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Survey11/21/07 1:31 PM
Linda | Pennsyltucky  Find all comments by Linda
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Dr. Yamil Luciano wrote:
Oh. Ok. I apologize for the confusion. I shoild have read more carefully, Linda.

This is the depravity of the Calvinists. You do not have to agree with me to be a man of God, but the least you can do is to be honest.

Bro. Yamil:
I was wondering if I could have your permission to print off some of your early posts explaining the Bible's commands concerning divorce and remarriage. I really studied yours and the others--looked up the scriptures and read the context surrounding them as well--and yours is excellent. There are a lot of questions answered that some others are wondering about, and Seth would be interested in it as well.

Survey11/21/07 10:39 AM
Linda | Pennsyltucky  Find all comments by Linda
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Linda wrote:
Dear Bro. Yamil:
Please forgive me! That isn't what I was trying to say to you. I was trying to agree with you in all points. I was referring to the other comments.
I DO agree with you. I was trying to point you out as some one who DOES admit he's a sinner. My criticism was directed to those who keep justifying their "victimhood". See, I used to think like them; that I deserved some exclusion. But the fact is, and only God and I know this, I really deserve what I got. And now I'm sorry. And forgiven. I just went out soulwinning this morning it was great.
Please forgive the misunderstanding. I really don't know how that happened
OK where is everybody.

Survey11/20/07 3:39 PM
Linda | Pennsyltucky  Find all comments by Linda
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Dear Bro. Yamil:
Please forgive me! That isn't what I was trying to say to you. I was trying to agree with you in all points. I was referring to the other comments.
I DO agree with you. I was trying to point you out as some one who DOES admit he's a sinner. My criticism was directed to those who keep justifying their "victimhood". See, I used to think like them; that I deserved some exclusion. But the fact is, and only God and I know this, I really deserve what I got. And now I'm sorry. And forgiven. I just went out soulwinning this morning it was great.
Please forgive the misunderstanding. I really don't know how that happened

Survey11/20/07 10:49 AM
Linda | Pennsyltucky  Find all comments by Linda
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To Bro. Yamil:
Again, I keep seeing the same stuff reiterated. You are the only one who calls himself a sinner. You are the only one not thanking God that you are not a sinner like someone else. He designed me to only be knowledgable about my own thought life and deceitful heart, therefore, I can only pass judgement upon me. I used to think like that, too, because I had at one time created God in my own image. Well, what a disappointing god that was, because I am weak and puny. Everything I was for, my god was for. Everything I was against, ditto. Then one day I found out the hard way why my god keeps failing me and I was such a sad victim. It was me all along! Self is such an unmerciful god. The Real God is so patient and kind. A lot of people will be surprised at judgment when their THOUGHT LIFE and the adultery committed therin is revealed. There are none righteous, no not one. They need to listen to Seth's sermon.

Survey11/19/07 6:27 PM
Linda | Pennsyltucky  Find all comments by Linda
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Dr. Yamil Luciano wrote:
We are not in Latin countrys, so you can put away the smoke screen now.
God's principles transcend culture. It comes down to whether we are going to allow God to mean what he states and state what he means no matter how big the cross is which one must bear.
QUOTE]Some questions for Dr. Yamil Luciano:
Why is it everyone wants to create an exception to God's rules? I thought the law is absolute truth, and exceptions take away that "absolute-ness". My sin was not something I tried to bargain with God on, or make myself exempt on the basis of special circumstances; we don't try to get Him to forget it; the sentence cannot be reduced; it had to be paid for! In full! and it already was by Jesus Christ God the Son!! He wants to forgive; why do people try to force God to accept them on their terms? And isn't Romans 10:3, I mean taken in context, talking about the Jews making their own salvation and rejecting the Gospel and not about the divorce issue? Please tell me if I'm off on this.
I'd also love to know the rest of what you were going to write on your post about Seth's sermon. Thanks!!

Survey11/19/07 2:31 PM
Linda | Pennsyltucky  Find all comments by Linda
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The unthinkable happened: drinking, drugs, lies, smoking--all of which I could seem to make a "fight for survival", but when adultery was confirmed, that was it. I put up with 5 years more, then divorced him. Kids devastated, scattered. I said to God: I quit you, too. I said II Cor. 5:17 isn't true. You're not my God(that's right-I was my god)--go away. (But I shut out "I will not leave thee nor forsake thee".) I got even. I remarried the day after my divorce. My kids' dad killed himself. My kids blamed me. I did, too. I was cut off from them. In a moment of truth, after all the horror of it all and even contemplating suicide myself--I flung my wretched self on the mercy seat of God--I mean, ALL OF ME. I tried to go to church; someone said they couldn't believe I had the nerve to come to church. But I learned from Hannah (I Sam.)how to pray right. I went away from the altar for the first time with joy. Today, my 5kids have returned to God and to me. I go to an Independent, Fundamental Baptist Church where I am privileged to go soulwinning every Tuesday, and, God must forgive because I have witnessed salvations on my watch that only rival my own! Divorce is always a sin, but He is faithful and just to forgive sin!!! (See "The Truth Shall Set You Free" by Seth

Survey11/19/07 12:51 PM
Linda | Pennsyltucky  Find all comments by Linda
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Thank you for listening to my son's sermon! It's funny, I can remember teaching him memory verses from the time he could barely talk; now, as a man of God, he teaches me.
As I said before, I studied all the arguments to date on this thread, and yours seems the most consistent with the scriptures, as does Seth's.
The misinterpretation that he expounded on, about Matt.5:32, has wreaked unspeakable havoc in my life. My parents thought the same thing. They were married 30 yrs w/5 kids. My mom was unfaithful, and my dad even hired a private eye to make sure. They divorced. My dad, a Christian man, believed this misinterpretation. On my mom's deathbed 8 yrs later, she confessed (right in front of my step-dad) that my dad was the love of her life and she's so sorry. Two years ago, on my dad's deathbed, even though he had remarried a wife for 32 yrs--said the SAME THING about my mom--he died at age 82 loving her. See, they were a slave to a lie. I was, too. I divorced once as a lost person because I was cheated on, and once as a Christian same reason. My Christian husband, who, after serving God faithfully, marrying me and adopting my 1st 2 kids, and being the best husband I could dream of, turned against God (the same year Seth was called to preach at age 15). (con't)

Survey11/16/07 11:23 AM
Linda | Pennsyltucky  Find all comments by Linda
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Weapon of Mass Instruction wrote:
yes, anymore final comment?
I have a favor to ask of Bro. Weapon of M. I. : I'm not very good at this stuff, but you probably know better how to do this. I would like you to listen to a sermon on sermon audio by Pastor Seth Hawkins. It's sermon #114071249477 and it's called "You have heard that it was said, but I say...." The only way I can find a list of his sermons is to type in Faith to Folly and follow the links there. You're a lot smarter at this than I am, I'm sure! Anyhow, I'd like to hear what you think of it. Then I have some questions for you that I think you could put to rest in my mind. I just discovered this thread thing and I just spent the last 4 days carefully reading every single post on it, from 2005. You are consistent, and I believe you are right. If you listen to this sermon, Pastor Seth describes my situation perfectly. And he should know; he's my son. He is only 28 years old, but wise for his years. I look forward to hearing your opinion.

Survey11/15/07 8:21 PM
Linda  Find all comments by Linda
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Dessie wrote:
I guess it is good to know someone
who is without sin.
By the way, I was not trying to defend
sin, and I do not need to ease my
You took what I said completely out of
context. I said "second" time not
"third or tenth"
Yes, I KNOW that the Lord will not divorce HIS bride. It is not even
possible since we have been there since before the foundation of the world...
God Bless...Last word from me.
THANK YOU! (I mean, for it being your final comment)

Survey11/14/07 4:32 PM
Linda  Find all comments by Linda
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Arthur wrote:
Dynamic Equivalence arrived around the middle of the 20th century.
Is'nt it amazing that the Lord waited until then to enable His Church to read the Bible????????
KJV readers of course trust the Holy Spirit for revelation and wisdom!!
As Jesus said divorce was provided by Moses for a particular reason - Hard Hearts!!
With the increase in secular society and liberal attitudes in the Church, we will experience a lot more hard hearted attitudes in society today.
And a lot less Biblical authority!!
AMEN concerning KJB!!!!!

Survey11/12/07 12:34 PM
Linda  Find all comments by Linda
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I have a question for Bro. Ramon. Do you think God considered David to be an adulterer because he had many wives and concubines, or just because of his affair with Bathsheba? I was always kind of confused that God doesn't seem to get as upset with men having multiple wives as other issues. I understand Bathsheba was married to Uriah, and he consequently murdered to cover up the affair; but even Abraham had concubines after Sarah died. Is there a difference between old testament adultery/fornication and new testament?

Sermon3/16/07 12:10 PM
Linda | Oregon---USA  Find all comments by Linda
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I would like to see this sermon offered in a PDF format... Linda
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