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News Item1/9/08 8:14 PM
terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by terry evans
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terry evans wrote:
Good point
Never thought of that, really
I'll reread and get back to you
Can't find the verse
to forsake the gathering, you know the verse
Do you know?

thanks....(Hebrews 10:25, cool, thanks)

I agree, the Bible says there will be tares among, but not the majority
Thats what I refer to,
, I am going to forego fellowship with other like minded believers
(like minded with who)
because of someone in the church is not to my standards
(not talking someone, I mean many)
(to my standards, ? from the little you may know of me, by my comments, do I meet your standards)

? Ok, so I go to the sports bar, golf club or sporting events to serve God.
What about home churches, good thing?


News Item1/9/08 6:52 PM
terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by terry evans
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ErnieG wrote:
He would probably be the other one I would consider, but I don't believe he takes the stand for Christ that Mike Huckabee does. Remember, we are dealing with Politicians that have allowed Muslims and Hindus to be chaplains in our military! A Hindu even open with "prayer" in the Senate so just what is next if we are ashamed of naming Christ in our prayers!!!
Good advise
Thanks Ernie

News Item1/9/08 6:45 PM
terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by terry evans
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lyn wrote:
I think it's interesting that the only time you hear from the loyal followers of the RCC is when there's a news story pertaining to them. Take note of all the other stories available, for instance, Christian persecution, homosexuality, violence, etc. They are silent on these issues. How sad to be so selfish and self-centered as to think so little of what's happening to human beings in our world. Christ commands us to deny self, pick up our cross and follow Him. Truly, the body of Christ will do just that. Wisdom is proved right by her actions.
Motives become clear, if you watch

Survey1/9/08 6:36 PM
terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by terry evans
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Weapon of Mass Instruction wrote:
So what do you subscribe? A hard-to-get believism?
No, but the Bible does
To die, its not easy

Hi Doc

News Item1/9/08 6:31 PM
terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by terry evans
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Mike wrote:
"Would someone show me that in the Bible
And please don't use
to forsake the gathering, you know the verse Im sure.
Forsake means just that,
don't prevent, encourage against,
Does not mean GO, NT, Thanks
Forsake also means abandon.
Good point
Never thought of that, really
I'll reread and get back to you

News Item1/9/08 6:26 PM
terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by terry evans
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Mike wrote:
If it were truly ladies,not feminists, that wouldn't be a problem. But never fear, feminists don't have that many votes.
Mabe full blown ones, but alot of allmostes.
When I go to work in the am most of the
drivers in other cars are women, dressed for work.
Are they all single, or being a good help?
Most of the females I work with are married, they work to buy cool stuff,
pay for the second car, a bigger home
with a bigger morgage, better whatever.
Anything to worry about, no
For it is written.

News Item1/9/08 6:05 PM
terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by terry evans
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Garden wrote:
The growing Liberalism in many churches in towns and cities across the land, is one of the reasons for real Christians to reject the local "buildings"
One couple I heard of went to eleven churches in their city and found them all to be of Liberal persuasion.
What then is the real Christian to do?
(Some have started house churches)
Yet alot continue to attend and tithe
at a church were they don't agree with doctrine.

I mean they say they must go to church

Home churches are Biblical, must only
teach the Word.
Home churches should keep other home churchs informed of their teaching.
That way
it helps keeping docturne sound
its a great way for fellowship.

Most so called churches are full of tares, most teach some sound doctrine,
most could care less about you and your
spiritual walk(your just part of the
crowd), most have at least one thing
someone must do to prove there saved.

Would someone show me that in the Bible
And please don't use
to forsake the gathering, you know the verse Im sure.
Forsake means just that,
don't prevent, encourage against,
Does not mean GO,
And what about a christian who does not attend a "formal" church. Are they saved? NT, Thanks


News Item1/9/08 5:44 PM
terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by terry evans
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enough already wrote:
We don't have the capability to change a heart, however, if we give the gospel as it is written, God will convict a lost person of sin, through His Holy Spirit. Too many are forgetting the first sermon our Lord ever preached, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" Matt. 4:17. Here's a wonderful recipe by Thomas Watson from his 'Doctrine of Repentance'...Repentance is a grace of God's Spirit, whereby a sinner is inwardly humbled ..spiritual medicine made up of six special ingredients:
1. Sight of sin
2. Sorrow for sin
3. Confession of sin
4. Shame for sin
5. Hatred for sin
6. Turning from sin
If any ingredient is left out, it loses its virtue.
This is a most unpopular message in today's arrogant, selfish, ...(edit). Praise God for all who hold fast to His word, proclaiming it fearlessly and boldly, as we should.
Yet they continue to persaude

2 Timothy 2
25In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;
26And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are TAKEN CAPTIVE BY HIM AT WILL

if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth

not us

Survey1/8/08 6:24 PM
terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by terry evans
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JD wrote:
Very Confused
There is NO covenant of grace in the Holy Scriptures

Abraham was a Jew. Where did you get that

Are you too confused to know

I am out for the day!

This could just be the Holy Spirt
Not even a calvinist knows for sure
I don't either

Take the time you need, just in case.
Don't be quick to anger
As for myself and others I'm sure, while in prayer, your name does come up.


News Item1/8/08 6:13 PM
terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by terry evans
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ErnieG wrote:
Mike Huckabee should win the votes of Professing Christians if they are truly concerned about putting Jesus Christ first for the country's well being. (It is not anything new for Politicians to talk from both sides of their mouth to get elected.)
Mr. Huckabee just won my vote as I was unsure who to vote for as the rest of the issues mean nothing if the man does not use God and country in his campaign. I could care less about his stance on other issues, because if he is seeking answers from the Almighty God of the Bible on them, I can live with that over all the other pretenders!!
And that is my humble opinion, and if you don't like it, I have plenty more!
you go Ernie

I still like Ron Paul, any thoughts?

News Item1/8/08 6:01 PM
terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by terry evans
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quote wrote:
Vatican website:
I. "You Shall Worship the Lord Your God and Him Only Shall You Serve"
II. "Him Only Shall You Serve"
III. "You Shall Have No Other Gods before Me"
IV. "You Shall Not Make for Yourself a Graven Image"
I. The Name of the Lord Is Holy
II. Taking the Name of the Lord in Vain
III. The Christian Name
2132 The Christian veneration of images is not contrary to the first commandment which proscribes idols. Indeed, "the honor rendered to an image passes to its prototype," and "whoever venerates an image venerates the person portrayed in it."
2141 The veneration of sacred images is based on the mystery of the Incarnation of the Word of God. It is not contrary to the first commandment.
New Advent website:
2nd Council of Nicea 788 A.D.
Canon 7: Relics are to be placed in all churches: no church is to be consecrated without relics.
Canon 9: All writings against the venerable images are to be surrendered, to be shut up with other heretical books.

News Item1/8/08 5:53 PM
terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by terry evans
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By Your Standards, Not Elect wrote:
I think the truth is out now. AVA here is Jack Chick. May I call you by your first name, Jack?
May I call you jack
Jack take me out to the ball game
I kinda liked bob though

News Item1/8/08 7:43 AM
terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by terry evans
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Sir Straightforward wrote:
Actually it's more apostate-matic than anything else!
kinda fun, huh

News Item1/8/08 7:32 AM
terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by terry evans
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davey wrote:
"Terv" means hi or goodbye depending if you are meeting a person or leaving. Terv, davey

Survey1/8/08 7:32 AM
terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by terry evans
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savedbygrace wrote:
Terry Evans,
Homosexual Marriage is a grotesque sin.
Does Mr. Paul support it?
The slaughter of innocent unborn children from conception(God knew Jeremiah before he was born; check out Psalm 139)to birth is a grotesque sin.
Does Mr. Paul believe the murder of an unborn child at conception with the morning after pill is of a "lesser" degree than say in the third trimester?
As far as the sale of narcotics it sounds a little like Clintonian logic.
Remember when Bill Clinton's Health Sec., Mr. Sullivan, dispatched vans full of clean hypodermic needles in N.Y.C., to hand out to the drug addicts? This was his incredible remedy to the aids crisis.
Have you googled the 118 Exclusive Interview yet? It's really not that long.
JOB 1:8
thanks for caring

News Item1/8/08 7:30 AM
terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by terry evans
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kenny wrote:
Again, Terry, more childish pratter.
Please define 'homophobia'. A fear of sodomites? You bet I am. I have seen the results of their behavior (it's not a 'lifestyle'-it's a behavior: sodomy).
You are great at throwing mindless barbs but say absolutely nothing of any substance.
Please explain to me where I am incorrect. Use sentences (for a change). Use logic. Use Scripture. Keep in mind what God did with sodomites in the Old Testament and how Paul uses their behavior as a measuring stick for evil behavior in Romans 1.
Anyone can make 3 word smart alec cutesy pie insults. Try expressing lucid thoughts in a comprehensible form.
your point?

News Item1/7/08 11:25 PM
terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by terry evans
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kenny wrote:
terry evans:
I don't hate anybody. I am disgusted by sodomite behavior. I do not want to see it, hear about it, know about it or be exposed to it in any way. That's not hate. That's good judgment. Discernment.
The next time there is a thread on SA regarding the shortcomings of government education, I'll try to remember to cut and paste this last post of yours into it. It will make my point perfectly. (I strongly discriminate against government schools. They are anti-Christ).
1 John 4.1-6
Now I think I'll go 'goggle' something.
no thats not hate thats homophobia
glad to be of help

1 John 4 - you forgot the rest, context

7But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.

8If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

9If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

10If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.

want it stright up kenny
you make Him a liar
and His Word is not in you.

Have a nice day, see I discriminate
against the darkness

Survey1/7/08 11:10 PM
terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by terry evans
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JD wrote:
Have you noticed that hardly anyone responds to your comments? Do you think it is because you don't make much sense?
Back to ignore mode
Thanks, Praise God

What can they say
I'm not here because I'm looking
for love.
Allthough I would like to marry,
know any good christian girls, sorry
forgot who I was talking to.

I'm here to let my little light shine
but then the darkness hates the light
see jd, the Holy Spirit has to work
on an individual, not me.

I, pray, and always use Gods Word as source material while online.
To be honest, I amaze myself.
Sometimes, I guess its just me but
I can't believe I write half the stuff I do either, do you understand

If you notice, My comments are
1. supportive, meant as an encouragment
to someone truly Christ like. Its hard
being a christian, sometimes its like
being on the endangered species list
2. convicting, everyone, myself included
says something stupid, usually that happens when people go fleshly because
of frustration. When it goes to far I say something
3. rebuking, my best, but thank God
instead of hurting and destroying peoples lives with my wit, I use it against those who preach another gospel

So the way I see it, I'm no fun
But you are.

News Item1/7/08 10:35 PM
terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by terry evans
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kenny wrote:
terry evans:
Don't just try to be cute and glib to express your disagreement. Please explain to me
Can you define 'discrimination
How am I wrong? Why exactly is it wrong for me to discriminate against
Do me one favor, read my comment1/7/08 4:20 PM, before your last one.
Please, read it now, I'll wait.
Did you see
But God Hates IT, hence some chistians
may stumble and hate the sinner

12/31/07 5:20 PM -my take
Is this from you also?
. God does not tolerate sin
Thats true, and every one has and
does, even the BEST (no such thing)
christian will sin, even if they don't know it.
So God is JUST, He is no biggot. A just judge.
He does not discriminate, nor does he
tell you to.
Your like 180 out.

Can you define 'discrimination
Yes, Kenny I can
But don't take my word for it
goggle it

Don't just try to be cute (glib?)
OK, I tend to see it as being nice
I could do like you and throw out a
verse or two and tell you your going to hell.
Kenny, as a all american boy, I fell in love(lust)at maybe 7 years old, funny
at that time I liked older girls(I'm MALE) but my last wife was half my age.
My point, by 10 years old I knew all
about fags and queers, back then they were far from gay. And I hated them

News Item1/7/08 9:53 PM
terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by terry evans
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Someone wrote
What is wrong with discriminating
(If your a christian everything.)

I discriminated when I chose my wife. I could have chosen many others
(So much could be said here, you have my sympathy Jo Anne)
Way to much PRIDE dude.

I discriminate when I go to a restaurant. I choose what I want from the menu. That means I discriminate against all of the stuff I didn't order
(ok, the other food, they don't know that, so there not upset.)
To dislike meatballs, is not discrimination.

I discriminated when I chose my neighborhood. I chose a nice, clean area with good neighbors
(again so much, good thing they don't
discriminate also.)
I think you moved there because its a better place than a bad, dirty area with bad neighbors.

Maybe your just using the wrong word

. They repulse me. I INTENTIONALLY discriminate against them.

No, I think your using the right word.

Do you know Jesus Saves

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