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News Item4/24/19 9:28 AM
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There is NO way one can use Easter as it is in the Bible to support an ever changing day to "celebrate the resurrection of Christ" EVEN if one would concede that it was the Jewish Passover.
He is our Passover but we are not Jewish. We are not pagans.
Do we celebrate the other Jewish feasts? No. These things were a shadow of what Christ fulfilled. We have the substance.

There is no biblical support at all to celebrate what is and was easter and, whether you acknowledge it or not,in so doing, you attack the Bible making it open to interpretation.
Unlike others who depend on an erroneous liturgical calendar, we have Scripture and Truth. Anything else is adding to or using that which is vile to uphold it.
It is very clear in reading the Bible that there are many, many instances of god and goddess/idol worship. It is very conceivable that easter was one among them.
...and, of course, Herod was a pagan.
You have no excuse for going along with "holy days". Truth and error do not mix well. You may mean well but deviating from even with good motives are no light matter.

News Item4/24/19 6:47 AM
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And because he saw it pleased the Jews, he went further to seize Peter also. (And they were days of Unleavened Bread.)
Peter was preaching Christ.
The Jews shouted "crucify Him" in regards to Jesus.
What pleased the Jews in regards to Peter?
Herod, more likely than not, celebrated easter.He was an Edomite and the OT is full of gods, includong, the queen of heaven,etc.
I read the aig article.
They basically suggest that even if easter was about a goddess and fertility that today it is of no effect if it means something else to Christians.
Never mind that it is, as all RC holy days, observed base on a date which is erroneous.
Aig is a very good ministry but they are way off when it comes to holidays.
Easter is in the Bible and we don't have the liberty to celebrate it, especially, if it was indeed a pagan celebration's a clue: it is today. Much confusion for unbelievers and children and just makes a case for subjectivity to rule over objectivity.
Dolores- truth matters more than feelings.
Easter,however, is a good barometer as to that which people care for most. Truth doesn't need to be sweetened up. Those who are hungry and thirsty for it will joyfully receive it as is.

News Item4/23/19 2:42 PM
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The blab it and grab it people...another turn off to Christianity.

News Item4/23/19 2:40 PM
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..looking at Scripture in Ezekiel, one can see the weeping of Tammuz and the rest of the ishtar (easter) story...don't think that the pagans took it from Christianity.
They definitely had their own celebration long before the death and resurrection of Christ.
We can even read of "lent" here.
So...are we to celebrate Passover? Are we Jews and RCs? Where are the disciples observing this in Scripture after Christ arose? They did observe Passover before Christ finished His work. Why do we follow after the RC church?
This world is very subjective. Why do we not just stand for that which is absolute?
The world does easter and hates Jesus.
Enough reason not to do easter and fall into syncretism as CJ posted.
I don't doubt that the people in Answers are sincere but they missed it for christmas too. They, of all people, should be very careful to not absorb anything which is false in their writings. Truth is foundational to their ministry. I truly believe that this is a stumbling block for many.
Good intentions/motives don't make up for false information and we don't have the license to change words from Scripture.
One thing is clear- the world loves christmas and easter. Why do we?
The preaching of the cross can and should be readily preached without "holy days".

News Item4/23/19 12:27 PM
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Easter and the Passover were celebrated in close proximity at that time but the church never celebrated easter then . The early church and Jesus did, of course, celebrate Passover.
The RCs and pagans celebrate Jesus?
No.They celebrate easter which is again based on the vernal equinox and the moon..Paul was afraid for those who did such...
There is no error in the KJV.
It's one thing to rejoice in what the Lord has done.It's quite another to attach what He has done to pagan practices and ways, especially, when we see no pattern of Christians in Scripture doing so.
If you're a Christian who partakes of RC days, be careful not to point out their love for tradition over Christ.

News Item4/23/19 10:41 AM
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If you would look up the very short read which I gave, Unprofitable, you would see that the Jewish Passover had passed as did the days of unleavened bread. This is found in Scripture if you have an understanding of the time when Passover and the feast of unleavened bread occurred. easter
Easter was not a mistranslation in the KJV nor was it in reference to the Jewish Passover. btw- there were pagans who believed in kinds of resurrections for their "gods" long before Christ (i.e. Tammuz)
The disciples and Apostles never observed it though they did always come together to break bread in remembrance.
We're not RCs. They took the pagan celebration which did exist before Christ's death and "christianized" it.
Do not the pagans and lost people celebrate easter? They certainly aren't celebrating Jesus.
We don't need to become like the world to reach the world. This is why we have the same groups of people that come twice a year for the RC high holy day which is celebrated at most, sadly, evangelical churches. The children won't come if we don't have an egg hunt and treats. Oh no!
Last I heard, faith comes by hearing the Word, not by mixing it with a lie.
Scripture is sufficient. Period.

News Item4/23/19 10:29 AM
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@ land of cotton guy-
Do you have such anger for all kinds of sinners as you do for sodomites?
Doesn't the word "sodomite" suffice?
We were all something vile before we knew the Lord.

News Item4/23/19 10:19 AM
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How much sense does it make to observe such a wonderful event as the resurrection of our Lord by doing it on the first sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox? That should be a red flag there.
I'm afraid that good intentions are perceived to the rest of the world as a lame attempt to celebrate that which needs no annual observance on a day which the pagans and RCs relish.
We would do well to stick to just the truth.Every time we deviate from it or compromise, we end up doing a greater disservice to others who need to hear it.
Easter is a celebration of fertility and spring. Why drag the Lord through it?
We are in sad shape as a church,indeed, if we have to depend on or even use pagan days to witness under the guise of "holidays". In so doing, we use a lie to speak of the Truth. Many see through that.

News Item4/23/19 5:11 AM
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They were having an Easter worship service.
...not erroneous to say that they were easter worshipers.
www.av1611.0rg easter
In Acts where easter is mentioned,in the real English version of Scripture,with study,one finds that,chronologically, there is Passover,the days of unleavened bread and easter which would not have been a Christian observation.
It is a grave error to identify it as such. I believe that many do so in ignorance or because they are naive.
Rome wields much control when it comes to unholy days. Tampering with the Word of God is not good.
Little by little, Christians are coming out of that.

News Item4/19/19 9:15 AM
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Cremation- too much like hell-
Mark 9:44

“Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.”

God is a consuming fire but I don't think that we should desire that attribute.

...probably best to search Scripture diligently rather than just arrive at a conclusion based on popular choice or feelings.
Again, burial has significance in Scripture and I know that it is all too easy to follow after the culture or loved ones' opinions.
If we are timid to depart from the traditions of men in annual observances then how more so with the status quo on how it looks at death? Popular opinion seems to have too much influence on even Christians.

News Item4/19/19 6:51 AM
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Hi John...I appreciate your input. I am in no way suggesting that Christians who have been burned are not resurrected but I think that, if given a choice, that we should, respectfully,bury the body.
Again, if this was not significant, God would not have given us so much information as He as in Scripture.
not ignoring you and appreciate your well wishing. My concern is with the majority of churches which lead so many astray in the guise of Christianity.
It is not surprising that you find as a common denominator among them- worldly "Christian" music, perverted Bible versions, women preachers and "Jesus" pictures.

News Item4/19/19 4:45 AM
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Thank you, Hugh, for your input. Even God did bury Moses and if one searches the Scriptures, they will see that burial was not insignificant.
My concern with the cremation craze is that it makes it easier for people to have little regard for the natural body...this is why we see such heinous actions as people disposing babies down the toilet and people calling unborn babies "fetuses"...and, of course,the general disregard for the elderly and disabled while they yet live.
I wonder how many would be comfortable burning the body of their child after his/her death?
The natural body is sown and there is, as you say, a resurrection of the body. After Christ died on the cross there was a great earthquake and many came out of their graves to stroll around Jerusalem.

News Item4/18/19 4:28 AM
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John and Dolores-
You could opt to be cremated in a boiler.
You did not read everything to properly draw your conclusion.
The answer would be there are very few which one could say something positive but there are some...much like the churches addressed in Revelation.

News Item4/17/19 11:21 AM
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If the flag merely has the rainbow colors on it then just place Scripture around it which speaks of what the rainbow really represents.
The rainbow doesn't belong to sodomites.
Truth is still truth.
"Gay" has been hijacked but in Scripture it still means lighthearted. Otherwise, people who profess to be Christian have allowed sodomites to corrupt the Word.
Why go along with other people's agenda.
Wear rainbow colors and tell people what they really represent.

News Item4/17/19 11:13 AM
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God's people were BURIED in caves...
Genesis 49:29-32

29 And he charged them, and said unto them, I am to be gathered unto my people: bury me with my fathers in the cave that is in the field of Ephron the Hittite,

30 In the cave that is in the field of Machpelah, which is before Mamre, in the land of Canaan, which Abraham bought with the field of Ephron the Hittite for a possession of a buryingplace.

31 There they buried Abraham and Sarah his wife; there they buried Isaac and Rebekah his wife; and there I buried Leah.

If one studies Scripture, one can see that burial was the preferred way and loved ones went to great lengths to prepare the body,no less.
Burial is a picture of resurrection.
Charring and utterly destroying a body is something that pagans can appreciate.
Following the pattern set before us in Scripture would be better than following after the way of the heathen, if given a choice.

News Item4/17/19 7:16 AM
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Adriel- while there are a couple of incidents of cremation. Clearly, these were not preferable but allowances.
Most churches around my area are probably much like most churches everywhere else.
They are out of touch with the needs around many around them and they put on their shows, living ,indistinguishably, like the world...embracing their idols and unholy days following a liturgical calendar courtesy of the RCs.
There are exceptions as far as teaching.
I know of 3 churches that are very sound in their teaching and they do some outreach. The others that I am familiar with are, which are quite a few, preach a watered down gospel and only reach out insofar as they get their young musicians to do contemporary junk at a local nursing home every 3 weeks or so. Even people at the nursing homes are turned off and often the only "preaching" which they have access to is the local RC church coming in trying to confuse them even further.
Of course, all one has to do is search for churches and pull them up...sadly, most look like social clubs with everyone wearing skinny jeans...a kind of "k-love", cookie cutter mold, complete with perverted Bible versions. Even Christian radio is mostly tainted with a couple of exceptions.

News Item4/16/19 11:55 AM
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Couldn't agree with you more, John Lee.

News Item4/16/19 10:14 AM
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Oh, that's right. It's worse than a bonfire.
...just trying to demonstrate the callousness, John.
Burning a body is not respectful.
The Bible says dust to dust not dust to ashes. I understand that some have been burned in their deaths but intentionally burning a body is something else.
...same line of reasoning for fewer funerals. So many families don't care for their own which is why you see so many people stuck in nursing homes.
Sadly, you may be hard pressed to see any care for others in many churches. People gather together and go through the spiel and separate, going their own ways.
We've come a long way from the church in Acts.

News Item4/16/19 9:51 AM
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I'm surprised people don't toast marshmallows in the oven they're frying their loved one.

News Item4/15/19 12:15 PM
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the doc sounds like he could have been one of Job's "friends"
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