestation of that - there really are Christians who are charismatic, (believe it or not), then settle in to a good Presbyterian church to learn about theology and the history of orthodox christianity. I'm kidding of course, but each denomination offers something. Am I right in believing that you belong to the frozen chosen? No offense given.

News Item5/8/09 2:10 PM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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prince charles wrote:
coincidentally i finished reading the bible all the way through yesterday so i am now free to browse it, istarted reading John again this am - guess what ? i read about how peters brother came to peter and said he had found the messiah - the HS again !
I applaud your tenacity in finishing what you began! Your exuberance of discovery shows through your posting. Now, start again.

P.S. I've noticed that the Brits say "lovely" often - most Americans rarely use it - it's a "lovely" word. Now, I'm sounding very British.

Just read your post DJ on King of Eisegesis. I knew what you meant, but it would not have allowed me to comment unless I "pretended" otherwise. Just go with the flow. We know how CORRECT you usually are. Who can correct someone who is almost always correct????? Bug spray for Charles - that's funny.
Cover for you? Does everything have to do with YOU? I happened to be speaking for myself. So, if you weren't being sarcastic, then that is a correction for me - but, I would NEVER PRESUME to cover for you.

News Item5/8/09 1:21 PM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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DJC49 wrote:
I give up!
charles m --

If by my saying: "WRONG! Mt 16:17 says NOTHING about the HS", you want to read INTO my ADAMANTLY INSISTING that it was NOT by the Holy Spirit that the *FATHER* revealed to Peter that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of the living God, nothing is stopping you.
And if by my saying: "Where do you see it say that the Father revealed who Jesus was to Peter by the Holy Spirit -- particularly an INDWELLING Holy Spirit?" you want to read INTO my ADAMANTLY INSISTING that it was NOT by the Holy Spirit that the *FATHER* revealed to Peter that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of the living God, nothing is stopping you.
You are no longer "prince" in my book.
I am coronating you KING.

So, let me get this straight. You are declaring *Prince Charles* WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, but you want to elevate him in status to that of a *KING.*

Sounds like the "peter principle" in the corporate world - promote one to the level of incompetency.

But, hey, you said it, NOT ME! I don't think that at all.

Afterthought: Silly me. You were just being sarcastic.

News Item5/8/09 10:25 AM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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prince charles wrote:
Thanks for the input re prolapse CLT
tho i did know what it was i just put it in because it sounded like DJC's word prolepsis so i amused myself by exchanging a few letters to come up with something totaly diffrent but sounding similar - when people impugn my limited intelligence i like to pretend that im even more stupider than they first thought - childish i know but i am royalty so i can do what i like he he!
Ohhh, I think you are very clever, holding your cards close to your vest, then revealing them slowly. I think you are probably childlike instead of childish. One is good, the other not so good - even for a Royal.

News Item5/8/09 10:00 AM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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John UK wrote:
Good morning Candle Lit
I regret I have to start work at last, having got up late today. But I'll do some 'dipping' in no doubt.
DJ, later....
We'll look for a masterpiece at the end of the day. . .is that too much pressure?
Well, then think on this: YOU are a (the) MASTER's piece, being perfectly conformed to His liking. How 'bout that?

News Item5/8/09 9:40 AM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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Mike wrote:
A working "vacation," and visiting close relatives.
Hey Candle Lit, is it possible to be antilepsis?
Does that mean "can't see" or "won't see?" Are there any so blind as "he who will not see?" You wouldn't be referring to any on these boards, would you?

News Item5/8/09 9:20 AM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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John UK wrote:
Candle Lit wrote:
"OTOH, it may be a very kind consideration on the part of the one posing the question, anticipating an objection, and answering thoughtfully. That wouldn't happen around here, would it?"
I'm laughing, John. Good morning.

News Item5/8/09 9:02 AM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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prince charles wrote:
prolapse is a medical term CLT , its not a nice thing to have !
Good morning, Charles,

Well, there is mitral valve prolapse which is a problem with a valve of the heart.

Then, there are prolapses in other parts of the body.

I'm assuming you are speaking of those.

Prolepsis sounds like a disease, and, in fact, there is a medical term of sort.

John's cure is carrot juice and barley grass, though I don't think he was speaking of prolepsis the medical condition.

I won't speak for him, but from the definition that he gave of prolepsis, followed by his comment for a cure, I'd say "prolepsis" stems from a heart attitude - maybe, one of self-importance. And, for that, I'd say that it needs a cure.

OTOH, prolepsis may be a very kind consideration on the part of the one posing the question, anticipating an objection, and answering thoughtfully. That wouldn't happen around here, now, would it?

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